
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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Chapter 9: The Anger of Change

The man has left Helter Skelter, swiftly making his way through the city. He has one target in mind, the CCG Headquarters in the 20th Ward.

The man had a calm expression, moving stealthily through the night. He can't be seen, neither by ghoul or human. The man has one goal and he will complete it.

The man arrives at the giant building and observes his surroundings. He notices patrols outside the building, as well as many security cameras littering the outside.

The man waits for the guards to move onto there next patrol point and quickly moves through the opening that had been made.

The man had also quickly disabled the cameras, running quickly towards the entrance on the building. He slowly makes his way around the headquarters, quickly finding a fire escape.

The man enters the building, he slowly looks around. The man can see long corridors with rooms attached to them. He enters one of these rooms to find it filled with desks like an office.

The man finds a computer off to the side of the room and starts to work. He quickly hacks into the files of the CCG and soon discovers what he was looking for, the body of Asaki Fueguchi.

The man makes his way through the building towards the labs. He hopeful, false hope really. He knew that he would never see his friend alive again.

This made ths man grow in anger, the man felt betrayed. He, the God of Betrayal and Loyalty was betrayed by his own emotions. Pure rags was shown on the mans face as he speeds towards the lab.

The man enters the lab to see it empty. As he enters he notices first, the body of his dear friend. Second notes on different phenomena involving ghoul, such as the Kakuja, Chimera Kagune and Artificial Ghoul.

The man quickly takes his friends body as well as the notes and leaves the building. He quickly heads towards Anteiku where Ryouku and Hinami are staying.

Once he arrives the man goes straight to the mother daughter pair. As he comes through the door he can see them traces of tears can still be seen down there cheeks.

The man frowns, he then walks over to the duo and hugs them into him. Hinami buries her head into him, quickly falling asleep.

Ryouku of the other had gives him a quick hug before moving back away from him. The man smiles to her, gesturing for her to be quite until her daughter has fallen asleep.

Once she has the man moves Hinami off of him, grabs a blanket and covers the girl as he moves outside with Ryouku. He walks with her for a while, moving towards the freezer of Anteiku.

Once inside the man hears a gasp from his companion. Ryouku has gasped due to what she has seen, her husband.

Asaki Fueguchi, his body locked away in a metallic coffin. He is still alive, all be it barely. The man smiles as he watches Ryouku walk up to her husband, giving him a deep kiss.

As they break the man starts to speak, "Asaki!! I will make them pay for this my friend. The fucking dove will die, tortured by my hand!!" The man says, a manic expression adorning his face towards the end.

Asaki sighs and looks to his friend and smiles. He then looks to his wife and back to the man, "I don't want revenge my friend. There has been enough death, we need to stop this killing. I just want you to protect my wife and daughter, keep her safe. Please."

Asaki's breathing starts to slow, the man walks forward and grabs Ryouku's hand and pulls her back to him. He hugs her as Asaki continues, "My friend thank you, I don't have long left now."

Asaki starts gasping slightly, "Tell Hinami I love her, please!" He starts to breath even slower, "My friend I guess this is goodbye...." And that was the end of the life of Asaki Fueguchi.

The man stands there simmering. He is angry, an anger he hasn't felt in thousands of years. 'I'm sorry my friend, I can't let then live after this.' The man thinks to himself.

The man pats Ryouku's shoulder whilst they hug. He slowly picks the woman up letting her continue to cry as they move there way through the cafe.

When the man arrives in the room they had left Hinami in, Ryouku was already asleep. He leaves her on the couch opposite her daughter.

The man leaves the room and heads to talk to Yoshimura, the man finds him sitting on his office with a book in his hand. He looks up as the man enters the room, the man comes to sit across from him.

The man stares at Yoshimura, not wanting to initiate the conversation. Yoshimura notices this however and decides to speak.

"My friend, I apologise for my attitude." He says with a stoic look on his face. He puts his book down and continues, "But you need to understand! We cannot fight back, if we do we will lose everything I've worked so hard to create."

The man continues to wait, just staring at Yoshimura. "Anteiku is built on a foundation of peace. We are not bothered by the CCG because the 20th Ward has become peaceful in our reign." Yoshimura sighs.

The man continues to stare for a few minutes before replying to the older man, "You are an idiot, my friend!" Yoshimura can hear the anger in his voice as the man continues. "There is no point in peace if it doesn't allow you to protect your own people. They walked strait into your land and killed one of your own and you refuse to even look into it." The man standing at this point slams his hand on the desk before slowly sitting down again.

"You fail as a leader, you put your own fears before the safety of your people." The man takes a deep breath. "I don't need an apology from you, they do!" The man points in the direction of the room Hinami and Ryouku are in.

The man continues, "You need to apologise to Hinami and Ryouku for having to loose there family with no retribution. I am disappointed my friend, I expected a man with your history to understand more than this."

The man pauses, he looks at Yoshimura. He looks defeated, his head is down with tears slowly trickling down his face. The man sighs and continues, "My friend you are going to do two things for me. First you are going to arrange a funeral for Asaki, he deserves better than to be buried without anyone knowing."

Yoshimura nods, looking up slightly. "Second....." The man pauses. "Secondly, you are going to allow me to train your people. They have little power compared to there enemies."

The man stands up and starts to walk out of the room. "We need to form a proper group, get Kimi, Enji and Renji to bring what's left of there old gangs to join us. You will start telling lone ghouls that this is an option as well."

The man looks to Yoshimura. All he sees is worry on his face, "We won't be fighting here my friend. We will attack other wards, we will cause them a blow that will be enough to avenge all the ghouls who have lost there lives because of you negligence."

The man begins walking again, pausing only to say. "Soon my friend, soon we will live in a world where ghouls are free!!"

The man leaves the room and look to his right, "Well Touka. What do you think?"