
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

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75 Chs

Chapter 32

For a second I almost thought he was going to take his divine form to teleport, but fortunately he wasn't as inconsiderate as I'd imagined him to be.

We flew from the camp faster than anyone could notice, and off we were towards the empire building in new york city. The speed with which we travelled was so stupidly high that I was sure any mortal would've bust a vessel by now.

So fast did we go that I had no time to see anything, no time to ask questions, no time to think much either.

In but a single second, we were above Empire State building, travelling from the opposite side of long Island directly to new york city, and going up and up and up until we left the building way out of our sight and clouds greeted our eyes.

I don't know when the mortal world ended and the divine one began but slowly I started to notice the change in air, and the higher we went the stronger it got.

[Skill Leveled Up: Mist Sense] Lvl 5

Wow, just...wow.

Simply flying around increased my skill level? Now that's disgustingly unfair to anyone else practicing mist arts. Me? I was just giddy.

The lands of Olympus was everything I would describe as a home to gods. And in here, it finally hit me that I've just entered the outside world for the first time in more than a year. Sure, I left the camp sometimes to fights the monsters outside, but actually leave that place? Nope, first time. And the first place I was visiting was olympus, the home of gods and immortals.

Zeus didn't stop for me to gaze upon the place's beauty for more than a second, but it was enough to convince me that I was in the most beautiful city I've ever seen in my life.

Too soon though, we zoomed past multiple constructs and structures before finally reaching the huge looming mountain on which 12 mega-palaces were built. The palaces were positioned on the mountainside, from lower level of mountain to the highest level, where the biggest palace stood.

The rest were placed in exactly similar positions to how the cabins were made back in the camp; but there was absolutely no similarity in their structures.

I once thought that the Zeus cabin was beautiful and majestic, but it was nothing compared to even the smallest palace of an Olympian god and I wasn't talking about just their size.

We didn't stop for any viewing unfortunately, and my heart clenched unsatisfactorily, but I didn't say anything because we zoomed directly towards, what I assumed, was Hephaestus palace.

Finally, my father slowed down enough to talk to me. "He usually does not work on Olympus but I had him summoned here especially for this. I wanted you to have a new weapon, one way or another. For this reason, your one wish from me may change to him. You may request anything else save for your weapon. But only one thing, for anything more you will have to convince him yourself."

And then he patted my shoulder before turning back.

"Wait, you are leaving?" I asked, surprised by the suddenness of the event.

The god glanced at me again, a grimace forming on his face. "Hera already knows you are here. I must keep her...ahem, otherwise occupied. Hephaestus already expects you. He hears everything in here."

And with a last nod, he was gone. The hell? I was almost starting to prepare myself for some teary, awkward, or just plain cringe goodbye. This was all too quick, and very much to my liking.

I slowly started to walk down the crystal corridor, and now that I had time to savor the sight I made sure to observe everything.

From the greenish pillars to...colour changing pillars? ...No, I got that wrong.

The pillars weren't changing colours, the whole fucking room was changing right in front of my eyes!

Yeah, fuck no. And with that, I unleashed my wings and flapped back towards the exist, only to find the door I just entered from to be completely gone from my view.

In its place was a red wall, dripping lava from tiny cracks and fissures that spread like a web across the whole wall. I looked around and found the same thing everywhere.

There was only one door in the lava room and I was starting to sweat bullets, which is just ridiculous considering that I actually never sweated before in my life. I'd forgotten how horribly uncomfortable it was. Perhaps I was in my own personal little hell.

Thankfully the worst didn't happen as I started walking deeper into the fiery lair. Instead of the heat increasing to uncomfortable levels, it stayed just the same.

I pushed open the door quite easily and walked down the stairs, past a couple of pillars lit with fire. There, deeper down the room, stood a giant so big and ugly, I almost felt he wasn't the same species.

Red welts like pimples covered his whole face and the shape of his head looked like a rotten onion beginning to wilt.

'Gods, I've got so used to being beautiful to the point where even gods would be jealous, that I'd forgotten how ugly people could look. All that 'Don't judge the book by it's cover' thing? Yeah that'll vanish away if you take a look at this dude and don't start running in the opposite direction.'


Race: God

Tier: 8 (True God)

Current Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Level: 765 (Divine Form) [Max]

Current Level: 665 (Mortal Form)

Divine Power: 6,100,000/6,100,000

Stamina: 6,780,000/6,780,000

Health: 6,650,000/6,650,000


Strength: 685 (785)

Speed: 625 (725)

Dexterity: 672 (772)

Endurance: 678 (778)

Constitution: 665 (765)

Mental: 55

Spirit: 610 (710)

This scary god was higher leveled than Dionysus but with lower spiritual power. Who would win between them though?

