
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


As the debate over leadership continued to swirl, Astor observed the verbal jousting with growing impatience. He felt the need to step in, not only to put an end to the fruitless argument but to assert his own authority.

Rising to his feet, Astor's expression shifted from passive observation to an authoritative resolve. "Enough," he declared, his voice cutting through the chaos. The sudden change in his demeanor drew the attention of everyone in the group.

Astor's gaze swept over each member, and a subtle change in his demeanor became more pronounced. It was as if a switch had been flipped, transforming him into someone entirely different. A trace of annoyance lingered in his eyes, and his normally average demeanor took on an air of authority.

"Darian," he began, his tone carrying a measured weight, "your approach is too narrow, and your arrogance blinds you to potential strategies. You're not fit to lead."

Lucien, the strategist of the group, received Astor's critique next. "Intelligence is useless without the wisdom gained through experience. Your plans lack practicality, Lucien."

Then came Kael, the confident and somewhat narcissistic member. Astor didn't mince words. "Stupidity has no place in leadership, Kael. Your arrogance blinds you to your own flaws."

Astor's gaze settled on the group as a whole. "I will lead," he declared with finality. The abrupt shift in his tone left the group momentarily stunned, the weight of his words resonating in the charged atmosphere. 

Darian, never one to hold back, scoffed at Astor's sudden assertion. "You think you can lead? You're the weakest among us, Astor! You're nothing but trash," he spat out with a sneer, not mincing words in expressing his disdain.

Lucien, normally composed, couldn't hide his offense. "Why should you lead?" he questioned, his brow furrowed. "We've known each other for years, and suddenly you decide to take charge? What makes you think you're fit for this?"

Fin, the charismatic member, chimed in with skepticism. "Legitimacy, Astor. What gives you the right to lead us? We need someone with proven strength and leadership qualities. What do you bring to the table?"

Astor, maintaining his newfound authoritative demeanor, met their skepticism with a calm response. "Strength isn't just about physical prowess, and leadership is not always about being the loudest or the most experienced. There's more to it, and you'll see in due time." The air crackled with tension as Astor's words hung in the air, challenging the group to accept a leader they hadn't anticipated.

Astor, his authoritative tone unwavering, continued to address the group, dropping a revelation that sent a collective shiver down everyone's spine. "This initiation might sound simple, but it's far from it. In fact, it's so challenging that death is a real possibility," he disclosed, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. The shock on their faces was palpable as the weight of his words settled in.

"But even if we survive," Astor added, his gaze penetrating each member, "it doesn't guarantee us a spot in the inner academy. If our scores are mediocre, we'll end up as outer students—limited resources, lower-level teachings. To truly advance, we need perfection. Only the top 1 percent make it to the inner academy, accessing its hidden treasures and advanced teachings. This is our secret, and we can't afford to underestimate what lies ahead." The gravity of the challenge ahead sank in as Astor laid out the harsh reality they were about to face.

Elowen, with a knowing look, silenced Darian's impending objection. Lucien, always the analytical one, sought clarification. Astor, with a calm demeanor, elaborated, "What I mean, Lucien, is that we shouldn't merely aim to pass the initiation. We should strive for perfection. This academy is not just about survival; it's about excelling, about proving that we are not just ordinary students but extraordinary talents. The inner academy is where we want to be, and to get there, we need not just competence but excellence."

Quillon and Drake, fueled by Astor's conviction, were quick to express their agreement. Zeph, typically reserved, remained contemplative. Alars, considering the potential benefits, found himself convinced. Fin, though still somewhat hesitant, couldn't ignore the appeal of Astor's vision.

Darian, itching to voice his dissent, exchanged glances with Kael and Elowen, sensing that this shift in leadership might disrupt their established dynamic. However, for the moment, Astor's words had sparked a fire in the majority, creating a unity that transcended their past rivalries. The initiation, once perceived as a mere hurdle, now took on the weight of a shared quest for excellence and the elusive entry into the inner academy.

Astor, realizing the weight of his proposition, added, "If my decisions ever lead us astray, if you find a better leader among you, I won't stand in the way. Our goal is not just about me leading; it's about all of us succeeding. We're a team, and I believe in the strength each of you brings. So, let's embark on this journey together, aiming not just for survival but for triumph, for a place in the inner academy that awaits those who dare to excel."

Elowen, always the enigmatic voice of reason, approached Darian, his words carrying a certain wisdom. "Darian, let Astor take the lead for now. There's a reason behind his decision, and we can always reassess later. Think of it as a strategic move. The leadership can rotate, and you'll have your turn soon enough."

Darian, still reluctant but sensing the validity of Elowen's words, nodded in agreement. Lucien, with his strategic mind, saw the potential benefit in Astor's proposal and decided to lend his support, saying, "Experience is gained through challenges. Let's trust Astor for now, and if things go south, we'll reassess. Our unity is crucial in facing what lies ahead."

The courtyard echoed with the announcement, capturing the attention of all the students. A teacher stepped forward, their authoritative presence demanding silence. "Attention, students! In order to enter the academy, you will face the first trial. Enter the portal before you, and those who emerge unscathed will be deemed worthy. The challenges within will test your mettle, resilience, and teamwork. This is the gateway to the academy. Good luck!"

The portal, an ethereal gateway crackling with magical energy, loomed before them, its mysterious depths promising both trials and opportunities. The students, now a united group under Astor's unexpected leadership, exchanged determined glances, bracing themselves for the unknown challenges that awaited them on the other side.

Astor, standing at the forefront, cast a reassuring glance over his assembled companions. "Don't worry, everyone. Just follow my lead, and we'll make it through. Our goal is the inner academy, and we won't let anything stand in our way." His calm demeanor and newfound authority instilled a sense of confidence in the group.

With Astor at the helm, they stepped into the swirling vortex of the portal. The magical energies enveloped them, transporting the team into a realm of challenges, mysteries, and trials that awaited beyond the shimmering gateway. The portal closed behind them, leaving the courtyard silent and tense, as the fate of these aspiring students now rested on the outcomes within the otherworldly trials.