

Ms moriah was not the one to to be so strict but for some reason today she was.

" White would you like to tell me why you wandered off " she said in a sudden outburst taken aback by what ms moriah tone she said "No Offense But its none of your buisness!" Ms moriah Scoofed and said " Oh wow so now your being disrespectful " it did not take long before they threw hands just before Kassie was about to tear Ms Moriahs skirt as she did to the top (which did not look very much like a top anymore ) Mr John said "ladies calm down and now since we are in this together I just wanna say ,please lets call each other by our names" they both nodded Mr John said " moriah As your hand are clearly bruised and you smell go bath !" Moriah's mouth dropped open but she nodded so john and kassie went away

she suddenly heard a scream saying "Run!"