
Chapter 61: Training with the Demigods

Hey guy! Long time no see, huh?

I'm sorry for the late update, but life is kinda hard right now. My school is relentless as they gave exams and assignments one after another since this is my last semester in Cegep. On the other hand, I got accepted into a university on the condition I get my Cegep diploma so I'm working kind of hard right now. I'm also trying to earn more money to afford university.

So that's why I didn't have much time to write no matter how much I wanted to.

Therefore, I'm going to say this now.

Mutant Sorcerer in Marvel as well as Dreams of the Fool and Marvelous Forge are going on a hiatus until the beginning of May. You may sometimes see new chapters pop up, but don't expect a proper schedule for chapter releases.

I'm sorry and I'll be back as soon as I can.

Also, don't forget to leave comments and stones.



"So how is this going to work?" Tony asked.

It was Sunday, February 9th, 2008, and Isaiah was standing in the mansion's courtyard with his father, Pepper, and Happy.

"I was thinking of calling them here before bringing them into the Mirror Dimension. Don't you want to see them train?" Isaiah replied.

Tony nodded. This would be the first time he would see his son actually use magic in a combat situation. Up until now, he had only seen his magic when training. Pepper and Happy mirrored his feelings.

"Alright, did you talk to your friends about this?" Pepper asked.

Isaiah nodded,

"Yeah. By the way, there will be two new people coming along."

Tony raised an eyebrow,

"What? Who and why? I thought you didn't want any more people to know?"

Isaiah nodded,

"Yeah, but they are not just people. They're my friends too. Besides, a war is coming and they need all the help they need. You've already heard about it."

At the mention of war, all three adults' expressions turned morose, the only war they knew about were the ones in the mundane world such as WWI and WWII and those happened before they were even born. But the stories will forever be etched in history. But now this boy was telling them there is going to be a hidden war where children will be fighting for their lives and the fate of the Greek world. A fact Tony still had trouble wrapping his head around.

It didn't sit well with them.

But, unfortunately, they couldn't do much since they were simply mortals. Tony Stark, dubbed the Merchant of Death in the world of firearms, couldn't do anything since it concerns the mythical world.

"I still can't believe it. A war is going to be fought and no one will know about it." Pepper said.

Isaiah simply shrugged. There was nothing he could say.

He checked the time.

2:15 PM.

'Alright, it's time.'

Isaiah pulled out his sling ring and opened a portal leading him to the Jackson apartment's living room. On the other side, he could see his friends. Percy had a wide smile and his mother was standing behind him. The di Angelos were there too. Emerald was floating beside Bianca.

"Hey man! We're all ready!"

"Hello, Percy. That's great we can soon get started.

"Hey, Isaiah/Isaiah!." Bianca and Nico called him

"Hey, there you two! Are you ready?"

"Bianca nodded,

"Yeah, I'll show you my newly improved skills."

"Yeah! I also want to show you some of my new moves. Maybe I can beat you!" Nico said.

"Hah? Dream on. You can't beat Isaiah. You've seen him fight." Bianca retorted her brother.

"I can if I try!"

"You can't"

"Can too!"

"Don't forget about me!" Emerald suddenly exclaimed.

Isaiah turned to the Kaleidoscope. If the boy were, to be honest, he kinda missed her incessant talking during the weeks they were together.

"Hello to you too, Emerald. I know it hasn't been long, but how have you been?"

The wand flew around Bianca's head before turning to Isaiah,

"It's awesome. Bianca is the perfect magical girl a wand could ever ask for!"

The young sorcerer smiled, "That's great."

That's when a new voice interjected and the boy turned toward the source.

"Long time no see Isaiah! I heard from Percy that you were going to help us train. Is that right? Also, I heard you gifted Bianca with that talking wand. Did you make her? Freaked the Hades out of me."

The daughter of the god of the skies, Thalia Grace, who wore her usual goth clothes, waved at the younger boy. Beside her was the daughter of the goddess of wisdom and strategic war, Annabeth Chase.

