
The Mystery Of The Werewolves

beasts that are not supposed to exist suddenly attack something important to him with the help of his system he should return them to where they belong... to hell(I took the image from curiosities about werewolves|terror amino jason voorhees...i think)

branco_veliz_4370 · Romance
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6 Chs

the old supremacist


It was the faint howls that could be heard before a huge blue whale fell on the poor unfortunates who couldn't move from the impact site in time so when the whale hit it was no surprise that they became a disaster of blood, bones and organs scattered around the floor of the clearing, in addition to the bloody scene a thick cloud of dust rose that made it impossible for the survivors to see the situation well.

So... tell me, who hurt my beloved, Marie...?- came a deep voice from the curtain of dust as a shadow slowly appeared that took on a humanoid shape while its steps could be heard thanks to the deathly silence due to the impact and the great sensation. of terror that invaded the werewolves at the thought of what could become that creature that fell and this voice that came out of the dust.

You... what the hell are you talking about? -Asked a werewolf with jet black fur larger than all the others so it could be assumed that he was the dominant alpha of the pack while trying to understand what that was referring to. Voice, as far as he knows his pack hadn't attacked anyone all week in fact his pack was one of the few packs that wants peace and coexistence with humans.

That seemed to annoy the shadow more than it seemed to be about to come out of the cloud of dust since where his eyes should be there was only a blue glow that intensified when the apparent leader spoke.

Jo… so you're saying that my Marie lied to me, is that right? -the voice seemed to be containing her anger while her temper currently seemed to be calm as the sea, but everyone present knew that this sea could become a terrible tidal wave at any second.

What? No I never said such a thing, hey... you-said the surprised wolf as he cursed his luck for meeting such an unreasonable person but he cursed it much more strongly thinking that this unreasonable person was stupidly powerful, so looking quickly around him looking for someone else to take with him he decided on one of the oldest in his pack, he chose him because in the past he discovered him trying to poison his partner.

Geh… what do you need from me, patriarch.-although the old man asked, he knew very well the reason… this bastard wanted to take him to hell with him.

Did you send to attack some... thing? -The wolf didn't seem very sure if what they had attacked was a human or maybe a vampire could also become an angel... raa! too many rasas in such a small world and on top of that they went to bother what could become a hidden power, ha... now he really curses having been born here and not in another race.

Well…-the old man was about to lie but he could feel that the shadow had all its attention on him, so fearing that the other party would discover his lie, he decided to tell the whole truth about the matter.

The truth is that yes, I did it behind the leader's back, in fact it was a few hours ago, it was a human woman... in fact I was fleeing from an enemy who had exterminated many of my guards minutes before, by the way that place is thirty-two minutes if we run at night, where there are fewer humans on the streets.-When the old man mentioned that he did it behind the patriarch's back, he began to growl as he gritted his teeth but when he mentioned that guards had died because of the The old man became much more furious and on top of that he fled instead of dying for the pack, as his guards had done, his brothers and his son... ah... his dear son, whom he had seen take his first steps, heard his first words He could no longer teach or tell him stories so it was obvious that he had to be held back by many werewolves to stop his attack on the old man.

Jo… so you're saying that my Marie lied to me, is that right? -the voice seemed to be containing her anger while her temper currently seemed to be calm as the sea, but everyone present knew that this sea could become a terrible tidal wave at any second.

Que? No I never said such a thing, hey... you-said the surprised wolf as he cursed his luck for meeting such an unreasonable person but he cursed it much more strongly thinking that this unreasonable person was stupidly powerful, so looking quickly around him looking for someone else to take with him he decided on one of the oldest in his pack, he chose him because in the past he discovered him trying to poison his partner.

Geh… what do you need from me, patriarch.-although the old man asked, he knew very well the reason… this bastard wanted to take him to hell with him.

Did you send to attack some... thing? -The wolf didn't seem very sure if what they had attacked was a human or maybe a vampire could also become an angel... raa! too many rasas in such a small world and on top of that they went to bother what could become a hidden power, ha... now he really curses having been born here and not in another race.

Well…-the old man was about to lie but he could feel that the shadow had all his attention on him, so fearing that the other party would discover his lie, he decided to tell the whole truth about the matter.

The truth is that yes, I did it behind the leader's back, in fact it was a few hours ago, it was a human woman... in fact I was fleeing from an enemy who had exterminated many of my guards minutes before, by the way that place is thirty-two minutes if we run at night, where there are fewer humans on the streets.-When the old man mentioned that he did it behind the patriarch's back, he began to growl as he gritted his teeth but when he mentioned that guards had died because of the The old man became much more furious and on top of that he fled instead of dying for the pack, as his guards had done, his brothers and his son... ah... his dear son, whom he had seen take his first steps, heard his first words He could no longer teach or tell him stories so it was obvious that he had to be held back by many werewolves to stop his attack on the old man.

I don't know if it takes me longer than usual but that's because I hit my liver, I mean I ate a lot of things that aren't healthy and now I'm going to the bathroom every few minutes, so remember kids eat your vegetables and pay attention their parents

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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