
The Mystery Of The Werewolves

beasts that are not supposed to exist suddenly attack something important to him with the help of his system he should return them to where they belong... to hell(I took the image from curiosities about werewolves|terror amino jason voorhees...i think)

branco_veliz_4370 · Romance
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6 Chs

the discovery

Inside a large building with a large sign that says "hawk's game" in the great city of new york at 3:25 AM you could see that most of its lights were on which meant that there were still many people working at these hours.

Inside the building.

A large number of people could be seen sitting in front of their monitors typing away very quickly, there were also some in front of the photocopiers making a large number of photocopies and quickly running to their cubicles to finish their work and there was also a small minority in front of of a small coffee machine having idle conversations and among them was a very curious one.

Hey did you hear about Marcelo? - a middle-aged man with brown hair with some gray scattered in some random places on his head asked another middle-aged man who looked much younger than him, with rare red hair combed neatly backwards, he also had a conspicuous patch covering his left eye.

huh? Who? The foreigner? -asked the man with a medium grave voice.

Hm… if you could say, because apparently he couldn't keep up and ended up in the hospital with severe blood poisoning, they say it's due to his poor diet as his diet was simply based on instant noodles and a few second-hand sodas hand apparently he was saving money for something, but I think he must have been on drugs because you know, here it is very depressing with the whole issue of those who died from overexertion and besides the boss seemed not to like him so his workload was heavier than most of us.-he told her everything he knew about the case of his colleague who had just started working six months ago.

Well then I'll send him some balloons but I think he was just looking for that thing that the boss doesn't like him I say, no, who comes up with the idea of ​​going after his boss's daughter as soon as you start working, I don't know if that boy I was brave or stupid.- He commented normally at first but then as he continued speaking his voice began to contain a large amount of sarcasm and mockery.

Hm… yes I think you're right but tell me when you will send the balloons so if we send them together I was going to send him some tulips and a small box of chocolates.-he said at first thinking that that made sense and then because of his voice he began to sound a little excited.

Wow, stop there, Romeo, you're sure you don't want to declare your feelings to him by the way.- the man with red hair mocked because that seemed more like something that someone who declares himself would do instead of a "get well soon" gift.

Ah... you know that's not what I meant.-He realized that if it seemed more like a declaration of love than a "get well soon" gift, he also felt a little embarrassed as he listened to the not-so-disguised laughter of his companions.

Maybe I should go renting a club for Richard's bachelor party don't you think Joshua-a voice sounded from the coffee machine and behind the now identified Richard.

Yes while I get the suit and the dress for the wedding, but now a question arises Who will be the man in the relationship? - answered the red-haired man now called Joshua with a great unhidden mockery in his voice.

Hey, stop making fun of me, I was just worried about Marcelo, do you know how he was when I went to visit him? His skin was paler than death, with all the hoses that were stuck in him he looked more like a porcupine than a human, some giving him air, since apparently on the third day his breathing had begun to slow down slowly but steadily, It was slowing down so they had to connect him to an oxygen machine, and that plus the serum and the blood that they were injecting him ended up giving him the image of a porcupine that I mentioned to you-Richard said with annoyance and as he continued speaking his voice began to get a great feeling of regret for not having tried to help the new worker who had only started six months ago but could barely keep up with all the work he had.

It's okay, I'm sorry, I just wanted to lift everyone's spirits a bit-said Joshua while scratching the back of his neck embarrassed.

HEY, YOUR RECESS IS OVER!-a shout came from the back where there was a big door with a small window that had "manager" written on it.

You heard people let's go back to work-the man who had joked with Richard spoke to everyone who was near the coffee machine with a pessimistic voice.


Most of them had already gone home after finishing their respective jobs, although there were still a lot of 10 or more people doing the little work they had left, one of them was Joshua who was already finishing.

(I wonder if Marie is waiting for me with one of her special breakfasts) Joshua thought hoping that his wife had already woken up and prepared one of her special breakfasts which consisted of heart-shaped toast and fried eggs with bacon and Orange juice.

Well… with that you should be ready- quickly typing a few more words, he finished his work.

See you guys at night-he said goodbye to his colleagues who stayed a little longer in the office.

bye josh...

Rest well because it seems that much more work will come to us…


Those and more greetings Joshua could hear as he got on the elevator and pressed the lower button.

7:37 AM

TAXI!-Joshua yelled as he raised his thumb.

Until mooklinham-Joshua requested as he entered the taxi.

Of course…

7:49 AM

Thanks, here you are- Joshua said as he handed the taxi driver a $39 bill.

But sir...

No problem, but don't tell my wife, okay? -said Joshua as he put a finger in front of his lips.

Yes sir

As Joshua approached the entrance to his apartment he felt a bad omen, something that made his chest tighten with every step towards his door, whatever it was he knew it bothered him a lot.

Joshua POV

When I arrived in front of the door of my apartment, as I felt that the feeling that I had in my chest was getting stronger, I had to look around to make sure that there was nothing strange in the surroundings, but the only thing I could see around me were the cars. of my neighbors in fact after I took a second look I could see that Richard's car was parked in such a way that one would not notice it if one did not look very well… but what was Richard doing here so early?

Deciding quickly I chose to enter quietly instead of announcing my arrival as I always do, I opened the door as quietly as possible so as not to alert those inside the apartment.

Once inside the apartment, I noticed that only the light in the dining room (it was just a small room) was on, so I approached the door as quietly as possible and during the little trip I heard a small sound that resembled a small doorbell and Every time I listened to it, I felt that it was easier for me to hide, but before I began to study this thing about the doorbell, I could hear something.

Joshua pov end

inside the dining room

Listen, Marie, you can't even tell Joshua this, you understand, right? -Richard spoke with seriousness oozing in his voice.

But why? Look at you, let me at least tell Joshua so he knows about the danger that awaits him, don't you think so? I mean if not even you can come out completely unscathed from a fight against that-Marie said in an attempt to convince Richard that she will allow him to tell Joshua so if she would calm down a little the concern she felt, since in fact Richard was covered of scratches from which for some strange reason black blood came out instead of the usual red blood

No, Marie, I can't tell you... if I could I would have told you a long time ago, when I made my first contact with this creature that I recently started calling a "werewolf" because of its hairy humanoid appearance and the presence of fangs that grow. they resemble those of the wolf-said Richard without explaining very well the reason why he had not told him at the beginning of everything.

Tap Tap

who's there? -Richard asked as he took out from under his jacket a revolver with a barrel modified in such a way that it is longer than usual for a greater range.

Joshua POV

<insufficient mana to keep skill in use: stealth/level3/>

<automatically deactivating skill: stealth/level 3/ until mana reserves have fully recharged>

But what the hell...?-I said puzzled by the strange translucent screen of a light green color that had strange things written like "mana", "stealth" and others.