
The Most OP'est Titan (AOT fanfic) (On Hold)

Our MC, Asriel who is a 20 years old university student, after reading the latest series of attack on titan (by latest I mean the one where Mikasa was treated like shit) he felt extremely sad and angry about how the plot is going decided to go out and vent. Little did he know he would get the chance to change the fate of those characters. Also spoilers alert! Please read at your own discretion. This is my first time writing and just writing for fun. And because I feel really really sad about Mikasa's fate. (I wrote this when that chapter came out so.....yeah) This is a work of fiction, I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content or plot or story and whatnot, except the original characters. Cover picture is not mine, all credits goes to wallpaperplay.com

Aldunhokoron · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

Start Of A New Life

*beep beep beep*

- Master...master! Please wake up, you are about to be born in the next 5 mins. -

" Oh hey ugh.....morning Ada. Thank you for waking me up." (Asriel)

- It's my pleasure to serve you master and its in the evening so good evening master. -

" Good evening to you too Ada. Whew, finally I'm going to be born. I wonder what my new parents would look like. I'm kinda excited haha." (Asriel)

After 5 mins Asriel was born alright but everything went downhill from then. He was stunned. First, his mother who was addicted to coderoin (a kind of addictive drug in AoT) was too high on drugs that she didn't even realize that she gave birth. Shortly after giving birth to him, she died of an overdose. His father who was nearby saw this scene and laughed. The freakin bastard laughed and took Asriel in his arms still attached to his mother with the umbilical cord. Turns out his father was also high on drugs and took him by the leg ripping the cord from his mother and went to some secluded alleyway.

There he found another man who was bald and wearing a large trench coat making deals with other addicts. The bastard of a father happily jogged his way to the man and presented Asriel like Rafiki from lion king holding Simba up on the pride rock. The bastard wanted to exchange him for more drugs! The bald man looked at the baby and thought he could use some pawns, later on, to get more money or just sell him to one of those crazy scientists doing experiments on humans. While he was thinking about selling or not and looking down Asriel came out of his stupor and quickly yelled at Ada.

"Ada!! Quick buy a teleportation or spatial infinity or whatever and get me outta here!!!!!!" (Asriel)

- D..done ma..master where would you like to teleport? -

"ANYWHERE BUT HERE!!!!!" (Asriel)

And just like that while the bald man finally managed to decide and sell him and looked back up, he found that the baby was nowhere to be found. The bastard of a father was screaming around going nuts like somebody just killed his wife...well his 'wife' did die but... The bald man seeing this frowned and thought that while he was thinking this bastard sold the baby to another one of his crack heads and getting high and now in his own world. He look at the bastard with disdain and left the area.

In a secluded Shiganshina District alley a day old baby, more like a few minutes old baby suddenly appeared out of nowhere and dropped on the ground. This baby was, of course, Asriel as he managed to get away from the fate of being experimented on or being killed.

- Master! Are you alright? -

" *Huff huff* Let.....me...rest.....for....." before he could finish he drifted into unconsciousness.

- Master! -

- I should heal and clean his body first, the umbilical cord is still not cut. Since master have an infinite amount of system points I hope he won't mind if I buy some blanket and other necessaries needed for babies. -

- Ok, now that master is clean and healed I should wrap him in a blanket to keep him warm. I'll also feed him some nutritional liquid just in case. Master, I hope you wake up soon. -

After a few hours, Asriel finally woke up and found that he was wrapped in a blanket and was cleaned and healed.

- Master! You are finally awake! -

" Yeah finally...Man what the hell happened back there. I know what happened but.....*sigh* I should realize that this would is a lot crueler than my previous one. By the way, was it you that wrapped me in a blanket and cleaned me, Ada?" (Asriel)

- Yes master, as it was an emergency I used some of the systems points to clean, heal, and buy some necessities for you master. I hope you are not angry -

"No Ada why would I be, you did great! Thanks, Ada, for saving my life," said Asriel and smiled a bright smile.

- Its....its...on....only natural that I save you master! Master's praise and gratitude is wasted on me.- said Ada with a flustered voice that doesn't sound so mechanical anymore but sounded like a voice of a young woman.

" What wasted! You and I are partners from now on so stop being so formal and polite. I noticed that your voice had changed and become more normal now, that's good. Still, I would like it if you call me by my name as much as I liked being called master I want you and me to be equals." (Asriel)

- Master~- said Ada with much emotion in her voice.

- I understand master but I still want to call you master. -

" *sigh* alright Ada do as you like," replied Asriel with a wry smile. Can a baby do a wry smile? Well now they can "Anyway we cannot stay like this here in some abandoned alleyway could you check the map to see any orphanages nearby? Where are we by the way." (Asriel)

- We are in Shiganshina District's alleyway master. As for an orphanage I already found one master its just a few blocks down here.-

" Ok, we will teleport to the front door at midnight when everyone is asleep. For now to pass time I'll buy some skills and items for my survivability. Shop! Let's see....Ada, could you get me the powers of the founding titan's power and all the nine powers of the nine titans? Make sure that I could use their powers without any side effects and I don't want that curse too. I also don't want to use other fictional powers here cause it wouldn't be fun if I were to let's say make clones while in titan form. Haha on second thought that would be awesome! Shadow Clone would be an exception could you get that for me too?" (Asriel)

- Buying the founding titan's power and all the nine powers of the nine titans. Done. I'll be using the system points to make their powers more efficient and without any side effects. Calculating the time required for adjustments. Calculated. It will take ten days and after that, you can use those powers to your liking master. I've also acquired the jutsu Shadow Clone. It will take 5 days of adjustment to be able to use it with your titan powers and with new source instead of chakra which is the origin power. The origin power is much like chakra but its a lot purer and the pinnacle level than chakra since chakra was derived from it.-

"Neat! Now I want to change my looks. I wonder if I should use a skill. What do you think Ada?" (Asriel)

- Master, you can use your points to change what you look like in the Character Customization tab that is now available. You can even change your age there. -

" Alright, I'll do just that, Character Customization!" (Asriel)

Two hours later. "Hmm nah still not good something seems off" (Asriel)

Four hours later. "Yes this look...ok no this is still bad somehow" (Asriel)

- Master one more hour till midnight. -

One hour later. - Master, it is midnight and I think we should go. -

" *sigh* this will do I guess ok let's go." (Asriel)

The final look he settled on was Izaya Orihara's looks. His hair was platinum blonde instead of black, around shoulder length, and less spikey. His eyes are red but not sharingans just red iris with white sclera. His eyes look like Akame from Akame Ga Kill. His body is like a swimmer's body and every muscle was packed with power. Of course, this is what he will look like in the future, right now he is still a baby who is crying intensely outside an orphanage's front door. He could age himself and rid of this ploy but if he joins an orphanage he would get easy identification documents later on. He could buy one from his shop but he just wanted to enjoy what peaceful life he has before everything went to hell. He could buy time skills but where's the fun in that.

Meh I'm going to start bullshiting from now on XD so if the facts don't match well.......

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