
The Mystical universe

To reach the end of the martial way, for enlightment demands a clear mind, ones heart must be true. True is my love for the spear, my curiosity for the martial path, my will to reach the pinnacle. With a spear like a dragon, soaring the firmament, my path to the peak is one to behold. Follow Kaeln Sunblaze and his entourage through a journey of wondrous mysteries, epic battles with divine beings, monstrous talents, mythical beasts, revenge against a powerful ennemy, love and companionship.

Daoistgrandmist · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Clash with the peerless beauty, Raizel's rampage

High above the purple mountain, a giant white crane hovered in the sky as each flap of its wings caused turbulent wind tornadoes that spun endlessly. Below it, a silver figure could be seen flying towards it at high speed. In a few seconds, a peerless woman appeared in everyone's view. She hovered above the head of the bird for a few seconds. Sensing her presence, the poor bird started shivering intensely, causing the people on its back to almost fall into emptiness.

"Xiao bai, calm down! Steady, steady!" Yu Hao shouts loudly, trying to calm the terrified bird, but to no avail, as the pressure brought by the peerless woman was too much.

Seeing the chaotic scene, the peerless woman approaches the bird's head and slightly caresses it. "It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you," her enchanting voice quickly calms it down.

As the bird regains its senses, the woman strides on its back, heading toward the stunned group. "Disciple Yu Hao greets Elder Miao," kneeling down and cupping his fist, the valiant young disciple greets her. "Hm," she nods at the respectful gesture. She slowly approached the girl still kissing the boy, feeding the pill to him.

She stood quietly looking at the romantic scene.

Sensing a familiar presence, Su Yao stopped and looked up. Her eyes widened as her face turned a deep red. "Ha! Big sister Miao! What are you… why are you… Did you—" Taken by surprise and embarrassed, she stumbled on her words, not finishing her sentence.

"Calm down, Yao'er. Since I caused the situation, I came to help. You fed him quite the powerful pill. Normally, pills reaching six divine inscriptions are made by minimum Extreme Earthly Dan masters and can only be ingested by cultivators at the Intent materialization Realm. It may be a bit too strong for such a young boy, so I came to assist in helping him digest the pill, as an apology for my carelessness," beholding the abashed young maiden, the peerless beauty softly says, her voice as soothing as the sound of ocean waves. "Step back, you've done enough," she said smiling, shocking the surrounding Yu Hao and Torin by her sheer beauty.

As the young maiden took a step back to let the woman continue her work, a pretty purple-haired boy briskly stood in front of her. Deep anger could be seen on his face. As if reacting to his fury, his blood started to boil, and the surrounding qi quickly gathered around them. The clouds in the sky started to group together, forming thunderclouds and covering the area in their shadow, darkening the surroundings.

The mysterious eyes of the attractive young boy started to flicker, as one of the purple irises turned gold; purple lightning flickering in the left purple eye, gold lightning in the other. A heaven-shaking might immediately covered everyone within a ten-mile radius, affecting even the practicing girls of the purple mountain below the crane.

Speaking of the crane, having finally regained its calm, it started shaking once again as a bloodline suppressing feeling invaded its entire being, making it immediately pass out, its body falling toward the purple mountain.

"Shit, What the hell is happening? Why do things keep getting worse? Xiao Bai! Xiao Bai!" Shouting endlessly, Yu Hao tried to awaken the passed-out crane, but unfortunately, the shock it had to bear was too much in less than three minutes. Its originally blue eyes were plain white, no sign of consciousness in sight.

Gravity doing its thing, the bird landed in the open field where hundreds of beautiful maidens were practicing their arts. A loud noise and the huge shadow of the falling bird immediately startled everyone. The six people originally atop the bird now tumbled off its back, landing on the ground of the open field.

Rai, still standing in front of the woman blocking her advancement, finally started speaking. "Did you do this?" Everyone heard his young and slightly immature voice. Despite sounding young, no one could look down on this young boy who was currently surrounded by purple and gold lightning snakes, a heaven-shaking might emanating from his body, creating a powerful pressure that caved the ground surrounding them. Loud sounds of rocks being crushed reverberated as the ground shook.