Isaiah smiled,

" I see you've met Emerald and no I didn't make it. It was a gift from someone powerful. And yeah, Percy asked me for some help training and I figured why not? I'm not interfering in your war and I'm simply helping you train. Some could say we are just hanging out," he replied with a wink.

Thalia laughed,

"Awesome! To be honest, I wanted to try fighting you."

"Me too."

"Hey, Isaiah."

Annabeth was next. She too wanted to train for the incoming war and when Percy told her about the training day, she jumped at the chance to improve.

"Hello to you too Annabeth. Thanks for coming."

The girl smiled,

"It's okay, because of school, I don't have any time or place to train. I was starting to get nervous due to that."

"That's right! And it's a pain in the ass!" Thalia interjected.

Annabeth suddenly got closer to Isaiah and bore her eyes straight into his with some curious gleam hungry for some answers.

"By the way, how does Emerald work? What is she made of? How does she fly? How does a wand become intelligent to interact with the living like a normal human being? Is she some sort of magical Ai? I tried asking her about it, but she wouldn't answer and, since you gifted her to Bianca, I figured you would. I also tried looking through Daedalus's laptop, but there was no answ-"

"Hold it there Wise girl! Let the guy breathe." Percy quickly put a stop to her question.

Isaiah chuckled a little.

"Sorry, Annabeth. I'm sure you would love the get answers, but the only one who knows is her creator and he's not around here."

Annabeth looked stunned before looking down,

"Oh. That's a shame."

Isaiah raised an eyebrow at the change of expression on the demigods' faces. They looked a little downcast and he didn't know why.

Oh well. He shrugged and turned to Ms. Jackson.

"Hello, Sally. Thanks for allowing Percy to come. Where's Paul? I thought he knew about the supernatural?"

"It's good to see you too, Isaiah. About Paul, although we did tell him but, because he's not a clear-sighted mortal, I don't think he believes us right now. And he couldn't witness this today because he had to attend a seminar."

"Well, I can easily fix that."

A pair of Anti-Mist glasses appeared in Isaiah's hand.

"Here. You can tell him to wear them and he will see through the Mist.

"Thank you, Isaiah," Sally said as she took the pair.

Thalia then spoke,

"So where are we going? Percy wouldn't tell me, and Annabeth saying it's a surprise," she said with air quotes.

Isaiah gestured for them to come through the portal.

"Why don't you step through the portal and find out."

Percy and the di Angelo siblings smirked and stepped through the portal with Thalia and Annabeth behind. As soon as the girls put their feet down, they looked around in awe. That's when they noticed the huge mansion.

"W-Where are we?" Annabeth said stunned.

Thalia turned to Isaiah,

"Where in Hades did you take us, Isaiah? You didn't break into someone's mansion did you?" she asked in awe and horror

The other three demigods were laughing in the back while Sally had a slightly amused smile.

Isaiah tilted his head and replied,

"Why would I need to break into a place where I live?" the boy asked with a grin.


The boy turned and the girls saw the three adults waiting for them.

"Guys let me introduce you to someone," the boy said as he walked up to Tony.

That's when Annabeth gasped.

Whatever anybody says, she would insist that she hadn't squealed at the sight of the man bearing a sticking resemblance to Isaiah.

"What? What's going on, Annabeth!?" Thalia asked her.

"Don't you know who that is!? That's Tony Stark!" Annabeth almost screamed while looking at her friend incredulously.

"Who?" the goth asked.

"Tony Stark? Ceo of Stark Industries? The genius inventor who graduated from MIT summa cum laude? What are you doing Thalia? Do you live under a rock!?"

Thalia held her hands up as she slowly backed away from the excited girl,

"Geez Annabeth. Calm down. Not everyone is a nerd like you."

Tony, on the other hand, laughed,

"Hahaha! It's been a while since I've seen that kind of reaction. And honestly, I kind of missed it."

Tony turned to Pepper who also had an amused smile,

"Should I host a party or something soon?"

"I could make some phone calls, sir. Should we do it on Valentine's day?"

