
Chapter 1

In the beginning 'He' roamed the vast nothingness for what we would consider eons upon eons but to 'Him', it was but a minute. 'He' saw all the infinite possibilities that could be and will be in this nothingness all in his consciousness.

'He' saw life just waiting to happen and so 'He' whispered softly the Words Of Life and they came to be:

"LET THERE BE LIGHT" with a voice of yearning and hope.

And those Words Of Life thundered with all their might reciprocating 'His' hope.


Like a steal whip whipped on metal in a dark room that was the infinite darkness a bang echoed throughout sending sparks into the darkness bringing 'His' Words to life.

These sparks were so innumerable that it became infinite, they were the sparks of universes.

The great multi-verse was born as 'He' had imagined in that moment.

There were collisions of all sorts as opposing forces fought causing the universes to be so unfathomably hot that a human may be born yet die at the same time without even realizing they were born at all.

Matter and anti- matter collided causing time and space to develop, expanding its base while some universes were ultimately ruled by anti matter and others by matter.

Nebulae and galaxies formed after such beautiful destructive creation that has never before been seen and might never be seen again started to cool down down at which point conditions for life became optimal and in favor, life was born throughout all the planets, galaxies and universes.

Beings were born of the elements in the very atmosphere that made up their planets, beings that were born of chaos, beings that were born of order, beings who's bodies were akin to a walking galaxy beings of metal and those of pure energy.

What ever you could think of and not, they were all born.

Many many beings were born; small or big, weak or strong and gentle or aggressive.

'He' watched over it all and would gently nudge some and leave others according to what 'He' wanted and yet 'He' never dictated the course of their lives neither did 'He' seek to rule over them and simply loved all that 'His' eyes lay upon.

'He' loved all equally and treated all equally and with impartiality. Everything & everyone would bow in 'His' presence.

Space and time would freeze and unravel at 'His' presence as illusions, lies and secrets would willingly tell 'Him' what they hold dear.

Mighty and unfathomable beings would all bow and tremble in fear and awe of 'Him' even though 'He' had never raised a hand in anger while weak and simple beings felt safe and comfortable under 'Him'

'He' would imagine something and whatever was imagined would be manifested of it's own free will, 'He' imagined and it would appear.

'His' imagination was so wonderful so complex yet simple that it was infinite.

To all 'His' creations 'He' said, "Go and be all that you can be" and all creations be they living or nonliving listened to 'Him' and set forth to be all that they can be.

'He' watched them rise and fall creating incredible civilizations, evolving into higher grade life forms or devolve and so 'He' thought,

"I must create a place for them in which they would rest after becoming all that they WANT to become, a place where they have no need for strive and will live the rest of their existence out in blissful peace."

And so 'He' created the HEAVENS with vast amounts of land and beauty that can never be seen outside with all manners of delightful flora, fauna and sweet waters of pure liquid crystal like substances that shimmered even in the dark.

'He' eventually became close with the very first Entity born after the big bang and they had Children.

The Orisa.

They were powerful beings with beautiful images, high intellect and overbearing prowess.

This is just my take on it all, don't get heated and just let me know what you think

PrincePakotecreators' thoughts