
Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, or the worlds created by those amazing authors and directors. Only my imagination and creativity.

Mummy (1999) x Naruto

Kiba-Scarab victim

Asuma-Curse victim #2 (baboon canopic jar)

Sasuke-Curse Final victim (jackal canopic jar)

Danzo-Curse victim #3 (falcon/hawk canopic jar)

Jiraiya-Curse victim #1 (man canopic jar)

Summary: after a successful Uchiha retrieval Mission, Naruto is condemned by the Konoha council and subjected to an experimental banishment seal which is then destroyed. Naruto and his Biju find themselves in another world and time during the reign of Pharaoh Seti I. For 4 years he served in Seti's palace and became good friends with princess Nefertiti, until the High Priest Imhotep and Ankhsuamun (Anack-su-Namun) became infatuated with each other and killed Seti. When Imhotep raced to Hamunaptra to resurrect his love, but Naruto followed them and prevented the high priest of Osiris to finish the ritual. When the bodyguard of the pharaoh, the medjai, burst into the scene Imhotep puts the blame on Naruto stating that he killed Seti and hid while trying to cover his actions by preventing the witness from being revived to proclaim what truly happened. As punishment Naruto was condemned to the Hom-Dai, the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses. Trapped in a state of torment Naruto and Kyuubi meet the Egyptian God of Mummification and the Guide/Judge/Lord of the Dead, Anubis. He knows that Naruto is innocent and of his role to play in the Elemental Nations, so in the next 3000 years until the cycle of the world allows Naruto and Kyuubi to return home, Anubis makes Naruto a High Priest, as well as teaching him sealing(using both Uzumaki and Egyptian hieroglyphs), hand to hand combat and weapon mastery, the powers of the Hom-Dai, as well as creating the 1st jackal summoning contract(plus Army of Anubis).

Gaara looked at the vast desert of his country from his Kage balcony, thinking of his first true friend that was the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, the blonde knucklehead Naruto Uzumaki. Three years have passed since Naruto had defeated Gaara and the Ichibi in the Chunin Exams. Only to later take part in a retrieval mission to return the Last Loyal Uchiha, Sasuke. The mission was a success, but Naruto was not welcomed back as a hero. The Konoha Council in their great wisdom, with the backing of the Toad Sage Jiraiya, sentenced Naruto to be banished. No matter how much Naruto protested and claiming his innocence, the council was undeterred. So, using an experimental Fuinjutsu, Naruto was banished, along with the demon sealed within him, beyond the Elemental Nations that nothing could return them. Once the sealing had finished its work, the ring of Fuinjutsu ignited leaving a burnt crater so no one could ever recreate and use the forbidden jutsu ever again.

Gaara and his siblings were not pleased with Council's actions, for usurping Tsunade's authority, that they proclaimed the treaty between Konoha and Suna was null and void, but they would still work with Leaf shinobi under great animosity. The only exceptions being Tsunade, Shizune, Konohamaru, Hinata, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, and their teammates. Since then, Gaara became Kazekage keeping Suna's cautious eye on Konoha and their transactions. Princess Hinata became a great Hyuuga shinobi while her sister Hanabi became heiress of the Hyuuga Clan. Hinata's heart still longed for Naruto, even though she could never tell him because of her former meek and shy persona. Now she's Konoha's current Ice Queen, keeping Kiba and the likes of Sasuke from touching her virtue.

The 5th Kazekage's thoughts were interrupted when his secretary walked into his office carrying files near hear ample chest. "Temari has returned from investigating the strange anomaly that our sensors picked up beyond the Demon Desert two weeks ago." Gaara simply nodded which let the transferred secretary Matsuri to let Temari to enter.

Temari walked in with her folded giant war-fan strapped to her back, her long sandy blonde hair still spiky even when in four pigtails, sporting a black short sleeved kimono with red trimmings and a large sash wrapped around her slim waist. Taking a quick bow to her Kage brother Temari began her report.

"Two weeks ago, a small seismic event shook across Wind country. Using our sensor shinobi to pinpoint the epicenter of the phenomenon, my team and I traveled for three days and nights that we passed the Demon Desert until we reached our destination. At first, we could see nothing among the desert sands, but when the sun began to rise along the horizon a mirage of the desert faded away revealing an ancient city ruin of the likes we had never seen before. Our party expressed the desire to investigate before reporting back to you, but something forced us to turn back. When we got close to the ruins, whispering winds blew around us speaking in a language no one could recognize. Then the sands itself came alive like your power with Shukaku. We exited the ruins as quickly possible before the sands could swallow us."