"That's great! Excellent idea, Pepper."

Isaiah looked at the two adults with a deadpan,

"You're not actually going to do it, are you?"

Tony smiled at his son,

"Why not? We could decorate the mansion in red with a bunch of hearts and flowers along with many pictures of baby Jesus here and there- No wait, it's a baby cherub, right?"

"Yes, sir." Happy replied.

Isaiah simply kept his deadpan,

Tony laughed again,

"It's a joke. I mean red would have a horrible look on the mansion."

Tony turned to the two girls,

"Anyway. Tony Stark. And I've heard much about you ladies from Isaiah. Annabeth Chase and Thalia Grace, is that right?"

"Yes sir." Annabeth answered eagerly, "It's an honour to meet you, Mr. Stark."

"Please, just call me Tony. This is Virginia Potts, but I call her Pepper and this is my bodyguard Harold Hogan, but I call him Happy."

They greeted each other.

"If Isaiah talked to you about us, does that mean you know about the Greek world? Are you a demigod?" Thalia bluntly asked.


"What? It's a legitimate question!"

Tony chuckled,

"That's okay and no, I am what you guys call a clear-sighted mortal. In fact, we all are." he pointed to Pepper and Happy before continuing, "If I'm not wrong, Annabeth is the daughter of Athena and you are the daughter of Zeus. Am I wrong?"

"No, you got it right. Wait. Does that mean you could see through the Mist since you were young?"

Tony shook his head,

"No, I only learned about the Greek world, last year, in May when I found Isaiah."

"Found?" asked Annabeth. "Why were you finding him?"

It was then Isaiah spoke,

"Yeah, about that. It's because he's my father."

The silence was defeating as everyone observed the two girl's reactions,

"Am sorry Isaiah. I must have misheard you. Could you repeat that?" Annabeth asked.

"Anthony Stark is my father," Isaiah replied.

"Oh, so I didn't mishear you... WHAAAAAT!"


All the teenagers and the three adults were in the living room. Sally had gone back to her house saying she had to clean the house and work on her book. Although, she did bid them farewell.

Once everyone was inside, Isaiah told the girls his story about how he met his father and the latter's search for him.

"Damn. That sounds like the plot of a movie." Thalia said sipping on some juice Pepper had gotten them."

"Wait so how long have you known about Isaiah and his father?" Annabeth asked the other three demigods."

"I've known since last year when Tony came to our apartment to find Isaiah. He told us to keep it a secret because Isaiah could attract all kinds of attention if the world knew about him being Tony's son," the son of Poseidon replied.

"Well, he bugged me. That's how he knew about Camp Halfblood." Bianca replied with a smirk eliciting a guilty look from Tony.

"Bug? Like a tracker?" asked Thalia.

"Yeah. Remember last year when all the monsters suddenly started attacking the barrier around the camp?"


"That was his fault."

Tony sighed,

"Yeah, about that. I didn't know at the time and I was honestly desperate."

"So that's why. Our location was being broadcasted through radiowaves due to your tracker." Annabeth mumbled.

"Well, The barrier held up and no one got hurt. So I forgive you." Thalia replied.

"Thank you, Thalia. Now what I hear is that you guys are in a war against the Titans and you need to train, right?"

Everyone adopted a serious look.

"Although, I know nothing about how you guys train, but Isaiah told me you asked him if he could help train," Tony told Percy.

The latter nodded,

"Yeah, I figured since he's so well-versed in fighting and his magic could help us train against possible enemies."

Isaiah nodded,

"That's right. Honestly, I never trained anyone else so I don't know how I should go about it. Therefore, why don't we spar?"

"Where?" asked Bianca.

Isaiah smiled,

"You've been there before, Bianca. The Mirror Dimension."

"Isn't that the place where you sent those skeletons? You said it was a place where you guys sent dangerous monsters to imprison them," Thalia asked.

"Yeah. But It can also be used to fight to avoid causing damage to the real world. The only way to escape from it is to use the sling ring making it kind of escape-proof. Do you have your weapons and gears?"

