
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

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75 Chs

Chapter 6

I changed the direction of my flight, instantly blasting towards the thing at my full speed. My speed was more than 150 points above the dragon's and yet, it was travelling at 10 times my speed . How did I know that number accurately? I don't know, I just instinctively knew at what speed we were flying in the sky; I knew I was speeding past 120 miles/hour after just a second, I knew the dragon was pushing over a 1000 miles/hour, it was just instinctive. If i had to take an educated guess, I'll say it was because of my father's domain most likely.

The ridiculous difference in our speed though...it has to be tier. The difference in tier was way more massive that I'd imagined it seems.

The beast seemed momentarily surprised by my decision to fight it, before roaring towards me in challenge. I gladly accepted.

The thing was just a blur to my vision, a rocketing comet that was going to obliterate me. And yet, I just instinctively knew exactly when the thing will reach me. My senses in the air were working dozens of times faster than on land. As it zoomed in on me, I created a holy spear in a fraction of a second, and launched it directly at its head. At the speed at which it was travelling, there was no way for it to dodge such an attack from the front. It barely managed to jerk its head to let the spear pass by, and tanked my attack on its scaly body.

The attack though...the attack did nothing but create a burnt scratch and piss it off. It roared towards me, the gravelling sound of a stone gargling made me wince. Hearing it from close up was definitely a lot scarier than from a safe distance.

I didn't have more time to think because the next moment it was upon me.

My heart beat like a disco-ball as the dragon's whole head opened up, showing the razor sharp teethes stuck upon its serpentine mouth. The thing snapped at me as we came into melee, and I barely managed to accelerate my flight to dodge it's whole head, it's massive stature made his high dexterity a moot point against a tiny fly like me. And enabled me to succeed in escaping, regardless of it's speed.

My flight's momentum took me above it's long body and at a spur of a moment, my hand shot towards it's huge body and clutched its hard blue scales. My entire arm jerked painfully at the drastic change in speed, but I managed to hang onto the dragon as it continued at an incredible jet-like speed. With my other free hand, I accessed my inventory and removed the steel spear that I've been using for the last 5 months.

I plunged down the steel spear with all my strength, only for the spear to get deflected off of its scales. It didn't even scratch the thing like my holy spear did. I didn't falter though. I struck under it's scales this time while coating the steel edge with lightning using my skill– electric discharge. This time, it created a scratch, while sparks of electricity danced around the scales uselessly.

Fucking hell.

I put my useless weapon back in the inventory and created a holy spear. The dragon seemed to have had enough of my antiques though, cause it started buckling like a bull in midair. I desperately clutched at the scales to not fall off, and tried to wither the storm. The moment it stopped it's madness, I let go of its scales and used air and wind manipulation to let myself stay stuck for a few seconds. Then using both my hands I plunged down the holy spear in the skin between it's scales, putting all of my strength behind the stab.

The spear went in, 5 inches deep, then 6, then 7, then 8...and then it stopped completely, even with every single bit of my strength desperately pushing down.

The monster stilled for a second, and I removed the spear with a bloody shlick. Only then did the monster react. The intensity of its furious and painful roar was such that it stunned me completely for a quick second and made my ears bleed. Literally. I could feel the wetness as something liquidy trickled down my ears. I touched the spot under my ear and for the first time, saw my own blood. It was dark golden in colour, with minute specks of red.

'Ichor', a part of my mind supplied. I was a fucking god. Why did the fact hit me just now? I was a god. Yet I wasn't at their tier. A powerless god then, but a god.

The incredulous line of thought was broken through when the dragon roared again while doing a spin in the air. The gravity pulled me down and i had to hold onto its back with both of my hands. But then a small flimsy coating of hot steaming water slowly covered it's whole body. I turned to look at the same glowing bluish array that indicated the being just cast a spell.

The steaming hot water burnt my hands, creating blisters on my palm. I let go of the scales with a pained yelp and jumped off of the dragon, trying to flap my wings and fly. But then it's thick tail suddenly crashed into me from behind. The blinding speed at which it attacked left me unable to do anything. Worse? The dragon wasn't even looking at me when it attacked, so probably just an unintentional swipe. And yet, the incredible strength behind the blow smacked me down, and I could've sworn I felt my spine crack from just that single smack, even though the wings absorbed most of the power.

And then I was falling to the ground, and the wind screamed in my ears, hurting the tender bleeding organ so badly that I almost cried like a child.

[Resistance Created: Pain] Lvl 1

The pain lessened a bit, enough for me to start panicking again as the ground quickly came into my view. I tried flapping my wings again but the wind was so fierce by now that I had absolutely no control over them, plus the blow had felt then hurting like hell. My body was quickly spinning in the air, completely out of control as the ground rapidly came closer.