"If you are done gawking then start walking, boy." The gruff giant growled.

I gulped and started walking. Suddenly all the stories of titans and gods eating their children didn't sound amusing anymore.

"Heard you shook things up." The god grunted in what might have been amusement, though I couldn't be sure. "Good for you. Now you get to be the new godly entertainment, congrats."

Gamer's mind came to the rescue and I soon found myself back in my body, with my soul intact. (i could've sworn looking at this guy injured my spirit somehow.)

The giant went back to work, which was to hammer some kind of metal. Only then did my attention go to the room itself.

It looked...conjusted. Tools everywhere, metals pieces everywhere, thrown weapons on the god, and a huge heap of trash. It did not look comfortable. It did not look like the forge of a god.

I sighed after a few seconds, wanting to get this over with. "So, you going to create a weapon for me?"

The god hmmed. "Now that's the kind of language I like. No need for useless chitchat, let's talk weapons. Tell me, boy, what is the most perfect weapon you can imagine."

I thought long and hard. Was the question some trick? No, I didnt believe so. This guy wasn't known for that. So I decided to be honest.

"The most perfect weapon would be the one that is the most comfortable in the user's hand, the most suitable for the user's style of combat, and the most powerful under the user's grasp."

Hephaestus stopped hammering and started inspecting his new creation, before shooting me an idle glance with narrowed eyes, nodding slowly.

"Hmm, good enough. Glad you didn't blurt out some stupid shit like father's master bolt or uncle's trident. You wouldn't believe how many gods say bullshit like that. The truth is, there is no single perfect weapon in the world, there is only the most suitable. And we are here today to craft you one."

Suddenly he threw the weapon away after an experimental swing, and muttered, "Trash.", before shifting his attention back to me.

"Come here, boy." He waved me towards him. "Grasp my hand and push. I want to know what kind of strength in working with."

I did as he asked, pushing his fist with all my might. Of course, I couldn't move it a single inch. But a surprised look still came on his face.

"Strong. Very strong. Haven't seen strength based sons from his loins for a long time now. This makes things easier. Hmm, a hammer perhaps? Or a club..."

I decided to interrupt him before he can misunderstand further. "I'm not strength based. My speed and dexterity is higher than my strength."

His eyebrows shot up before his eyes narrowed again. "And how would you know that, boy?"

Shit. My brain started storming through responses before I realised I didn't need any excuse. "I've been fighting for more than a year now. I know myself."

Hephaestus nodded again, satisfied but not convinced. "I'll have to see for myself, you understand?"

I was going to ask him how when he clapped his hands and out of the huge pile of garbage came an honest to gods treadmill. Of course.

"Now start running until I say stop. I'm getting an idea for your weapon but I wanna know more."

The next hour passed with me doing various exercises right there in the forge while he absently took note of things, thinking and muttering to himself all the while. He even had me demonstrate my divine powers, Holy powers, and Demonic powers. The last one getting a grimace.

"Ah yes, the Demonic power. I've got no fucking idea where you got that from but you are lucky. It's horrible stuff, but it's got so much potential. Those ignorant, lazy devils don't deserve such power. Give this same to a bunch of mortals and they'd be ruling the whole world right now. The devils instead sit under their thrones, fight amongst themselves, and complain like little shits, content to be the weaklings they are. Disgusting pitiful things."

After an hour, we finally concluded the testing phase.

"Hmm, you can stop now boy." Hephaestus roughly growled at, his eyes going up and down the small slate in his hand. "Let's see. Exceptional physique for your age. Exceptional Power levels. Exceptional skill with spear and sword. Good enough archer."

He took a glance at me, and threw a disgusted snort. "Some men have all the luck. No doubt you'll become the new Adonis and have my wife sniffing around your butt by the next decade."

"Whatever, not like I care." He muttered to himself unconvincingly. "Make sure not to grow a big head and we'll be fine. I've already grown tired of hating everyone my wife has had a tumble with by now."

"Don't worry, I'm not Ares." I replied snarkily, annoyed at the god's unreasonable hostility.

I pitied the god for his fate, but getting insecure by a 9 year old was a little extreme. I'd thought he'll grow even more annoyed at me so I was surprised to hear him throw back his head and laugh.

"True true. That bastard's got the biggest head. And the smallest dick. I'd know, I've seen it."

The god let lose another laugh and it was so sudden, shockingly vulgar, and contagious that I couldn't help but share his amusement.