Everyone nodded as they took out their weapons. Tony looked at them in interest. The last mystical weapons he had seen were Hades's gift to Nico and Bianca after she and Isaiah saved the boy from the Titan's army.

"Alright, then let's go."

Isaiah turned to Tony, Happy and Pepper.

"Are you guys coming?"

"I am sorry, Isaiah. I need to deal with something at work. I just received a call while you guys were talking." Pepper gave him an apologetic smile

Tony turned to her,

"Do you need me to come or something?"

"No need, I can deal with it."

"Alright. If you say so."

Happy and Tony, however, accepted Isaiah's offer. Although, they had seen Isaiah use magic at home, watching him fight against other supernatural humans was a whole other story.

"Oh, well that's a shame. I'll see you later." Isaiah told Pepper.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'll attend next time," She then turned to everyone,

"Goodbye, everyone. It was nice meeting you Thalia and Annabeth and have a nice training."


Once she left, Isaiah turned to the space in front of him,

"Where are we going?" Thalia asked.

Isaiah grinned,

"You'll see. But first, we must enter the Mirror Dimension."

Isaiah concentrated before making a hand sign and thrusting his hands toward the space in front of him.


Multiple cracks started appearing in front of him like a broken mirror.

"No matter how many times I see it, I will never get used to it," Happy said.

Tony mirrored his expression.

"Come on. And be careful since I have the sling ring and it's the only way to travel into this dimension." Isaiah said once the gateway had been opened.

He turned to Bianca who was the closest to him,

"After you."

"Thank you." the girl replied with a giggle.

"Soon everyone walked through the gateway and looked around,

"Did it work?" asked Nico.

Isaiah nodded,

"Yeah. The Mirror Dimension is a parallel dimension overlapping ours which is why it is almost identical to our home dimension. The only difference is that there are no living being here and anything we do here has no impact on the other side. Why did you expect."

"I don't know. Red sky and fog or something."

Isaiah couldn't help but laugh at the younger boy's imagination.

"Now let us go to our training location."

Isaiah opened a portal and they all walked through it.

At the change of scenery, they all looked confused. Thalia then spoke up,

"Wait. This is Central Park. Why are we here?"

"Why else. We're training here."


They were all confused.

"I did some research on your war that is to come. To overthrow the gods, the Titans need to remove their seats of power and destroy Olympus right?"

"Yeah... and they would have to come to... the... EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!" Annabeth quickly caught on to what Isaiah tried to say.

"Which means the Titan army would need to invade Manhattan. We could train here and get used to fighting in the city! That's brilliant, Isaiah!"

"Seems like Annabeth explained it perfectly. What do you think?" asked Isaiah.

"Let's do this!" Percy exclaimed.

"Yeah!" followed Nico.

"Great!/Awesome!" Bianca and Thalia followed.


Isaiah and Percy were standing in front of each other. Tony, Happy, Thalia, Bianca, Nico and Annabeth were watching them inside a barrier Isaiah made for his dad. The latter was sitting on a chair his son projected and was watching intently.

"You know the rules. No maiming, no killing-" The daughter of Zeus began.

Maming and Killing!?" Tony exclaimed.

"-and the fight stops until the loser surrenders" called out Thalia.

Isaiah and Percy faced each other. The sorcerer was in his martial combat stance while the demigod brandished his sword, Anaklusmos or Riptide in Ancient Greek, in a typical greek swordsman stance. Isaiah could appreciate the craftsmanship of the sword. Its Celestial Bronze seemed to shine under the light of the sun.


As soon as Thalia gave the signal, Percy dashed forward, his sword ready to slash at the sorcerer. He never really had the chance to study demigod physiology, but now he could see it. Compare to him, who simply had a normal human body, Percy's body specs were far better than his. Just the speed at which he launched himself was faster than what a normal human can do. However, that didn't mean Isaiah had lost. On the contrary, he was used to opponents at a superhuman level. Just look at the sorcerers at Kamar-Taj, simply reinforcing their bodies using Universal Energy could grant them more strength them most weightlifting athletes. And because Isaiah trained for more than four years using said energy, he had developed reflexes surpassing the human limitation.