I was going to die, the fact settled in my mind. The ground was just a hundred meters away. I was going to die! I was freaking going to die! After just starting an epic journey with epic powers and an epic mother, I was going to fucking die from a fucking fall!

[Gamer's Mine] Activated

Suddenly all of my panic vanished like it was never there. Why the hell was I scared? I was the son of Zeus, The God of Sky and thunder. The wind was mine to command.

I closed my eyes and willed the wind around me, making it submit to me as it's true ruler. It was hard, the pressure was unlike anything I've ever experienced before. But in the end, my divinity and will forced the wind around me to slow down, creating a small cocoon of air to protect me.

[Skill Leveled Up: Wind Manipulation] Lvl 5

My control suddenly went through a transformation. The ease with which the wind answered to me was mind-blowing. A single level shouldn't be enough to do this, but maybe lvl 5 was some kind of milestone? Who cares. The point was, my control was enough for me to bend the air around me and take flight again, even without my wings. I still used my wings to reduce the need to focus, though I had to grimace slightly in pain as I felt my wings click into place after having been twisted from that blow, though I can definitely feel that something was wrong with my back and spine.

I ignored my agitated spine, adrenaline coursing through my veins making me help focus. I shifted my attention back to the dragon, the being having already turned around to chase after my falling body, likely thinking the fight has ended. A mistake I will be sure to punish.

Without hesitation, I flew towards it.

The dragon opened its mouth again, but this time, it launch a stream of steaming water towards me. This time, it was me who couldn't dodge the attack due to my own momentum working against me. I could sense the power behind the water and knew, if it touched me, I was going down to the ground, not just to the ground but 6 feets dead under the ground.

So in response to its attack, I used all my power and focus to quickly launch a thick beam of wind directly in the water, followed by a bolt of electricity as thick as my hand by overpowering the electric discharge skill. The wind wasn't powerful enough to completely blow away the stream, but it created a clear hole in the water, enough for me and the bolt of electricity to travel through.

I burst out from the other end of the stream, barely 10 meters away from the dragon, an extra large holy spear forming in my hand. The bolt had managed to enter the dragon's mouth successfully, and I used this chance to attack it.

The blue dragon was definitely shocked by the electricity and couldn't react fast enough to dodge the holy spear that I launched. The spear pierced the thing's left eye successfully, and i continued my flight upwards by dodging it's whole screaming head. I turned back quickly, only to find the screaming dragon falling to the ground, it's tiny clawed paws cupping it's destroyed eye in pain.

I went after it with a blast of wind, while focusing inside myself to access the well of power, preparing to launch my most powerful skill. I couldn't use it in a fight because the damned thing needed me to concentrate for 10 whole seconds. No opponent would be stupid enough to give me such time.

Now though, I had the opportunity.

Aside from flying, I didn't focus on anything but the skill. The dragon bellowed out as it met the ground in a large echoing boom, probably creating a crater where it fell. As I finally approached the ground, the sky above me darkened, and wind sped up. Still in the air, I raised my hand towards the sky and the dark clouds parted to launch a thick bolt of lightning. It was like a white line of pure energy that the heavens itself launched to show it's power and fury. The sound of thunder filled the area as the bolt of lightning fell directly upon the bellowing dragon's head. I closed my eyes while clutching my ears to shield from the terrific sound of the divine bolt meeting the dragon.

[Skill Leveled Up: Divine Lightning Bolt] Lvl 2

I opened my tired eyes slowly and noticed the clear gaping hole in the dragon's forehead. It's eyes were open, but there was no life present. The being was dead, released from its pain of losing an eye.

[You Leveled Up] 200

You have entered the 3rd Tier (Inhuman Tier)

[You Leveled Up] 201

[You Leveled Up] 202

[You Leveled Up] 203

[You Leveled Up] 204



[You Leveled Up] 229

Waving away the notifs I slowly landed beside the dead dragon as satisfaction and relief spread through me, but the moment my feets touched the land and my weight transferred upon my spine, a jolt of pure agony went through me. My back lit up in pure pain and I realised that the blow from its tail had indeed crushed my spine, adrenaline just made me ignore it.

I bumbled down on the ground, my knees growing heavy as the adrenaline wore off and the fight finally took its toll on me. I barely managed to shift my fall enough to put the pressure on my wings instead of my back, but the fall still spread pure pain and agony across my whole backside, from the crushed spine to my broken wings. I groaned out loud and felt my world darkening around me.

Health: 380/20100

I had just enough consciousness left in me to see my mother's tears streaked face come into my vision.

"...Hold on, child." The words were distant, like hearing from the other side of an empty tunnel. But I can still feel the desperation and fear behind them through my hazy consciousness. "..Please love, hold on.."

A glowing white teleportation array formed below us, and my world was plunged into darkness.