
The Mysterious Travels Of Egidius

Egidius is born in a world of magic to a lovely librarian couple who manage a library in the capital of their country, but Egidius already knows when born as if he had lived a previous life. Because of this advanced knowledge he learns fast and becomes a prodigy welcome to experiment in this world. PS. This novel needs a lot of work and probably has a lot of mistakes as it is my first novel and I haven't been paying attention while writing. Also my writing is probably influanced by stuff I've read, a lot.

RobusEgidius · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 : Preparations to awakening


It has been another year, I'm five and a half now and I already feel the threshold while meditating.

This is a problem for a few reasons. One, I still need to get a beast core to put in my pendant and my savings aren't even close to what I need for one to conceal my mana signature after just awakening, don't even think about one that I could use for some time after awakening. Second, I haven't made any preparations yet for awakening, because when you awaken you kind of explode, Once the body has absorbed enough mana to get over the threshold it releases all the absorbed mana in an instant to then absorb it again while you sleep. This creates a shockwave when you awaken, normally it isn't too bad, a few strong kids have destroyed a house while awakening, but with all the mana I have absorbed for my premature awakening my shockwave while being enormous and the capital wouldn't be able to handle that, it might destroy the whole capital. It also wouldn't help with staying out of the spotlight. So I've always planned on going into the gigantic forest next to the capital walk for a few days till I am far enough and awaken there, but for that, I need to prepare to walk into a dangerous forest filled with beasts for a few days. I would also need to convince my parents to let their five-and-a-half-year-old son walk through a dangerous forest for a few days without anybody else near, easy right? Even though I am five and a half now after the wooden sword incident my mom always keeps track of me using her water magic detection.

and lastly three, I'm planning to stay in the forest a little while longer to learn a little magic before going home, for the magic I wanted to learn I was planning on writing what and how to learn a few spells in a book, but my procrastinating ass as started that yet, so I still need to research and write the whole book. Despite my impeccable memory that remembered all the moves, if something wasn't going well I wouldn't know what to do, because it's hard to remember that many details. So I need the book!

It is time for me to start preparing and I need to do it with a little speed. For now, I'll stop meditating and keep the pendant hidden in my room so I'll only absorb mana at the natural rate.

The biggest dilemma is the lack of a beast core and the funding for it, but I have decided to risk basically that whole plan I've been planning for two years and spend all the money I have on supplies to survive in the forest and hope to find a sufficient beast core in the forest, this is risky, but my best option to be honest. So we'll go with it. I'm also planning on copying all the info I can find about the relic pendants for my best chance of recreating one.

We'll start with gathering info on the pendants and writing it in the diary I got from my mother, after that I'll write some basic magic spells in it as well as some theories to test in the forest.

I'll give myself three months for that, doing all that research in the library takes time, despite me growing up in that library and knowing where everything is. In these five years, I still have only read forty percent of the library, but that thirty percent is all history, magic theory, and relics, so I have read what I needed to know and I know what books to look in for all the details


a little more than three months have passed, but I have finally written down everything I'll need.

Now it is time to gather supplies and convince my parents to let me go.

I've decided I'm not going to ask to leave for the forest for a few days, instead, I'll convince them to let me go to the market on my own and leave a letter on my bed telling them I'll be gone for e few to days maybe even a few weeks. This isn't the correct way of doing it, but if I were to tell them what I'm going to do they wouldn't let me go. I won't be living as I am going to the market first to gather the supplies. It was time for bed again after a whole day of combat training. While writing in the diary all day seems like so much fun! I still need breaks and so I keep training my body and combat in those three months. so now that I'm done writing a can do body and combat training all day until I leave. Since I can't meditate before going to sleep anymore, tonight I will make a plan to convince my parents. A sort of problem I have discovered over the three months is that because the technique of meditating in my sleep is programmed into my muscle memory, I can't turn it off. Therefore I have started sleeping less and training more. Because of this sleep meditation, I don't have much time until I'll awaken. So tomorrow I convince my parents.