Gaara pondered on his sister's words before speaking further. "Could you verify on what clan may have lived in those ruins?"

"Unfortunately, no clan from Wind Country could match the writings and drawings that were depicted on the pillars and walls of the ruin. However, I was able to get this artifact before the sand and wind attacked us. Can you make anything of it?" asked Temari as she hands a small black metal box that had the top and bottom faces being octagon shaped. Gaara spins the little box around at seeing the pictorial writing that made no sense to him. Suddenly, he twists the top and bottom of the rectangular sides that the top opens to reveal a map hidden inside. Temari walks to her Kage's side as he opens the map. Nothing of the map made sense until looking at the top right corner, a red swirling symbol is shown with a kanji stating, 'Do not disturb the resting place of the pride and wealth of Uzu, and her mother, Egypt.'

Gaara and Temari looked at one another and concluded that the discovered ruins are a remnant of the clan Naruto was from, although Konoha did everything in their power to remove them from history. Only Tsunade Senju and her upcoming apprentice, Hinata Hyuuga, could help in deciphering the writings and seals that were there. Perhaps this could give them all closure for Naruto's banishment. Gaara ordered to send a hawk message to Tsunade that she and her apprentice were needed and to meet them at the border of the Demon Desert in one week from now. Temari and Gaara made sure to secure their village while he and his entourage would investigate the Uzumaki ruins.

1 Week later…Edge of Demon Desert

Gaara, Temari, and several Anbu waited in their tents for their leaf helpers while Kankuro took care of Suna and its people. They didn't have to wait long as the blonde hair of Tsunade was seen over the sandy dunes as Hinata, Shizune, Anko, and others followed behind her as they came to the Kazekage's group. However, Gaara was not pleased when he saw Jiraiya, Kiba Inuzuka, Sasuke Uchiha, Asuma Sarutobi, and the bandaged war hawk, Danzo Shimura, along with several ROOT members walked past Tsunade and her Anbu escorts.

"Greetings Kazekage. Thank you for sending us to search for secrets that the Uzumaki did not want to be taken to their enemies from the 2nd Shinobi War." Said Danzo while Hokage caught up and scoffed at her advisor's introduction. Gaara ignored Danzo, to silently irk him, to speak to the Hokage of Konoha.

"Greetings, Hokage. I thought I made it clear that I only needed you, your apprentices, and squad of your trusted Anbu on this archeological finding. Why are they here?" Gaara spoke in a monotone voice.

"We felt that for the good of Konoha, that our upcoming Hokage candidate, Sasuke Uchiha, be present while Kakashi is substituting for Tsunade. The power will help solidify the Uchiha's might in ending his traitorous brother and strengthening Konoha." Said Danzo not caring that the question was directed to the Hokage. He then points to Jiraiya to explain his role.

"The Toad Sage Jiraiya is our sealing expert to help us avoid Uzumaki traps. While Asuma has been reviewing his father's notes in reading ancient Uzumaki hieroglyphs from past transactions between the villages before Uzu's destruction." Tsunade had enough of Danzo's ego.

"Danzo, while I thank you for explaining the roles of the Toad Sage, Uchiha, and Sarutobi, I am the Hokage. The Kazekage and I oversee this expedition while you and your entourage squeezed yourself with us. I am part-Uzumaki, so I have knowledge on reading and writing present and ancient Uzumaki from my grandmother Mito. Hinata has shown great strides in learning their language as well, while her Byakugan will help us discover entrances and other booby traps." Said Tsunade while Danzo huffed in disgust as he and his group followed behind the joined Kages' group.

Scene Change (Uzumaki Ruins)

After finally reaching the ruins Tsunade and her team went to work near the statues of the Gods of Egypt that were converted to match the Shinto Pantheon. Danzo and his group started to work at removing the rubble from the entrance into the crypts below. Jiraiya had Kiba stick with Gaara and Tsunade's group as a spy to ensure their team gets what Tsunade or Hinata find. Kiba was all for it if it meant staying by his fiancé's side. The Konoha Council were able to arrange the marriage between the Inuzuka and the Hyuuga. While Tsunade was mad that they would take away her protégé and Hinata was still faithful to Naruto, the clan heads Tsume and Hiashi outvoted her so that the arrangement would take place. Thankfully, this Uzumaki expedition helped delay the wedding, but it would only last for a week at most until they had to walk back and discuss rights to the necropolis.

Kiba's dog Akamaru was more on Hinata's side as he comforted her while Kiba seethed at his pet being more loved than him. No matter, soon his mate will bend a knee to Kiba's alpha aura. Hinata explained to Gaara and his sibling what the dog-headed statue represented.