Receiving the full might of this powerful pressure, Elder Miao stood expressionless. A sacred-like golden-white aura surrounded her, protecting her from the pressure. "What horrible bloodline pressure, it seems to be equal or even above mine. And that golden lightning... a divine might? Weird, although powerful, his bloodline should not have affected the Blue-eyed Profound Crane to such an extent, as human bloodlines can't suppress beasts to this level and divine might doesn't have that effect either. There must be another dormant aura within him. A second bloodline? Lord! Who fostered such a monster?" Despite her expressionless face, deep shock raged within the peerless woman as she observed the young boy blocking her way.

"Sight… this is getting troublesome. Look boy, it was indeed me who caused your friend to be in that state."

Before she could continue, a purple-gold flash appeared in front of her, as a fist covered in gold and purple lightning smashed toward her peerless face, with no care whatsoever of damaging heaven's greatest gift.

With a thought, the sacred white Qi surrounding the beauty blocked the small fist. The already caving ground immediately caved much more as the might of the fist and the sacred Qi erupted. A five-meter deep gulf formed below the two. This sight shook the onlookers.

"Isn't that Elder Miao? Gosh, she's so beautiful. Who's that young boy? He dared to strike her with such strength?"

"Hmm, guessing from his age he must be new. Are all the new disciples that strong?"

"Not at all, don't you see those purple and gold lightning snakes? They are probably caused by his bloodline, since Houtian foundation realm martial artists can't use elemental qi. Only strong disciples at the Elemental Awakening stage can use elements to fight. Still, those lightning snakes are so powerful; they're sending shivers down my spine. He must have an outrageously powerful bloodline," explained one of the older-looking maidens, as she too stood witnessing the battle taking place in front of them.

Seeing his fist not able to get past the qi wall, Rai shouted loudly, increasing the might of his fists as he unleashed a fury of strikes at different angles, aiming for the beauty's head. Reacting, the woman lifted her palm surrounded in sacred white qi as she easily blocked every single fist, redirecting the excess energy aside.

A testament to Raizel's might, each excess fist energy tossed aside by the beauty created a five-meter deep hole in the ground. In quick succession, Raizel unleashed more than a few dozen fists, all easily cast aside by the woman, creating dozens of holes around them.

"Ahhh!" A scream is heard as one of the fist intents crashes near a disciple, who falls on her back, seeming horrified as she gazes at the deep gulf in front of her. Noticing that people are getting affected, the woman finally takes an offensive stance.

"Boy! If you keep rampaging like this, innocent people are gonna get hurt," she said, unleashing her might as a huge pressure suddenly falls on Rai, crushing his body on the ground, rendering him immobile. The boy struggles to stand. "Ugh...arghhh!"

Approaching the enraged boy, the peerless woman unleashed a pure ethereal qi towards the boy, calming him. "You've unleashed enough of your anger, and I willingly took your fists. Now you must calm down," her soft voice reverberates inside his mind through telepathy. Hesitant, the young boy slowly lifts his handsome face to look at the peerless beauty, finally taking the time to look at her. However, not impressed. It will take more than a pretty face to calm him down.

Despite not being blood brothers, Rai considers Kaeln as the most important person in his life together with his grandfather. He would never accept someone hurting one of them, regardless of who.

"I came to remedy my mistake; it was unintentionally that I injured your friend. Though Yao'er gave him medicine, it's too powerful and can cause more damage…" Sensing the seething rage within the purple and gold eyes of the boy, the woman adds.

"Bluaagh!!" As if proving her point, a noise is heard as Kaelen coughs out a mouthful of blood.

"I need to help him quickly, or the medicinal power will ravage him further, killing him in the process." Saying that, she releases the pressure on the boy, allowing him to stand.

Standing up, Rai turns to Kaelen, only to see his situation getting worse. Su Yao stood by the latters side, worry on her face. She looks at Rai, a shocked light flashing in her violet irises. "Elder sister Miao is not a bad person; she would've never hurt him willingly. You can trust her. Or at least, trust me," she says sincerely as she regains her composure, looking at the now calmer boy.

Seeing her sincere expression, the boy turns toward the woman. "Fine. If he dies today, you will too." he says calmly.

Nodding, the woman pays no mind to the pubescent boy's threat as she walks toward kaelen. She kneels close to the boy and places her palms on his abdominal area.