"Tell you what boy. I'll craft the best weapon I've ever made. In return you bash that bastard's head when he comes to challenge you. And he will, once my wife gets a glimpse of you. He is her personal little bitch you see. What do you say?"

[Quest Recieved: A Godly Deal]–

Objective: Complete the request of Hephaestus by defeating the God of War, Ares.

Reward: 20 Levels, ?

I was so startled that I lost my laughter suddenly. A thousand thoughts ran in my mind under a second. This was an incredible opportunity, and I responded to the divine blacksmith immediately. "How long do I have?"

The god stared at me in surprise before waving a hand. "Now now, boy. I only meant that as a casual favor, not some quest you need to lay your life for."

[Quest Denied]

"No!" I burst out, before taking a deep breath to calm myself and gather my thoughts. "I want this quest, Lord Hephaestus. I dislike Ares too, what he did to you was wrong, and I'd be glad to recieve a quest by you. Forge me the best weapon you can, and I'll humiliate Ares so badly that the entire Olympus would laugh at him for centuries to come."

The god stared at me dumbly before a smile crossed on his face. At any other time, it would've been the most ugliest thing I have ever witnessed. At this moment? It was the most satisfying thing I've ever seen.

"I don't doubt you, lad. Believe me, there is just something different about you." He looked contemplative, scratching his huge beard roughly. "Hmm, tell you what. Humiliate that son of a divine bitch by the end of this decade, and I'll craft you the best armour on top of the weapon I'm going to make now."

[Quest Recieved: A Godly Deal]–

Objective: Humiliate the God of War Ares by the end of this decade.

Rewards: 20 Levels, Unknown Tier Armour, All Divine Skills increased by 1]

"I accept it." I replied before letting lose a positively evil laugh, and the god joined me the next moment.

"You know what, lad? I was wrong about you. You and I are going to get along just fine."


I left the blacksmith god's palace well into the night. We've been talking about smithing for a long time and I learned and gained quite a few things from that.

One of the most important things he said to me was that for a suitable weapon, it was necessary to have something personal to bind the weapon with.

Like Thalia's shield for instance; it was made specially for a child of Zeus. The divine blood of Zeus was what bound that shield to her, which was also the reason she worked so well with the spear and shield combo. For this connection between me and my weapon, he'd requested a bit of my blood.

Another thing was that if the weapon's production included some ingredient owned by its user, then it'll have an even stronger connection.

When I presented the Manticore's sting, Lamia's head, and karkinos shell, Hephaestus had been ecstatic. They were creatures at the level of medusa herself, who was used in the original aegis. Not only could they be used to further my connection, their special properties could also be added to my new weapon. Which made me ecstatic in return.

'This was a fun night. Plus I got my first true quest in this world. What could be better than this? Oh yeah, watching hephaestus work and getting free crafting levels.'

I hadn't entered the olympus like a mortal should, so for a moment I simply stared down from the mountain, towards the land below us.

There was only one way that connected all the palaces to the main city of gods, and soon I found myself walking upon it, passing by naiads, and minor gods who seemed to be lost in their own world; enjoying their own life.

Beautiful half-naked women danced on stage without any shame, and there just as many women as men who were cheering them on. Nymphs arched through the air like Olympic Acrobats, giving a show no mortal would ever see. This was the city of gods; beautiful and carefree. As I got further away from the palaces, the city's state became a little more relatable.

Not mortal like, mind you. But relatable. Vendors and hawker were selling Ambrosia on a stick. There were even some selling the golden fleece on the market.

Golden fleece, that is said to heal almost any injury a living being could possess.

The legendary golden fleece, sold in some market like common item. Don't make me laugh.

...Golden fleece.

Golden fleece?

Golden fleece.

"Golden fleece!" I exclaimed softly, realisation going through my head. "That's it! The answer to Thalia's condition!"

Surely this will work. Cause if that thing couldn't heal Thalia then probably nothing will. I might actually have to transverse through the underworld to get some pheonix tears from the devil's.

My feets walked towards the elevator thing as fast as it can carry me. I needed to get back in camp. Golden fleece, I gotta research that stuff.

But that thing has been lost for a long time now.

That dampened my enthusiasm a little, but all was fine. I'll take my time, there was no hurry. My sister's life-force will stay stuck on that number as long as the tree lives. Yes, I'll research, prepare, and grow. When the time comes, I'll be ready. Zeus himself gave me his blessings, there was no way Chiron or Mr. D could refuse me the quest.

As soon as I was out of the elevator and onto the ground, I cast concealment upon myself and took off in the air.

Now, I had a direction. I simply needed to follow this direction.