"That is the statue of Anpu, or Anubis as he's called. He is the God of Burials, Mummification, Jackals, and Guardian of the Dead. He is compared to the Shinigami we know because he weighs the hearts of the deceased on special scales that determine whether a person was worthy or not for the good part of the afterlife, or having their heart, body, and souls eaten by monsters and demons. According to the Uzumaki legend of Hamunaptra, the golden book of sealings is kept buried under the feet of Anubis." Explained Hinata as she and Temari petted Akamaru for being a great guardian dog like Anubis and his jackals.

Tsunade had Kiba polish up an ancient mirror that reflected the sun and moon's light. She said it would be a surprise after the Anbu finished securing the rope down into a cracked chasm that opened down below. Tsunade then walked to her protégé as Gaara and Temari kept an eye on Kiba and Danzo's spying ROOT while also waiting for the suspicious whispering winds and swallowing sands.

"Are you alright Hinata? You are doing quite well as a part-time archeologist." Joked Tsunade.

"Thank you Senju-sama. It's just that after this expedition I will be forced to be the mutt's bride while only my sister, Hana, and Akamaru to comfort me while my heart still belongs to Naruto-kun. He should be the one I'd marry, not Kiba."

"I know Hinata. But at least you didn't pick the other option at being Sasuke's bride or Sakura would be screaming to be the Uchiha's first wife. I only hope that Naruto finds a way to bring himself back from his banishment somehow. He was and still is the most unpredictable ninja." Tsunade comforted Hinata in a hug while the years of Council meetings, paperwork, and Jiraiya's foolishness have taken a toll on the Senju's faith in Naruto. But she kept her hope burning for her and Hinata's sakes.

The Anbu informed them that the area was secure, and it was safe to descend into the depths below.

Scene Change

Inside the chamber, Hinata, Tsunade, Gaara, and Temari were already on the ground of the chamber. Akamaru had to jump into Tsunade's hands to join them. He gave her a loving lick and then his muzzle went to her jugs. Tsunade had to smack Akamaru on the nose and drop him for being nosy pervert but was forgiven after giving the puppy eyes that had the females in the group adore him. Kiba was jealous at Akamaru when he finally let go of the rope. Hinata then dusted off a mirror as she had it touch the sunlight as it then reflected off the other mirrors illuminating the entire room.

"Huh. That is a neat trick." Commented Temari. "Maybe we can use this technique for Suna. It will save electricity and make the starry nights more enjoyable for us." She suggested to Gaara, who liked the idea of seeing the stars and the moon more at night.

"Oh, my. This is the mummy preparation room." Said Tsunade as she hands Gaara and the other Anbu torches that they lit with a fire jutsu. As the walked down an old hallway, sounds of a million bugs echoed the hall that put the group on edge. When the sounds died, walked slowly down the tunnel while Kiba freaked at hearing hundreds of bugs. Although he was okay with Shino and his clan, a past Uzumaki prank had left the Inuzuka dogs and clan members distraught by the sterilization and removal of ticks that took more than 3 days to clear the clan compound out of the pests.

They reach another chamber at the end of the hall, revealing the stone polished human legs of Anubis atop a large elaborate chest. The group was about to search for the legendary golden Book of Amun Ra when the wind picked up and rasping moans and words echoed through the room. The sound was coming around the corner of the statue as the shinobi prepared to fight the mysterious entity.

They turned the corner only to find Danzo and his cronies also armed and prepared to attack only to calm down when it was Tsunade and her group. "You scared us there Tsunade-hime." Said Jiraiya with Tsunade lowering her fists at this.

"Likewise. Well it's been fun gentlemen, but we have a lot of work to do." Said Tsunade.

"Push off! This is our dig site!" exclaimed Asuma.

"We got here first!" retorted Temari as everybody prepared to fight again. Unbeknown to them, Hinata saw cracks on the floor as she pushes little rocks to hear them hit the bottom a few seconds later. She would have used her clan's bloodline but that would tip the Toad Sage and bandaged Advisor that there was another site to dig.

"Alright then. Since the advisor and his entourage will not give up their claim of this chamber, we shall find another. Follow me Kages, there are other places to dig." She walks out of the chamber with Akamaru, Temari, and then the Kages and their Anbu following behind them.

Danzo looked to Jiraiya. "Did the Hyuuga see another chamber with her Byakugan?"

"No. I did not see her activate her bloodline. Kiba, follow them and report to us on what they find." Jiraiya commanded Kiba, only for the Inuzuka heir to fall face first onto the sandy floor as sand filled his nostrils. Messing up his sense of smell as he picked himself up, grabbed a torch, and disappeared down the passageway he saw them go.

