
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Astor's deft hands moved with precision as he expertly skinned the strider, showcasing a level of skill that left his companions in awe. Elowen and Lucien exchanged knowing glances, suspicions growing in the back of their minds. Darian, ever the proud leader, felt an inexplicable sting, as if his own skills were being overshadowed. Zeph's keen eyes observed Astor's knife technique, recognizing the finesse in every movement.

Drake, with a more pragmatic outlook, saw an opportunity for a good meal in the strider's meat. "This creature might taste better than anything we've had before," he remarked, eyeing the potential feast.

Quillon, the compassionate soul, couldn't help but feel a twinge of mercy for the fallen strider. "It's a life lost in the circle of survival," he mused, contemplating the delicate balance between hunter and prey.

Kael, seemingly indifferent, maintained his nonchalant demeanor, showing little emotion towards the situation. Fin, on the other hand, observed the extracted essence core with keen interest, pondering its potential uses.

Alars, ever humble and empathetic, couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for the creature. "In the end, it's just another being trying to survive," he quietly reflected.

As Astor continued his task, the variety of reactions among his companions painted a diverse picture of their individual perspectives. The forest, shrouded in the mysteries of the night, bore witness to a group of young aspirants, each carrying their unique sentiments and musings in the face of the primal dance between life and death.

Astor, surrounded by the flickering flames of the bonfire, looked at his companions, all in various states of curiosity, bewilderment, and anticipation. The essence cores of the slain striders lay before him, their muted glow casting an otherworldly hue on the scene.

"Listen closely, everyone," Astor began, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention. "These essence cores are more than just trophies; they hold the key to unlocking your true potential. Tomorrow, we'll use them to amplify our elemental abilities."

Darian, ever the proud leader, spoke up. "How do we even use these things? And why should we trust you?"

Astor's gaze met Darian's, a subtle intensity underlying his words. "Trust is earned, and I intend to earn yours. Tomorrow's training will reveal the true extent of our capabilities. As for using the essence cores, it requires focus and attunement to your elemental affinity."

Zeph, the silent observer, seemed intrigued. "Elemental affinity? What's that got to do with these cores?"

Astor explained, "Every individual has an innate connection to one of the elemental forces—fire, water, earth, wind, or other rarer elements. These cores resonate with that connection, enhancing your control over your chosen element."

Drake, with a smirk on his face, couldn't resist adding, "So, if my affinity is earth, I get to throw bigger rocks?"

Astor chuckled. "In a way, yes. But the depth of your control will go beyond simple rocks. You'll understand tomorrow during the training."

As Astor continued to guide them through the practicalities of their nightly tasks, his friends couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Astor than met the eye. Lucien exchanged glances with Elowen, both sensing an enigma in their longtime friend.

When the skinning of the strider and the tanning process began, Astor demonstrated a finesse with the knife that seemed incongruent with his novice status. Lucien couldn't help but remark, "Astor, where did you learn to handle a blade like that? It's not exactly beginner-level skill."

Astor paused for a moment, a shadow of introspection crossing his face. "Let's just say I've had my fair share of experiences. Survival often demands skills beyond what an academy teaches."

Elowen, ever perceptive, added to the conversation. "You're keeping secrets, Astor. What aren't you telling us?"

Astor's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, a blend of trust and hesitation. "Some questions are better left unanswered—for now. As we grow stronger, the mysteries surrounding us will unravel."

With the jerky-making process underway, Astor addressed the issue of sustenance. "We need to make these provisions last until we secure our place in the inner academy. The journey ahead will test our strength and resolve."

The night wore on, filled with the scent of tanned leather, the crackling of the bonfire, and the low murmurs of conversations among friends-turned-comrades. As Astor observed his companions settling down for the night, his mind drifted to a monologue, a reflection on his past lives and the uncharted path that lay ahead.

The deities' scheme remains elusive, but within this academy, I find the tools to unravel its secrets. My knowledge spans lifetimes, and each existence adds a layer to the enigma. The system, the essence within me—I must harness their power without exposing the truth. This rebirth serves a purpose, and the academy is the crucible that will forge me into something greater.

His inner musings melded with the quiet ambiance of the magical forest, where nocturnal creatures stirred, and the moon cast a silvery glow on Astor and his companions, bound by fate and the trials that awaited them.

Astor delved into the depths of his inner world, where the essence energy hummed with potential. Cross-legged in the lotus position, his concentration was unwavering, a testament to the discipline that had become second nature to him through countless lifetimes.

The flickering flames of the bonfire cast shadows on his focused expression as he channeled the essence energy, molding it into a subtle yet powerful shield that clung to his body like a second skin. To an onlooker, the elemental energy manifested as a spectral glow, dancing in harmony with the ambient magic of the night.

Darian, who had been the first to retire for the night, stirred in his sleep, sensing an unfamiliar energy lingering in the air. He squinted, half-awake, searching for the source of the subtle radiance. Unbeknownst to him, Astor's mastery over his newfound abilities remained concealed, leaving no trace for curious eyes.

Astor's mind was a canvas, his thoughts a brush that painted intricate patterns of elemental energy. His focus was singular: refine the armor, strengthen its protective properties, and ensure its invisibility to the mundane senses of those around him.

The cool night air carried with it the rustle of leaves and the distant hoots of magical creatures. Astor's inner monologue echoed amidst the quiet symphony of nature.

I must perfect this technique. In the trials that await us, a shield of invincibility will be invaluable. The essence energy responds to my will, bending to the ancient knowledge coursing through my veins. This, too, is a remnant of the many lives I've lived, a testament to the interconnectedness of my past selves.

As Astor continued his meditative training, the essence energy rippled around him, like a guardian shrouded in the unseen forces of nature. Each breath, each deliberate movement, was a step towards unlocking the full potential of his abilities.

His thoughts drifted to the impending initiation tests, where survival meant more than mere victory. The silent promise he made to his companions—to lead them to the inner academy—weighed on his shoulders, and he channeled that responsibility into the refinement of his skills.

The moon, veiled by the branches of ancient trees, bore witness to Astor's solitary endeavor. In the quietude of the night, his essence-forged armor glimmered, a silent testament to the unseen struggles and untold stories that shaped the reborn soul.