
The Mortal File

It was a typical first day at State High University. The classrooms were buzzing with life, as students began to settle into their classes for the semester. Little did the students know, their first day was about to take an unexpected turn. The school had been taken over by an anonymous terrorist, leading to a complete lockdown with no one outside to know. Soon enough, they were informed of the extent of their predicament. They had been chosen to participate in a simulated game of organized crime - the Mafia game. This was their only way out of the school - they had to prove their worthiness and survive the game in order to live.

yours_truly7 · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs

Hasty Start

It's the first day of mine in State High... nothing much.

This university is a fusion of contemporary architecture and cutting-edged technology, a beacon of innovation in the heart of Chrysalis. A winding pathway, lined with meticulously landscaped gardens and futuristic sculptures, led visitors toward the grand entrance. Welcome banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, bearing the university's emblem in bold, vibrant colors. 

Upon entering the main lobby, visitors were greeted by a breathtaking expanse of space adorned with sleek furnishings and state-of-the-art amenities. Digital display screens mounted on the walls showcased upcoming events and academic achievements, while interactive kiosks offered instant access to campus maps and resources.

To the left, a sleek coffee shop beckoned with the aroma of freshly brewed espresso, its minimalist decor inviting students to linger over laptops and textbooks as they fueled their minds and bodies for the day ahead.

On the right, a state-of-the-art library stood as a testament to the university's commitment to academic excellence. Floor-to-ceiling windows bathed the interior in natural light, illuminating rows of meticulously organized bookshelves and clusters of students engrossed in study sessions or collaborative projects.

Further down the main thoroughfare, a vibrant student center buzzed with activity, its open-concept design fostering a sense of community and connection among the diverse student body. Groups gathered around tables adorned with colorful flyers and posters, sharing ideas for upcoming events and initiatives that spanned from cultural celebrations to social justice campaigns.

A sigh escapes my lips as I looked away from the pamphlet and walked inside the gate, swiping my ID like usual. True to the words, I did witness the events written as I passed by. 

Students are wearing in diverse styles, from casual streetwear to professional attires. At this point, the faculty and staff of the school is unnoticeable if it weren't for the different color of their ID strap. Then, would it be easier to pretend as one? 

The bells chimed, clearing my thoughts in the process. As I made my way through the halls, seemingly adjusted to the sea of people on their respective ways, a buzz from my phone caught my attention. 

Swiftly, I took my laptop out and checked what I got, leaning against the wall on the process. As I read further, the worse my mood gets. Not just that, but a shiba inu came up to me. 

"Hey," A voice brimming with excitement spoke, "Are you starting here too?"

I lifted my gaze from the screen, a warm smile was on her lips, while I don't care, "Yeah, new beginnings and all that."

"I'm Emma, by the way," Her smile remained as bright as ever, "Just transferred in. This place is massive, isn't it?"

"Emma, the enthusiastic transferee. Got it," A faint smile lingered on my lips as I continued on my business, "And yeah, massive is an understatement."

"Well," Emma pinched the hem of my sleeve, gaining my attention, "If you ever need a guide or someone to show you around, I'm your girl. It's my first day too, but I'm determined to conquer this labyrinth of classrooms."

"Conquer the labyrinth, huh?" Closing my laptop, a smirk curled into my lips as I entered the classroom and sat in the back.

My eyes can't help but roll as the usual cliche of classroom setup happens in front of me. Of course, there's the popular girl passionately sharing about her summer adventures, her audience listening with captivated smiles eager to be noticed by her.

Some are with their friends exchanging animated stories and laughter. In the far corner, a nerd with the stack of textbooks leaned against the wall, engrossed in a debate with an artist holding a sketchbook.

Meanwhile, at the center of the room, a spontaneous debate erupted. Two students, seemingly poles apart in their perspectives, engaged in a spirited exchange about the merits of classic literature versus contemporary fiction. 

"What's your name?" A familiar voice asked, prompting me to stare at her. "You haven't told me yet."

I cupped my chin as I rested my elbow on the desk, "Keilani," 

Her smile grew wider and sat beside me, "That's--"

Suddenly, the classroom door slammed shut, the shrill sound of the lockdown alarm pierced the air. Panic spread like wildfire, fueled by the uncertainty of the situation. Some students scrambled for their phones, desperate to contact loved ones or seek information about the unfolding crisis.

Others huddled in the far corners of the room, their eyes wide with apprehension as they exchanged worried whispers. While I remained rooted on my spot, with someone grasping my body as if her life depended on it.

"Listen up, everyone," The popular girl, stood at the front of the room, her voice calm but firm as she attempted to restore order. "We need to remain calm and follow lockdown procedures. Stay away from the windows, and keep quiet until we receive further instructions."

The tension still hung thick in the air, palpable as the rest exchanged anxious glances. Outside the classroom door, muffled sounds echoed – footsteps, indistinct voices – heightening the sense of unease within the confined space.

As minutes stretched into eternity, the classroom descended into an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional whimper or stifled sob. Time seemed to stand still as they waited with bated breath, their senses heightened by the uncertainty of what lay beyond the locked door.

This is too soon. 

A flickering light drew everyone's attention to the front of the room where a television screen hummed to life. It caused a chaos that made everyone else backed in fear. On the screen, a figure obscured by shadows appeared, their voice distorted yet unmistakably menacing.

"Attention, students," The voice boomed, sending shivers down the spines of those gathered in the room. "You are now under my control. Do as I say, and you may survive this ordeal."

Let's play.

"You have two options," The voice continued, its tone chillingly calm. "Play the game I have prepared for you, or suffer the consequences. The choice is yours."