"As an Uchiha, I will claim this treasure as mine! Itachi will fall at my new power!" proclaimed Sasuke as he used a large metal crowbar to wedge a section of the box. Only for Danzo to stop the foolish Uchiha from dooming them all.

"Careful now. The Uzumaki were not so foolish in protecting their secrets. Please allow my ROOT to do the work while we gain the spoils since there seems to be no seal trap in place."

"Sasuke, I think we should listen to our wise advisor and have them do it." Said Jiraiya.

The last loyal Uchiha scoffed as he handed the crowbar to one of three Root Members that stepped forward to open the center panel of front of the box. Sounds of hissing came from the three crevices that were wedged open as the ROOT applied chakra to their arms as they worked to open it. Danzo was getting patient and commanded them to use more chakra. Pumping more chakra into their arms the ROOT worked harder to open the box creating an intense scene. Unhappy that his three subordinates were not having much success he ordered them to use more chakra. After the third command, the wedged panel released a cloud of dust that covered the three ROOT while Danzo and the others stepped back to avoid the cloud. What they saw next caused Asuma to scream as the others looked unnerved at the final moments the ROOT agents were dealt in life.

Scene Change

Beneath the chamber that Danzo and his group claimed to excavate, Hinata and Temari were discussing ancient Uzumaki mummification process as Gaara used his sand abilities to slowly dig below the statue and swindle the treasure that the ROOT group was digging for while Tsunade was rolling dice with the Anbu. Akamaru was staying by Hinata and Temari's side while worrying for his partner that was lost. Tsunade rolled a pair of snake eyes and didn't know whether it was a sign of danger or of hope. Her answer was a large container falling from the ceiling where Gaara slowly dug with his sand.

"My goodness. It's a sarcophagus, buried under the base of Anubis. It must have been someone greatly important…or they did something very awful. Quickly, help me dust off the sand off these hieroglyphs so we can find out who this is." Said Tsunade as the group got to work in delicately gleaming at the writings on the elaborate stone coffin.

Hinata called to everyone's attention as she found a section where the name would be inscribed but all it said was, 'he who shall not be named'. Akamaru then barked to show the shinobi and indent winged scarab inside a sun like disk with jagged edges.

Hinata petted the big dog for this. "Good work boy. You found what appears to be a lock. Unfortunately, we don't have the key that goes to it to open this. Lady Tsunade or I could use our super strength to destroy it, but that will prove to make this dig more difficult to preserve such an antiquity."

Temari's eyes widened as she realized something. Going to her knapsack she starts rattling on about the box until she pulls out the item, she showed Gaara as she opens it and places the top onto the indent lock of the sarcophagus. It fits perfectly as everyone, except Gaara, look at the Wind Princess in bewilderment.

However, the moment is ruined when they here screaming coming from the one of the halls. The group rushes to the sound as Gaara safeguards the key before following them. They find Kiba screaming his head off as he starts thrashing at everything around him. Anbu immobilize him for Tsunade to look at him. She spots something crawling up his neck but it's under his skin. It then disappears under Kiba's hair as he starts going crazy again. He breaks free from the Anbu and proceeds to charge toward one of the walls with his head facing it. A large crash later, Kiba falls to the ground motionless as Hinata runs to see his condition. After a few moments she turns to Tsunade and the others and shakes her head.

Scene Change…Nighttime in Hamunaptra

"I still don't know what could have crawled under Kiba's skin that would make him kill himself. Were your eyes able to see anything Hinata?" asked Tsunade as they gathered around the campfire, waiting for Temari and Gaara to join them.

"A little Lady Tsunade. All that was left of it was crushed by the Kiba's impact against the stone wall. It appeared to be some sort of insect. But I couldn't tell you for sure what kind. My old teammate, Shino, from Team 8 could tell you. But he has not been heard from ever since Kurenai sensei married Asuma and left teaching to Yugao." Replied Hinata. Gaara and his sister joined them just as they finished discussing Kiba's death.

"Our friends from the other group didn't do so well either. Some of Danzo's ROOT agents were…melted." Said Temari, stunning the leaf kunoichi with Tsunade asking how.

"Salt acid. Pressurized salt acid. A simple, yet deadly ancient trap mechanism. Makes me wonder if the remnants of the Uzumaki really did turn this necropolis into a cursed place so no one would disturb it." Said Gaara as wind blew by that sounded like it whispered a little.