As soon as he saw Percy, Isaiah immediately flooded his body with Eldritch Magic and created a tao mandala blocking Percy's slash.

"You're gonna have to do better than that Percy,"

"You don't say."

Without missing a beat, Percy kicked Isaiah.


Due to the latter being taller than him, the demigod easily kicked Isaiah away. However, the young sorcerer slides backward as he stabilized himself. While Isaiah had more versatility and abilities than Percy, the latter had more experience than him. The only places the young sorcerer fought for real were during the rescue of Artemis and the fight against the demon, while Percy fought since he was twelve years old and during his many quests.

Tony, on the side, cringed at the sight of his son being kicked. He had seen many fights ranging from boxing to MMA where things would get bloody. But it was a whole other story if it was his son involved.

"Is it always like this when you train?" the man asked Bianca.

The girl nodded,

"Yeah. There are a lot of spars back at the Camp. We would sometimes do team battles. Heck, Every Friday, we play Capture-the-Flag amongst the cabins where we literally fight for the flag."

"Doesn't it get too dangerous? I would think with all these superpowers, the risk of getting injured is far higher than in a normal MMA fight."

It was then Thalia chimed in,

"Sure. But we have many healers and we can drink Nectar or eat Ambrosia to heal ourselves."

"Nectar and Ambrosia? Are you talking about the food and drinks of god? Can I have a sample?" Tony asked eagerly.

He wanted to try the so-called food of the gods and study it.

"Sure, if you want to spontaneously combust from being a normal mortal."

"You know what? On second thought, I'm good," Tony replied and turned back to the spar.

After getting kicked, Isaiah got up and made a finger gun with both of his hands,


Red mana bubbled over his index fingers and bullets of the (Gandr) spell shot toward Percy who gripped Riptide. He took a deep breath and...


... deflected the first bullet.

"What!?" let out Isaiah.


The Gandr bullets Isaiah could shoot were faster than the speed of the sound, but Percy easily deflected his bullets.

Without even seeing said bullets!

Isaiah was honestly impressed. The only way he could reproduce the feat is to use (Thought Acceleration) and (Reinforcement). Even then, it would only allow him to dodge bullets not deflect them. That would need a whole other level of precision skills.

And Percy did that using only his supernatural reflexes.

Once the barrage of bullets stopped, Percy looked at Isaiah with a hint of smugness,

"You're gonna have to do better than that Isaiah."

The demigods threw his words right back at him. Isaiah grinned,

"You know, I haven't shown this to you did I?" he asked suddenly,

Percy raised an eyebrow,


Isaiah held out his hands,

'Water Dragon Bullet!'

His mana surged and converted into water before being shaped into a large ten-foot dragon. Isaiah had to give credit to the manga about a certain knuckleheaded ninja. Some of those techniques were great inspirations for new spells to make.

Percy gaped at his friend controlling water,

"You can control water!? Since when!?"

Isaiah laughed,

"After fighting the demon, I learned I could manipulate the elements. Seeing your prowess with water, it's the first element I chose to master. After all, even if I'm not the son of Poseidon, I'm still a sorcerer! I always wanted to try this spell when I met you again!"

The dragon shot toward the demigod with a roar. Percy, on the other hand, held out his free hand toward the spell and concentrated.

The dragon froze in the air and Percy had a large grin,

"As you said, my dad is Poseidon. What made you think you can beat me with water?"

Isaiah deadpanned when he felt the connection to the spell cut off.

'What was I even expecting? Of course, it wouldn't work. I thought since it's my spell, it would at least hit him, but it seems like he could take control of spells if they're made of water.'

"Your turn," Percy said with a smirk and the dragon turned around and shot toward Isaiah.

'Well, that was my stupid idea of the day.' Isaiah thought before erecting a huge shield around him.

The dragon slammed into the shield with a force stronger than a speeding truck.