It is morning, I woke up before my parents and started preparing breakfast for them to sweeten them up a little. Clearly surprised when walking into the kitchen my parents took a seat at the dinner table. They said thank you for preparing breakfast and started eating, but they ate in silence, something that normally would never happen. They were still weirded out because I made breakfast. After a few minutes of hearing the birds chirping outside my father asked why I prepared breakfast. I of course answered with "Well, you guys do so much for me, this is the least I could do.". That's when my mother's brows shot through the roof while asking "What do you want?". After a few minutes of arguing that I did it because I love them, I stood up. They were both staring with intrigued faces. after standing up I started parading through the room trying to explain to my parents I want to go to the market by myself, without guidance. My parents came with the arguments "Why do you want to go to the market, and why can't we come with you.", I answered with confidence " It isn't about going to the market, but rather about allowing me to walk through the capital alone, you have seen me in training with dad I can fight and I'm fast, so if something where to happen I could fight or run, besides that, I'm almost six and I still have to walk through the city with my parents. It's embarrassing!". It isn't embarrassing, I couldn't care less what those kids think, but if my parents think I care about what my peers think, they might think of a first step towards friendship with those children, something my mom dreams about.

Playing on her feelings is an effective move against my mother.

At this point, my father was convinced, but that was never the challenge. It's my mother I worry about convincing. She of course wasn't on board, yet.

After an hour of giving my mother arguments, showing my cute eyes and smile, and the encouragement of my father. she finally agreed, but she still didn't seem convinced. That's just my mother though, she'll always worry, I can't even think of the scenario of her reading the letter about me going into the forest. After she agreed we planned to do it in two days, on Friday. I planned this date, because n the weekends some young people help out in the library so if my mother doesn't work because of the stress attack she will one hundred percent get, the library will be fine.


It was very early in the morning, Friday morning.

I was at first thinking of going after breakfast, so my mom could say goodbye, but I didn't want to risk her finding the letter just after I left or her disagreeing with me going. To avoid these risks I left for the market before she woke up, with one letter on the kitchen table saying "Sorry I already left, I ate breakfast, see you later." so she didn't have to hear the bad new's early in the morning, while the long "I'm going into the forest for a few days" letter was under my pillow, out of clear sight, but obvious when she would do the laundry after work.

I did first eat some breakfast and prepared food for the days to come. My mom might question why I took so much food but I'll just hope her brain doesn't connect that fast in the morning. After the food was acquired I took all the money I had left, put it in my backpack, and left for the market. when I arrived at the market not a single shop was open so I sat down and read the details of a few spells I am going to learn in the forest. After sitting there and reading for two hours almost all of the shops were opened.

I walked towards the camping shop, the first thing I wanted when I planned on going to the forest. was getting a tent, because I have so much money left, due to the no best core buying situation, I can buy a more luxurious tent. So I walked into the shop and went to the tent section, in the capital there were a few big shops like a big warehouse filled with different sections, in this case, all travel, camping, and survival related. They even had e weapons section, but if I'm buying a weapon the quality is much better if you get it from a blacksmith as these are produced in big quantities using magic to copy an original smithed blade, but each copy makes both the copy and the original weapon a little weaker, and when it's about survival, I rather spend more for a sword that for sure won't break.

Anyways after walking to the tent section. one of the bigger sections, because tents take up quite a bit of space, especially the luxurious ones. Of course, only the luxurious ones are displayed the others just have a big picture. I had money so I looked into the more luxurious one-person tents. I found the one I wanted it was more than half of my savings, but today I can spend. the whole floor of the tent was a mattress inflated with wind magic using a weak built-in beast core. it also had a hardening on impact feature, this model had the strongest defense, as that was what I looked for. It could withstand all blows of a C-class beast and even one from a level A or B, this is outrageously strong because it mostly focused on defense, the only luxurious feature was the air mattress, but that is more than enough for me. It also had a mechanism to fasten it high in a tree because there are fewer monsters in the tree and it has both a sight and sound magic camouflage system. These features were necessary because deep in the forest there are even S-class beasts, and the camouflages worked up to S-class.

this tent is extremely expensive of course, so it took half of my savings. Luckily because I steel from the rich with half of my savings spend I still had more than enough for the rest.

In that store I also bought all-weather battle clothing, they used magic to make a water barrier when it rains. Not necessary, but I have sadly caught the luxurious virus.

After paying in the gigantic survival store I went to the pharmacy to buy some medical kits and healing potions. I spend three-fourths of what I had left on the healing because if I were to get in medical trouble I need good healing. With only one eight of the budget I started with the left, I went to the smith to get two small durable daggers they were more built for durability than luxury so they weren't too expensive, and the rest of the money I spend on food with a longer shelf life for if I had to stay in the forest a little longer then planned.

With all this packet in the big backpack, I received from my father on my fifth birthday. I left for the forest.