
The Mysterious Travels Of Egidius

Egidius is born in a world of magic to a lovely librarian couple who manage a library in the capital of their country, but Egidius already knows when born as if he had lived a previous life. Because of this advanced knowledge he learns fast and becomes a prodigy welcome to experiment in this world. PS. This novel needs a lot of work and probably has a lot of mistakes as it is my first novel and I haven't been paying attention while writing. Also my writing is probably influanced by stuff I've read, a lot.

RobusEgidius · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 : The birth with knowledge

My name is Egidius and I was just born 15 minutes ago, I know what you're thinking "That's impossible! How would you be able to talk?!"

I do not yet have an answer to all reasonable questions, but with this abnormality, I am also wise enough to not let this fact get known. And I don't think it will be too obvious because yes I'll probably become some genius kid, but I am not part of some rich aristocratic family, that I can tell by just looking around so I won't sit in a gigantic aristocratic spotlight through my youth. I also seem to speak a different language than, my parents so even though I'll learn a little faster than a normal baby they won't find me jabbering around the house, I'd say I'll be safe for now. So let's explore this world, all this random knowledge I'm born with doesn't seem to correlate with this world, I mean I understand some basic's given with my knowledge, but even my brain seems to be in a whole new world.

Now let's see would my parents feel weird if their 20-minute-old baby started walking, I think they would freak out, right? So no walking understood, I should act my role a little.

Let's see babies cry and my parents seem to have been staring at me for some time.

If I'm not mistaken a baby has to cry after birth so they can breathe, but I haven't cried yet that might also explain why my father kept slapping my back a few minutes ago, so they want me to cry, well ok.

"wheatish!" well they seem relieved so I'm safe. "Ohhh!, my baby boy, he's so cute" is kind of what I'm reading on my mother's face while she started speaking in some weird language. It seems I still have a way to go in my linguistic knowledge, but facial features this get me somewhere. Oh, she has taken me out of the doctor's hands after he cleaned me with water appearing out of nowhere and putting me in a warm blanket.

after a few minutes of my mother smiling at me while cradling me in her arms, she handed me to what I suppose is my father I assume as he is the youngest adult in this room.

he grabbed me by the armpits and started pirouetting through the room with me. after a few turns he put me back in my mother's arms, said a few words, and left with the doctor, so I think it was time to enjoy one of my baby privileges and nap.


Five days have passed since my birth and I have already learned a few things:

One breastfeeding is extremely uncomfortable my mother seemed to acknowledge my discomfort and after three days started feeding me with a bottle instead of her breasts she seemed a little worried by it but I'm okay with that, because my brain seems older and I do not feel comfortable with feeding on my mother's breasts, even drinking out of a bottle is weird as I'm drinking milk produced by her but I know enough about to human body to know I die if I don't drink her breastmilk.

I also found out that not walking in front of people will be easier than I expected as I forgot my legs are too weak to walk, I'm already exhausted if I crawl a meter or two.

luckily I don't have to move too much to gain knowledge, because lucky me my parents manage a library, I haven't been able to snoop around too much due to lack of mobility, but my mother still works so the times when she isn't taking brakes to feed me and play with me she still works as our house is connected to the library at those work moments of hers she leaves me with a young lady collecting the returned library books behind a desk she doesn't pay attention so I can read the books that are still at her desk before she puts them back.

I have already done some reading through the days as I don't have anything else to do, my reading speed is still high because of my advanced knowledge but because of the linguistical problem I haven't been able to get through a lot of books but using picture books and baby talk from my mom I have already improved greatly the language they speak here seems to have the same sentence structure as the language I think in which is called English. so even though my knowledge of this world is lacking I am improving an amazing rate, and I start understanding more and more books and my vocabulary keeps improving this is however on the reading department the speaking isn't going as well the muscles in my face seem too weak and aren't used to the pronunciations of this new language. overall I am pleased with the progress.

from what I have come to understand is that I live in a world with magic, but even though it has been like this for so long and they have had some innovations with magic it seems to lack a lot,

by reading the "laws" of magic it feels as if they don't understand anything about it, also while reading through the books on learning magic it seems very unadvanced, they lack precision and lose a lot of mana by the ways they use magic, mana is like a substance used to create spells it is in the air everywhere and it is being absorbed by human bodies at a low rate, a higher rate when they try absorbing it whilst meditating but even then I feel like they could do it more efficiently then they do now. It all seems weird, but this also means that there will be a whole world to explore because of their lack of knowledge. It also concerns me though as with my limited knowledge of this world how can already see these mistakes, that has to mean others have observed it and some group seems to be withholding that knowledge from our kind. besides my limited knowledge of this world and its magic though seems to already know a lot about magic or I couldn't see these things, also the word magic, a word I seem to understand in my language, which means I've seen it already or someone who parted it's knowledge to me has seen it already and at a much better and higher level.