Isaiah gritted his teeth as the force of the water attack was stronger than he expected.

'Man, I'm seriously lacking in experience. I also need more long-range spells.'

Fighting against normal sorcerers was very much different than fighting against a demigod. Sorcerers used spells and martial arts that Isaiah also learned therefore their spars were easy to predict. However, fighting Percy was a whole other experience. He didn't have a fixed style since he used mostly his demigod's battle-ingrained instincts and adaptability. Percy had once told him that his dyslexia and ADHD were because of those instincts that were literally part of his genes!

Just as the water attack was about to end, Percy popped up right in front of Isaiah and slashed against the shield.


To the boy's surprise, a crack appeared in the shield where Percy attacked. He quickly disabled the shield and jumped backward.

He couldn't help it. The grin on his face was slowly getting bigger. Percy Jackson was the strongest demigod he had ever faced and this spar simply proved that he was worthy of that strength.

Seeing that strength, he decided the take the fight up a notch.

"This is fun. We should do this more often!" The boy exclaimed.

Percy smirked back at him,

"I know! But I can't. since I have school and Mom won't let me use any weapons in the apartment after I destroyed her favourite cabinet the last time I did."


"Shut up! Don't laugh!"


Once Isaiah stopped laughing, he let out a huge grin as two daggers appeared in his hands,

"Ready to take it up even higher?"

Percy squeezed Riptide's grip and mirrored Isaiah's grin.

"You bet!"

Isaiah looked at the boy, ready to jump back into action,


He cut off his Eldritch magic enhancement as circuit-like patterns appeared all over his body. Magical energy finely filled up any available space in his body and raised its effectiveness. His skin become tougher, his limbs became stronger, and his speed became faster and more.

(Reinforcement) and the enhancement provided by Eldritch magic were two completely different spells, but they can both be used to achieve similar effects. (Eldritch Enhancement) can be used on the body by breaking its limits. This is why this spell is very effective for those who lost the use of a limb. However, one must use it constantly and it can't be used on an object as there would be no effect and the stamina drain is even higher than (Reinforcement) since it broke the body's limit using Universal energy

(Reinforcement), on the other hand, raised a target's effectiveness by filling up the gaps in the molecular structure of the target using mana. However, that was it. It would not make someone insanely stronger, only as much as the body could handle resulting in an increase in strength. Isaiah could say that this spell could raise the strength of a target conceptually. A lightbulb would shine brighter, a knife would be sharper, a ball would bounce harder, etc.

Isaiah decided to take the fight up a bigger notch and decided to fight using his daggers and martial arts. He thought for a moment about casting (Overflow) but decided against it as that would be a waste of energy since there were others to train with too. It would be a shame if he ran out of energy before that.

"Here I come!"

Isaiah zoomed toward Percy and slashed his right dagger at him, but the latter blocked it. Both had a smile and without any words started exchanging blows. No spells or power. Only weapons.


Even when Isaiah was dual-wielding his daggers Percy could follow up his attacks albeit with difficulty.

The spectators watch the dangerous dance they were performing. Tony and Happy couldn't tear their eyes from the fight as the spar seemed too mesmerizing to be distracted.

'Holy shit.' Tony could only think.

The calm and collected child he was trying to raise for a little more than a year was totally different now. The boy who had a somewhat cute laugh, clueless about common sense, watched cartoons, and watched and helped build stuff with him was now fighting and grinning like a maniac. He swore he could even hear some disturbing laughter in the spar.

"Holy shit." It seemed like Happy had the same thoughts.

"Happy, is Isaiah a battle... junkie?" Tony asked.

"It...It would seem so, sir."

"Huh? Well, that's new."

Tony didn't know how to process this news, this facet of Isaiah was a whole new thing for him. He watched as his battle maniac of a son fought with one of the strongest people he has ever seen. It was something straight out of a movie.

