
The mys-tery

A mistake made by a powerful king at youthful age would not be reverted, now he has to face the consequences with his family who knows nothing about it. Uju will not rest until she seek revenge to her satisfaction, using members of the household against each other, plotting evil and destroying anyone who comes her way, her determination leads to ruin and wiped out an entire family. ******Author's note: this story is very short but also interesting, it's simple and easy to read. please read, vote to encourage me, share for others to know about it, rate the book if you like it, add to your collections, like and comment, I promise to reply all comments. The cover is not mine, got it from goggle, credit goes to the original artist but I edited it anyway. Follow me on Instagram @puederashi

Puederashi · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Rashi smiled as she looked at Uche, she couldn't tell whether she was shy or not, or whether she was dreaming, she is now getting married to someone she cherished and loved so much, she couldn't wait for the ceremony to be over so she can rest, she is very tired after all the preparations, she felt uneasy so she stood up, smiled at Uche and left without saying a word, she needed to use the restroom quickly.

"No, no, she can't get married, she must remain single all her life" Cassey shouted miserably at her shadow.

"I won't let her, I can't let her, I.....

"Why? Why don't you want me to get married?" Rashi asked from behind while Cassey turned around angrily as Rashi opened her mouth shocked.

"You have two faces?" she asked trembling.

"What?" Cassey asked shocked, she never knew anyone could see or notice her other side, she became more angry as black foam emit from her nose, ear and mouth, Rashi ran for her dear life, she ran as fast as she could, she refused to look back.


"Sorry sister, but this is the end" Cassey said holding Rashi's head, she had cut the head out of the body, she smiled wickedly as she lick the blood on her hands.

"Rashi, Rashi, where are you? Rashi" the guards called as they search every corners of the kingdom for her.

"gods of our ancestors, what is happening? What is going on? Did I offend anyone? My family had been completely wiped out, four children died and my precious Rashi became missing on her wedding day, my daughter couldn't even experience the joy of having her own family, please tell me my mistake, why are my children paying for my sins? Who did my poor children offend?" Perfect lamented sadly.

"Don't worry Perfect, they won't answer you at all, I won't rest until I complete my mission here and nothing can stop me from achieving my goals" Cassey thought and smiled.

"My king, what is wrong with you? You are smelling, didn't you take your bath?" Debby asked as she entered his room.

"Ewoooooooooooooo, gods of our land, what is this? My king, what happened to your legs?" she asked frightened at the sight of his rotten leg.

"I don't know, I woke up and met my legs like this, I can not even stand up" He said as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Guards, guards" she called endlessly.

"Yes your majesty" two guards ran in immediately.

"Go and get the Chief priest, please hurry up" she said calmly.

"Yes your majesty" they chorued and left.

"I will arrange everything" she said and ran to the bathroom, she took a bucket of water and dry towel, she pour some fragrance inside the water and ran back to the room, she began to clean his legs as tears ran down on her cheeks.

"I wonder what is going on? I don't understand what is going on anymore, all our children are dead except Cassey, my mate is no more and now you have this illness that I don't even understand, gods of our land please what is happening?" she said and cried more.

"Please don't cry, even I don't understand what is happening" he said sadly.

"You sent for me, your majesty" the priest said calmly.

"What is smelling here?" he asked and closed his nose.

"Priest, the king's legs are rotten, what can we do about it? Is there any remedy?" she asked calmly.

"No remedy for it, I can not stay here anymore, the smell is too much" he said and began to chant incantations.

"Priest, please don't go, please come back, please help us" she pleaded as she cried bitterly.

The news about the king's rotten legs spread round the kingdom like wide fire, the chieves stopped going to the palace because of the smell, even some maidens and guards left the palace.

"Mother, what are you doing? Please let's leave this palace, everywhere is smelling, can't you perceive it?" Cassey asked angrily.

"I won't leave" Debby blurted out.

"Why?" Cassey asked angrily.

"He is my husband, I won't leave him when he is down" Debby said sadly.

"Really mother? After everything he did to you, he maltreated you, he has never taken you as his wife, he married you so you could fulfill his desire of having a male child" Cassey said sadly.

"I know but that doesn't mean I will leave him as well" Debby said calmly.

"Mother, how could you say that?" Cassey asked surprised.

"You can leave Cassey, that's if you want to, but I will stay here with him" she said sadly as she stare at Perfect. Cassey bite her lower lip angrily, this wasn't what she was expecting from her mother, she left the room immediately shutting the door behind her.

"No, no no nooooooo, this wasn't my plan, it wasn't, I want Perfect to suffer alone and now she is taking his side, nooooooo, I have to stop her before it is too late, I won't let her ruin my plans, I won't, I have worked so hard already, I have came such a long way, I won't let her ruined it, if she continues to love and care for him, he will get better soon. Nooooooo, I won't let that happen at all, I will have to kill her before she ruined everything for me" Cassey said angrily.

"Jonah, Jonah, Jonah wake up, let's go to the farm, Jonah" Ike said as he shake his son.

"Hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm, papa, Oh the farm! Let's go" he said as he struggles to stand up.

"Oh! Sorry papa, good morning sir" he said again calmly.

"Morning my son, you slept so deeply last night, you didn't even shake at all unlike before" Ike said sadly.

"Father, please where is king Perfect and his wife?" he asked rhetorically.

"I have never heard that name in this village before" Ike said calmly.

"Forget about it, I will get ready now so we can go to the farm" he said sadly.

"Alright, I will be outside" Ike said and left.

"It was a dream, I wonder what happened to them, the dream is so mysterious that I don't understand it" Jonah said as he took his Cutlass, with a strange look on his face, he struggled outside to meet his father.


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