
New home

"Hi, I'm Jordan and I am an orphan." I read this words that I had written on my journal when I was newly brought to the orphanage. However, today I was opening a new page with my new parents.

My biological parents had died in a car accident ten years ago. It had been a sad and painful new, though now they're barely in my memory. I lived the years among people who were like me, no parents or relations in our lives. Our lives revolved only around the big building we lived in and knew nothing about the outside world, literally speaking.

I celebrated my seventeenth with my friends, Lilo, Katherine and Oliver. We were once a group of six but luckily Zach and Betty were adopted. Yes, luckily. In the orphanage it was like a dream to be adopted. We all wanted to live outside our usual surroundings and meet people. Don't get me wrong, even if someone wasn't adopted, at some age they'll be sent out to live independently, but then they'll be no parents or relation to show that warm love only a family could give. It's a world of choice anyway.

"Jordan?" I heard my name and hummed before turning to the direction of the call.

"Let's go, they are waiting." Sister Erica said as she stood by the door with her right hand on the door knob and her lips twitching into a smile. She was my favorite reverend sister among all. I closed my journal and tossed it into the big brown box on the floor, where I packed my stuffs, then took my backpack from the single bed and threw it on my shoulder before picking up the box and tailing behind sister Erica as we both left the room.

I felt my chest light up as I sight the two adults I was going to be handed over to, sitting by the hallway leading to the reception. The moment they felt our presence their face lit up with a smile and the feets stood them up in a welcoming manner.

"Mr and Mrs Moloney, I officially introduce you to Jordan, your official son." Sister Erica stated.

"Hi." I said nervously, bowing my head a little and raising the side of my lips. It wasn't me being all weird about trying to greet. It was me living those few moments in ten years where I have to speak to someone who wasn't in a black and white outfit and wearing a crucifix on their neck.

"How are you today Jordan?" Mrs Moloney asked with so much excitement in her eyes. She had ocean blue eyes that made her look so pretty with her blonde hair that matched her husband's who stood there staring at me, less enthusiastic.