As time passed, the spectators could see that the boy was slowly empowering the demigod, it was like he was adapting to his fighting style. Isaiah's slashes and stabs were getting sharper and more precise as the fight went on. Isaiah's (Intuitive Aptitude) was at work. Although his mutant ability didn't help him learn new martial arts instantly, it helped him analyze battle style perfectly. Meanwhile, Percy seemed to struggle more and more as the flurry of blows was getting too much to handle.

He had to do something. That's when he noticed the water on the ground from Isaiah's spell. With his quick thinking, the water rose in the air and slammed into the boy, who was too focused on Percy to sense his Divine energy at work, He let out an "oof! and staggered to the side and away from the sea-green-eyed boy.

"Holy Zeus! You are insane!" Percy said while catching his breath.

Isaiah could also be seen taking deep breaths. (Reinforcement) was a basic spell, but the continuous use of it can be quite draining on his mana.

"Thanks. But I'm not done yet!" the boy replied with a manic grin

Just as they were about to go at it again, a loud shout interrupted them,


Both fighters froze in their movements and turned to Thalia, who shouted, with a confused look.

"What?" they both asked.

Thalia scowled at them,

"What do you mean what? Do you know how long you've been fighting? We need to train too!"

"Huh? How long were we fighting?" asked Percy.

"Twenty! Twenty godamn minutes!"

Isaiah looked at his dad,


Tony chuckled and shook his head,

"I honestly have no idea. I was too focused on your fight. I didn't even know people can move like that! It's awesome!"

Happy nodded behind him

"Hehehe." Isaiah giggled a little as a warmth seemed to travel from his heart to his face.


"Although, the smile you make is kind of disturbing."

And that warmth was crushed before being replaced with confusion.

"Smile? What smile?"

Tony looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you serious? You look like a maniac!"

"I do not."

"You do!"


"Yeah, you do."


"Saying that is not going to change anything." Tony was having fun,

"You want proof?"

"Sure. Give it!" Isaiah replied.

He doesn't smile like a maniac. He's cool and collected like those manga protagonists.

"Happy," Tony said with a shit-eating grin.

"Yes sir."

Happy also had the same expression as he pulled out his phone and gave it to Isaiah. On his boss's orders, he filmed the whole spar. Isaiah looked through the pictures and...


Everyone burst out into laughter at Isaiah's expression seeing his face.

"Do you think Teacher noticed it?"

Tony gave him a what-do-you-think look making the boy sigh.

"Anyways, now it's our turn." Thalia said, "So who's going."

And so, the rest of the day was spent training and sparring with each other. Isaiah got the chance to fight against all of them after getting some rest in between. While he was not fighting, they would fight against each other.

Thalia's fight was very much different compared to Percy's. The latter's fighting style was mainly composed of strength and evasion. Thalia's, however, was speed and efficiency. Her spear also gave her a bigger range of attack. She decided not to use her shield due to it having the effect of inducing fear similar to Athena's shield, Aegis. Isaiah wanted to test out if it worked on him, but she insisted on using only the spear. Her lightning attacks were slow to execute, but they were insanely fast to reach. Isaiah barely had time to dodge or block when she initiated them. The only way to avoid them was to predict where she would attack. (Thought Acceleration) helped a lot in that regard. Once he got passed her spear and lighting, Thalia was basically defenceless.

When it was Bianca's turn to fight him, he didn't know what to expect from her, but certainly not what she had shown. She had improved a lot from the last time she had shown her powers, due to being in Central Park, there were a lot of trees casting shadows. She would use them to teleport wherever she wanted even behind him. It was unpredictable and Isaiah had to be constantly on guard. He had to bait her into fighting where the sun shone the most, but even then.

That's when he remembered a quote: "The brightest light cast the darkest shadows."

His teacher had once quoted that phrase during one of his training. Although, this quote was meant for how each person has an inner and outer face of themselves.

However, this quote took a literal meaning in this spar. Bianca would literally use his shadow to attack!

If he were to compare her to a character from an RPG game, it would be assassin which was kinda awesome now that he thought about it. However, even with her unpredictable attacks, she was beaten by him due to telegraphing her moves too much.