Tsunade was skeptical. However, she knew a thing or two about cursed objects since she still wears the jewel shard of her grandfather. Although Naruto didn't die from it, he still was taken from this world. Leaving the shard, the last object that Naruto touched before his banishment. Her thoughts were interrupted when they heard horses neighing and galloping towards the two campsites.

Ordering the Anbu to be ready, the Kage were not unprepared when black robed raiders howled as they attacked them. Danzo's ROOT were the first to attack the intruders. Some fell off their horses while others pulled out guns like those of Snow/Spring Country and shot a few dead. Sasuke was smiling he cut down another raider to prove his Uchiha power.

Shizune picked up one of the fallen rifles to have a better look at it. Then a galloping raider surprised her that she accidentally fired on him. Killing him, while she fell over unconscious on the ground.

Tsunade felt she needed a drink of her sake, only for Sakura Haruno to take her bottle and down it. "Sakura! What are you doing here?!"

"I stowed away in the Konoha caravan containers so I can be closer to my Sasuke-kun!" She said before taking another drink, but then Sakura turned to her side to see another desert raider on top a black horse wielding a curved sword. Sakura spit out her sake on Tsunade's face as she ran crying for her Sasuke.

Tsunade wanted so bad to crush that pink banshee for that blasphemous act of her sake. But first she would take her anger out on the robed man. Using her chakra to boost her speed, she caught up to the horseman and knocked the horse down to fight the raider. The man's facemask is pulled off, revealing more of his curly black hair, mustache, and short beard. He has black tattoos on both cheeks and atop his forehead as he raises his sword against Tsunade. She throws a kunai to make the man drop his weapon when she throws another kunai at rider that tried to defend his leader. The man uses the distraction to pull out his knife and knocks the remaining kunai out of her hand. The Slug Sage then used her super strength to punch his face in, but he dodges and utilizes his strange martial arts against the Senju's Taijutsu.

Suddenly, sand rose up and trapped the man. Gaara walked up to the raider leader with his hand swirling with sand. "Call off your attack." Gaara spoke in a low monotone voice.

The man did as the Kazekage said, which had Gaara remove his sands to return to his gourd. "Enough! Tah lah! We will shed no more blood. But you all must leave. Leave this place or die."

"But why? We only came because this place appeared almost three weeks ago in Wind Country, here in the Demon Desert. Can you please help us understand how a ruin of the Uzumaki Clan came to be left out here?" Tsunade inquired.

"What is this Demon Desert and Wind Country? Is this not the Sahara that stretches across the continent of Africa?" asked the man. Gaara and Tsunade looked at one another as Gaara commanded his Anbu to fetch a map for them.

"Perhaps we should introduce ourselves. I am Tsunade Senju. Princess of the Senju Clan and cousins of the Uzumaki Clan. I am the Hokage of Konoha, Leader of the Hidden Leaf Village located in Fire Country. This is Gaara Subaku. Kazekage of Suna. Leader of the hidden ninja village within Wind Country." Tsunade introduces to the stranger.

"I am Ardeth Bay. Leader of the medjai. We have guarded these grounds for more then 3000 years. It was upon the first days of the tenth month when the earth trembled, and my people and I found ourselves and our charge in a strange section of the desert. But my warning still stands, leave this place and let the spirits of the sons of pharaohs rest in peace."

"This necropolis is the resting place of the Uzumaki Clan that the Leaf Village had ties to, until their destruction in the Second Ninja War." Danzo proclaimed, making himself known to Ardeth and the Medjai to the ire of the Hokage and the Kazekage. "Therefore, all knowledge and secrets left behind is now property of Konoha. For the good of the village, relinquish their secrets!"

His answer came with Ardeth's blade pressed against his neck while medjai prepared to take on the ROOT corps. Danzo smirked as he sensed that these medjai had small chakra reserves compared to trained Leaf shinobi. However, the Kazekage was the one to stop Danzo's scheming.

"Enough! My friend, Naruto Uzumaki, is still the last living heir to the Uzumaki Clan. Although he has been banished, I still believe he is still alive somewhere and will one day return to reclaim his birthright. You cannot claim ownership until he returns. As for your people, Ardeth Bay, I will accompany you back to my village where we can discuss on how your people may adapt to this new world. Temari, stay with the Hokage and her apprentice and prepare to leave tomorrow night." Gaara ordered his sister before climbing on Ardeth's horse while the Medjai disengaged and galloped away into the shadows of the desert.

From there Tsunade and Danzo returned to their groups and prepared to scavenge whatever they could find tomorrow before leaving Hamunaptra. What they didn't realize that something was stirring beneath them. Ready to be revived and bring death and destruction to all who betrayed the Uzumaki Clan and their children.