
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Oriental
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260 Chs

Misty Rain Pavilion

In the blink of an eye, four days have passed since the literary meeting at Huaping Lake.

That literary meeting naturally spread in the huge Guangling City. For the people of Guangling City, what they cared about was who became the son-in-law of Zhongli Mansion in that literary meeting.

Of course, there was no result, so this matter gradually faded away, only there were some disturbances among scholars and literati.

Because of the song "Butterfly Loves Flowers" written by someone who doesn't know.

The students had all sorts of guesses, but none of them would associate that excellent poem with Li Chen'an who lived at the east end of Erjinggou Alley.

But the neighbors in Erjinggou Alley have discovered the changes in the shop at the east end in the past few days——

The small shop under the banyan tree at the east end of the alley, which had been closed down, suddenly revived!

In the past two days, many craftsmen came to the small shop. The door of the small shop was demolished, and the stove in the shop was also demolished.

There were also some mule carts arriving. The mule carts were loaded with brand-new items, and they were all sent into the backyard by the drivers.

"The Li Family Dalang has gotten rich?"

"Who knows? Maybe I won a little by gambling."

"Hey, this Li family's boss is not up to snuff, and he even went to gamble again. You said his father is the headmaster of Zhuxia Academy, so why can't he teach his own son well?"

"This is life! Isn't the Erlang of the Li family very knowledgeable? If Dalang is half as sensible as Erlang, the Shen family will not be able to divorce the engagement if he wants to come. It's a pity, if Dalang married Miss Shen's family, how could he live in the house?" In our small alley, we must live in the Gaomen compound, and there are Roujiamo the size of a washbasin on the dining table every day."

"Hey, have you noticed that Da Lang seems to be different from before."

"Why is it different?"

"In the past few days, he left the house and ran outside every morning as soon as it was light."

"...Run? There is still a problem with your brain, you all need to grow your memory, don't lend him money again! Don't lend him a penny, he was kicked out of the house by his father, and he owed debts later, he Dad won't help him pay it back!"


Li Chen'an didn't hear what the neighbors said in private, but he could feel the strange eyes the neighbors looked at him.

Faced with those eyes, he always smiled lightly, but the kindness he showed was not understood by these neighbors. In the hearts of the neighbors, he, Li Chen'an, was like a plague god.

Everyone avoided it.

Of course, Li Chenan didn't care about it.

Live your own life and let others see it.

The fight in Li's Mansion four days ago made him a little worried about his body, so he decided to exercise his body first, so he started running in the morning.

It takes about six kilometers to run from Erjinggou Alley to Huaping Lake, and then along the shore of Huaping Lake to Yanyu Pavilion in Huapingdong.

He went out again early this morning.

The sky was faintly bright, and the sound of reading could be heard from the Qianmo Academy diagonally opposite.

He glanced at it, thinking that reading is really hard work.

Stepping on the streets paved with bluestone slabs, he controlled the frequency of his breathing, trotting all the way to Huaping Lake again.

The new leaves of willows by the lake are already green. Occasionally, a delphinium rests on the willow branch, as if seeing a small fish in the water, it flies up, one of them plunges into the water, and then flies up with a tail in its mouth. Little fish, ripples appeared on the surface of the water.

It landed on the willow branch again, crushing the willow branch.

So this tranquil Huaping Lake was full of vitality in his eyes.

He ran all the way to the Yanyu Pavilion in Huapingdong. He stopped, panting, and his muscles were a little sore. He walked slowly outside the pavilion to relax his muscles. Suddenly, he saw the three-story ship parked at the pier not far away. Gao's huge painting boat reminded me of the literary meeting at Huaping Lake four days ago.

I don't know if the poem that the handsome young man bought with one hundred taels of silver made him the leader and become the son-in-law of Zhongli's mansion.

There should be.

If not...then either the talented people in this world are too fierce, or there is something wrong with their aesthetics.

After all, the song "Butterfly Love Flower" is Liu Yong's masterpiece, and it was also an extremely classic in his previous life.

In the past four days, except for running, he has stayed in that small shop. There are many things that he needs to explain to the craftsmen. After all, the craftsmen have never done the things he made before.

In addition, he was not interested in the essay meeting to select a son-in-law based on literature, so he didn't know the final result of the essay meeting on the third day of March.

Of course it would be the best if the handsome boy wins, then at least he won't come looking for his money back.

Of course, all the money has been spent, and he will definitely not be refunded. At worst, invite him to drink two more drinks.

After standing still, he looked at the painting boat again, thinking that it would be even better if there were two more such essays.

He was a little tight, and he thought about selling two more poems, but now he didn't have that golden opportunity.

Withdrawing his gaze, he started punching.

It was a Taekwondo punch.

Splitting, whipping, flicking, copying, punching, forward kicking, whipping...

The ligaments have not been stretched, the physical strength cannot keep up, and the flexibility of the body is not good. These boxing kicks have no momentum, and they are not even good for viewing.

So... there is still a long way to go before being able to actually fight.

There's no rush, there's nothing left and right, so let's take it easy.

