
The Mutation Madness

Mutation , a small and sudden change in the DNA sequence , but who knew this small change would've this big impact on the whole world. Krev was just studying for his Mutant Corp. medical exams , with a pen in his hand solved some questions on his tablet. Just then something hit him and in the next few moments his whole life changed. Let The Madness Begin!!! ×-×-× Chapters : 13-14 per week Chapter Length : 1000-1100 • I don't own the cover so if the owner wants to remove the cover drop a comment on any of the chapter.

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131 Chs

•Birth:12 Hours³

Why does my son look so angry today?"

"It's nothing."

The young boy who replied was none other than Geren , with his head down he was currently having dinner with his family. Around the wooden long table sat him and his family , there were only three people eating on the long table.

The lady sitting opposite to Geren's father said ,

"If you feel like that school is too hard for you , just say so. It's understandable since-"


Geren's father placed his fork down and said ,

"There's no way my son would fail in such a school , Geren just tell me if something happens. I'll buy that cheap school if I have to."

His father showed how the power of money can make everything possible , he also placed his fork down and with his head down looking at his food he asked ,

"Can you leave Mona's family alone then?"

"Mona who?"

"You know , Mona Krizes. Daughter of-"

His father remembered who this girl Mona was.