we'll talk more about magic later, but I've also read up on some other stuff history, classic literature, and so on. Let's talk about some history of this world we live on a gigantic continent closely bordered by three other continents, with a close border meaning only about a thousand kilometers ( about 621 miles) in between, it's sort of shaped like a flower with four petals without a center island, like a clover four. there seem to be three main races: humans, elves, and dwarfs there are also halves of course like half-elves, half draws there are also halflings which a guess are a race of their own so four races, so they are half human half animal. The human race seems to be quite racist, because even though they are at peace with the other races they don't seem to like them.

Of course, there have been wars in the past but for centuries now the races are at peace with their races, the humans have even fought amongst their selves ore trough history than with the other races, so you would assume they hate the humans. Also how propagandistic these human history books try to make it look even the wars among the races seemed to be started by us.

At the moment and mostly throughout history all races have had their continent, with a few land seizes in other continents through history but because of the water between the continents invasion isn't easy. It has been divided like this: the Dwarfs have the lower left continent, the elves the upper left, the humans the lower right and the upper right continent has always been plagued by wild and dangerous magic beasts, it is also where most halflings live and where they are said to have originated. the humans and elves still send armies to the beast continent to win more land, the elves always try an animal and nature-friendly approach and they always have seemed to be successful but instead of taking the land they go there for herbs and training while living with the beasts in peace, this has, of course, let to accidents with a strong and wild beast who didn't care so there is still a danger for them going there so they brings groups too, but mostly scientist editioning and working with herbs that don't grow on elvish land.

the humans on the other hand believe killing everything is the solution, or at least the rich aristocrats who make those decisions. the human race has never been able to successfully take and keep the land on the beast's continent the taken land and then the beast takes it back, they can, however, hold small outposts around the cost with grass plains to send ships with armies, they can hold these costs because only a few of the wild beasts go out of the forests into the plains as a lack of trees to catch the long-distance attacks from the humans. the humans go to the continent by ships, but only through certain paths because most of the water between the continents is too dangerous because of the water's magic beast. so all the water paths to all the continents are mapped well so they only run into weak water beasts which they can kill safely. this is also the reason they don't do expeditions beyond the four continents because those waters are too dangerous. the most dangerous water seems to be the center of water between the four continents it's filled with way too strong water beasts, so when the elves attacked humans through history or for the few expeditions the dwarfs did on the beast continent they always had to get there through another continent with or without permission or they had to sail the water to the borders of the continent but this meant a lot of time on the water and sometimes attacks from the dwarven or beast coasts in the wars between humans and elves.

The myth about the origin of the four continents is also interesting. It used to be one enormous continent in which the humans, elves, and dwarfs often fought for land against each other until the beast the races used to be able to handle seemed to evolve and get stronger with magic.

Through the evolution of the beast, the races were all suppressed to weak countries living on the continent's border, except the upper left part of the continent where the beast seemed to be originating. the races were said to have been in this state for two hundred years. In those years the the intelligent beast who became the first halflings started living in the center of the continent where huge mountain ranges were said to have stood bigger than those of the dwarven continent.

when the more intelligent halflings started sending the beast rampages in strategic ways, when this started happening the three races were pushed to the brink of extinction and then the gods started aiding the three races all the races got the help of four upper gods with each one higher upper god who lead the three other gods beneath those upper gods where more gods but those where forgotten through history. the gods trained the humans in the ways of magic the same magic the beasts used and with that magic, they trained after fifty years they were able to make a master plan to push the beast back to the upper right part of the continent after which all the gods threw one gigantic attack on the central mountain range which split the continent in four with the beasts trapped on one of the four. in that battle billions of soldiers of all races sacrificed themselves pushing back the beast to be hit with a shockwave of the god attack. most of the land on the four continents was destroyed because of the shockwave, but because the races all lived on the coast borders at that point they survived and over the years made the land hit by the shockwaves livable again. As I expect you to realize this gave the churches of the gods who brought the light a lot of power. all races of course took it in different ways. The elves believed to honor the gods they had to respect everything created by them so the animals, plants and so on the dwarfs believed they should love what had been given to them by the gods and so mined the resources out of the ground.

and humans started building churches and worshipping them through those churches to give them back the power they lost helping the races by praying to them and sending them offerings.

so that is how the continents were created and magic was given to the races.

Enough about this world's history, we'll talk about that later.