And, finally, Nico. Nico didn't have Bianca's affinity to shadow, but his strength lay in his necromancy and earth manipulation. He summoned skeletons to fight for him which was kind of surprising since there were not supposed to be that many buried skeletons in the Mirror Dimension. However, Nico then clarified that he summoned the skeletons directly from the Underworld. Isaiah figured that the boy's ability to summon was dimensional. It made a lot of sense if he thought about it since the Underworld was another dimension hidden in the Mist just like Mount Olympus or the Garden of the Hesperides. Even with his literal army, Nico was beaten due to being simply physically too weak to keep up even with his skeletons and earthquake stalling him.

At the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. Isaiah's magic circuit felt sore as he constantly regenerated his mana using mana-filled jewels created using Denial of Nothingness instead of letting it regenerate naturally.

"I'm dead." Nico let out as he was sprawled out on the ground.

"I know," replied Bianca.

She couldn't move anymore.

"But it was fun. I never trained with demigods before." Isaiah said, "Is it always like this?"

"Most of the time. Although, we also train using battle formations and such." Percy replied.

"True. Capture-the-Flag is also a form of training we do."

"Huh. Neat. Here." Isaiah replied as he took out water bottles from his ring.

The others already finished theirs and Isaiah always kept extra just in case.

"Thanks," Percy replied before dumping its content on himself.

The water quickly revitalized him and washed his fatigue away.

Perks of being the son of Poseidon.

The others simply drank theirs.

"How are you feeling kid? That was one hell of a training session."

Isaiah's turned toward his father who walked up to him.

"I'm tired."

Tony chuckled,

"I can see that. It was something straight out of a movie after all."

He then checked the time.

6:00 PM.

"Anyway, it's time for the kids to go home."

That's when they looked around and it had become dark. At that moment, they all turned to a familiar sound of a portal opening up and saw a black man in a robe stepping into the field.

Seeing who the man was, Isaiah raised an eyebrow,

"Mr. Mordo?"

Everyone turned to the newcomer with a confused expressions.

Mordo, on the other hand, sighed,

"You know what, I'm too tired to correct you." He then smiled, "It's good to see you, Isaiah."

The boy smiled,

"It's good to see you too."

Tony looked at Isaiah and then at Mordo before turning back to his son,

"Kid? Mind introducing us?"

"Oh! Everyone, this is Mr. Mordo or Master Mordo. He was one of my teachers back in Kamar-Taj."

They all introduced themselves, however, Mordo already knew about Isaiah being Tony's son. In fact, the whole Kamar-Taj knew about it so it wasn't much of a surprise.

"So what are you doing here?" the boy asked.

"Master sent me to tell you that it was time to finish training with your friends. Ms. Potts tried to call Mr. Stark, but as you know calls can't pass through dimensions. She was quite worried."

Isaiah widened his eyes before facepalming,

"I totally forgot about that!"

Tony realizing what happened asked Mordo,

"Wait, so is everything okay?"

Mordo nodded,

"Yes, The Ancient One was able to explain the situation to her. Although, it's quite late and I'm sure the children need to go home now."

"You're right! We still have school tomorrow." Thalia said since she and Annabeth attended the same school.

"Same," Percy replied.

"Us too," added Nico and Bianca.

"Very well. Simply tell me where you need to go and I will open a portal for you." Mordo said.

Once the demigods gave their locations, three portals opened up.

"Bye, guys! Let's do this again!" Isaiah said.

They all nodded and bid their farewell.

Bianca, however, looked like she wanted to say something, but decided against it. The young sorcerer was quite curious about what she wanted to say, but she left before he could even ask.

Once they all left, Mordo opened up another portal to the Stark Mansion,

"You should go home now, Isaiah. Ms. Potts is quite worried and you better explain yourself to her." Mordo said.


Before Isaiah could say anything, Mordo already disappeared into his own portal.


"Let's go kid. Besides, you need rest after that kind of training."

"Alright, Dad." the boy replied and got up and left through the portal along with Happy and Tony.