He began to stretch his ligaments and practiced the most basic movements.

He didn't know that at this moment, there was a window on the third floor of the painting boat where the Xiangfei bamboo curtain was rolled up.

Ning Chuchu and Zhongli Ruoshui were looking at Li Chen'an who was tossing around outside the Yanyu Pavilion.

"...This is martial arts training?"

Ning Chuchu nodded, and suspiciously asked Kaiyang standing behind him, "Isn't he a literati?"

"Returning to Your Highness, he once practiced martial arts with Guangling boxer Zheng Haoyang for three years."

"What boxing technique does Zheng Haoyang practice?"

"Returning to Your Highness, Zheng Haoyang is practicing Nanquan."

"Look, his practice method is not Nanquan."

Kai Yang leaned over and looked at it for a while, "...What kind of thing is this practice?"

"I can't understand it either, but the boxing he punched just now is a bit interesting. If the foundation is better, the boxing and kicking techniques are somewhat powerful... It's not south fist and north kick. Could it be that he has other masters? "

"Returning to Your Highness, there really isn't one! After investigation by my subordinates these days, this person is actually very simple."

"I studied with my father when I was young. I didn't go to school but stayed at home. It is true that I couldn't recite the Three Character Classic until I was nine years old. My subordinates also asked Zheng Haoyang. He shook his head and said that he was not suitable for martial arts at all. Even the most basic I can't control my movements."

"Later, his father bought him that shop in Erjinggou Alley. In fact, the business was not bad. The neighbors in Erjinggou said that although he was dull at that time, the steamed cakes and grass cakes he made were genuine and tasted good. ."

"If it wasn't because he was obsessed with gambling... I think he is still running that shop. He has very little contact with the outside world, and he doesn't even speak much with the neighbors, so his experience is really ordinary."

These days Kaiyang has been investigating Li Chenan, and he has really investigated everything about Li Chenan in the past seventeen years.

This is the reason why Ning Chuchu and Zhongli Ruoshui came to Huaping East on a boat last night—

He is a native of Guangling, and he is indeed Li Wenhan's eldest son.

Except for the marriage contract that has not yet been canceled, he has never even had any private contact with a certain woman.

He is not good at speaking, and he is so timid that he has never been out of the house except to buy raw materials and go to the casino.

Kaiyang also said that he had never been to a gambling house in the past ten days, even after he sold that song and won the one hundred taels of silver.

It seems that he has really given up his gambling addiction.

All his money was spent on the tavern he mentioned.

Yu Heng, who was in charge of monitoring Li Chenan, said that he had been crowing for the past few days, and then ran with a fixed route, as if exercising, but he had never read a book or written a poem.

The tavern has begun to take shape, but it looks a little weird, completely different from ordinary wine shops.

Ning Chuchu and Zhongli Ruoshui were confused.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Zhongli Ruoshui became even more interested in Li Chenan. She even entrusted her second brother, Zhongli Qiuyang, a judicial officer in Guangling City, to investigate Li Chenan's life in detail.

After all, a girl who is just in love is a little cautious.

"Perhaps it was because he was enlightened once... He was greatly stimulated, and then changed his mind, so he became what he is now?"

Ning Chuchu pondered for a moment. As the fourth princess of Ningguo and in charge of the Mirror Division, although she was about the same age as Zhongli Ruoshui, she was obviously more rational.

"I have sent someone to the capital for investigation of that poem. There is no need to rush this matter. Even if he wrote that poem, we still need to look at other...for example, his other ten poems. It would be even better to see him write lyrics with his own eyes!"

"Isn't his tavern opening in three or two days? When we go to his tavern, maybe we can get something different."

"Okay, by the way, did you forget about the matter between Shen Qiaodie and him?"

Ning Chuchu curled her lips, "No, I entrusted Mr. Hua to explain clearly to Li Wenhan."

Her gaze turned to the direction of Yanyu Pavilion again. That person was still exercising, it seemed that he was squatting, but his movements were not quite standard.

"I thought about it. It's not good to force such a small thing. Hua Boss Ru will be giving lectures at Zhuxia Academy and Qianmo Academy these days. He spends a lot of time in contact with Li Wenhan. He talked to Li Wenhan about his ideals. able to hear it."

"I said... Cheng Guogong took Cheng Zhe and that boy arrived in the past two days, and the young master Qi Zhixue from Qi Guogong's mansion also stayed in Guangling City..."

Ning Chuchu turned her head and glanced at Zhongli Ruoshui, "It seems that both of them are here for you, I still think it's more appropriate for you to choose a husband-in-law among them."

Zhongli Ruoshui's slender willow-leaf eyebrows raised, and her pink neck raised, "Is marriage interesting?"

"Maybe they think that's good for each other, but I don't think so."

"When I was in Yujing City, my grandma told me that the most important thing about getting married is to meet someone who is good to me and interesting for the rest of my life!"

"Cheng Zhe is a martial artist, Qi Zhixue is too reserved and boring!"

"Is he interesting?"

Ning Chuchu looked out of the window again, but was taken aback, and murmured, "Why is Hua Boss Daru here?"