
The musician System

follow the journey of a orphan kid who have big dreams of making it big in the music industry while also fight his dark thought and insecurity.

Almighty_flex · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

chapter 1: Dreams


why does life have to be so crucial, all I want to be was a good kid but it seem that everything that I do just goes bad because ever since u was a kid everyone treated me differently because of my hair and the color of my eye. And I soon grew to hate them because it make me look like a freak and they made fun of me all the time, this stupid kid and sometimes I just want to end my life but I am just too of a coward to do it because deep do I want someone to save me but they never did.

So here I am 16 and just got kicked out of the Orphanage because it seems that I give the orphanage a. Bad reputation because seance I have been in the orphanage parent that is looking to adopt kids were freaked out about me that they move to another place so the owner of the orphanage waited until u was 16 to kick me out with only 5 bucks to my name. So now I am living in the street with no food and shelter to stay warm.

But all I wanted to do was make music and be like this singer all around the world but it seem that I am going to die in this empty corner with know body knowing who I am.

'God help me, please have mercy on my soul'

-- 5 mins later---

My body is feting colder and it seems that my feeble body is giving up but I don't want to die.


" HELP ME Please " ( Weak voice)


* system uploading*

*10, 40, 50, 80,100%*

* Welcome to the music and development system, it seems that the host is dying so the system will have to apply emergency healing*


After what seemed like 4 mins the boy with white hair and black eyes started to glow and his body structure started to get better and started to look like a fit 16-year-old soccer player with a strong body and good frame, but that was not the only thing you can not you can also note that the boy seems to have grown 5 inches to a high of 5'11.


What is going on was I not supposed to be dead why is it that I feel stronger and tall? But what is most important is that it seems that I got a system like some of these protagonists that I read about in the web novel on the orphanage computer.

'Did God answer my prayer'

* yes he did and he is very sorry for the life that you lived and that it seems that some on cursed your family to have meant bad luck as your generation ages until there are non of you guys left but was able to stop the effect before it too late because you parent and past generation begged for you to not suffer like them and god agreed and punish the person who did this to your family with internal damnation and no redemption.*

'so what is your function system and what are you here for ?'

* I am the system that will help you pursue your dreams of singing and so much more*

*as for my function they will be :

1- music download: This means that any music on the store can be the buyer with fan points and depending on the song value the price will be different but you can also get the song from a lottery when achieving an achievement.

2- achievement: this is the goal that you reach that will give you an award and depending on the achievement the award will be great or smaller.

3- skill: you can buy skills in the story that relate to music, musicians, technology and so much more you just need to look for it and it will be there but depending on the skill and the level will be different and cost more or less.

4- Stats and data: they show your state and date on your music and another thing that you are pursuing plus where you rank in real-time.


' so I can follow my dreams finally'


' do I get a newbie package too so I can start?'

*yes you do and you can open it right now*

' ok system open it up please '

* newbie package open listed below:

-new Samsung Galaxy 7

-$30,000 in a bank account linked to your phone and system for easy access

- " let me know " by no Wyld (B)

-small studio apartment with music gear tools

- 5000 fan points

- one lottery


'hi system what song is "let me know" and is it original I won't get in trouble if I was to use i.'

* don't worry host most of the songs are from another universe and they do not originally form your universe so you will be safe and they will be owned by you and know body else unless the host gives them the song*

'ok I am related, but let get out of the cold and go home system '

*ok host follow me*

'before we go stop call me host and just call me Walter , you are my friend'

"my only friend " (in a quiet voice)

* don't worry Walter I will be with you till the end of time because we are Friends *

' thank you '