
The Mortal Artificer

“With great power comes great responsibility” –Winston Churchill/Uncle Ben Such a notion is really overwhelming, but not popularly practiced in the world of Avengale. Avengale is a world devastated by war and conflict of every kind. In the middle of this war… a normal young man is given a gift by a twist of fate… the gift of artifact creation. With a sickly mother at home, and a load of enemies around him, how will he be able to survive in this war-torn era where the strong… devour the weak? Follow him in his adventure and find out how he became… The Mortal Artificer.

Shynobi · Action
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19 Chs

Venturing and gaining

Chapter 8 Venturing and gaining

The lush forest looks beautiful and verdant with tall trees and shrubberies looking lovely and picturesque. But no one should look down on this beauty because deep within its splendor lies a deadly danger that can threaten even a being with a class-B power.

In this world, a normal person has an average running speed of around 24 kph, and lifting strength of 50 kg… within these ranges is a Class-C person.

For class-B people... They usually have a normal running speed of around 40-239 kph and lifting strength of 200-1,500 kg. With such strength and speed which is way above a normal level, they are able to contend with demon beasts.

But even with that amazing power and speed, once they enter this forest, their lives would already not be in their hands.

However, there is always an exemption on everything.

Atop a tree, a pair of eyes slowly open and looks at the ground.

The figure is currently looking at one of the predators in this forest, a silver-stripped panther.


The rustling sound suddenly alerted the beast as it looks atop the trees.

It tried to sniff the air but suddenly snorted as it showed dissatisfaction on its face.

The 2-meter-tall 3-meter-long beast shifted its gaze back to its path and continue walking.

Unknown to it, a figure slowly emerged out of the bushes and squatted on the tree branch.

The figure is that of a young man. On his body is a weird wooden armor and his arms are filled with wounds.

From one look, one could tell that the young fellow has gone through hell in obtaining such scars. Not only are there many in his arms but also his legs.

From the way, he looks one could tell that he has been in this forest for a while now.

This particular young man is Han Jin.

He's been in this forest for more than a week now, and ever since he started hunting after crafting his armor, he has been wounded, stabbed, bitten, chased, and mauled by different types of beasts, but still, he would stand up and fight.

The reason for his determination behind the suffering is because of the benefit he is getting from such experiences.

After suffering such attacks and killing those beasts in the forest, he has now gained a huge margin of increase in his speed.

He has already determined that to survive in this place, he has to put everything in his speed. As long as he does this, his muscles would automatically be adjusted by that same thing that is always helping him… the colorful stone.

Besides giving him strength or speed improvement, it would also heal his wound at the cost of the gained Chi energy.

After a while of hunting, Han Jin has already determined that he has actually wasted a lot of the Chi energy which should have gone to increasing his speed. But what can he do? He is just a weak class-C person who is easily wounded and helpless in this forest.

But the experience has given him one thing, and that is the sharpening of his instinct and the accuracy of Nim's eye is also improving day after day.

He has already figured out that his Nim's eye could now reach about 100 meters away from him, and he could activate it with a mere thought as he has already memorized the chant.

Plus, in this forest, he is not alone. He has a very effective helper who is an old know-it-all… the old Onyx Tree.

Today, he has set himself on hunting another creature with a soft pelt because he needed to make himself some clothes as he has already ruined his army fatigue.

And his target is thing large creature in front of his eyes.

He carefully takes out three snake-tooth knives from his back and then after setting his sight on the beast's back, he swings his arm with lightning speed.

So far in his hunts, he has already reached a normal jog of 30 kph which is already above a normal person but still below the class-B range. If he pushes himself and sprints, he would reach around 60 kph, but that would eat his own stamina and would weaken his body.

He once did this to escape a chase from a wolf. Luckily, before his stamina runs out, he reached the Onyx Tree's territory and was saved by old Onyx's vines that whip the wolf to retreat.

With that throw, the three snake-tooth knives flew like arrows and hit the back of the silver-stripped panther.


It suddenly roared in pain as it glared behind it.

It saw a black figure squatting atop a tree branch and it became enraged.

Without hesitation, it suddenly flashes its body which seems to travel through the air and quickly pounces at Han Jin's location. Unknown to it, its speed has already fallen quite a bit due to the effect of the poison from the snake-tooth blades.

Before it could reach its target, it saw that black figure falling down to the ground. It growled in anger as it swipes its paws in the air.

Its casual swipe sent several wind blades the size of a palm flying at Han Jin's falling figure.

Han Jin did not dodge, but instead, crosses his arms.


The wind blade did not cut through the flesh of that black figure which made the silver-striped panther annoyed.

But then before it could react, it suddenly felt something falling from above it and then piercing its back.

Before it knew it, it has already been skewered by several spears which fell on its body.


The panther growled in anger as it glared at the black figure that it could now determine as a human.

"Hehe… The trap works as usual… I think the venom still needed some work, but this will do for now..." Han Jin muttered as he looks at the panther which is starting to grow weaker.

In this forest, he has tried many types of traps, but most of them do not work. The only trap that works in this forest is the trap where you put your own life on the line which would blind the predator chasing after you.

Soon, Han Jin uses his sharp rough-looking machete and slices the neck of the panther.

He then began to wrap its huge body with leaves and then takes out the already prepared carrier for the huge creature.

It was already nearing sunset when Han Jin came back to the sanctuary of the Onyx Tree.

"Your method is sly but effective…" the Onyx Tree commented while Han Jin began to work on the beast.

"Well, I also know how to learn my lessons… not everything can be attained through brute strength." Han Jin commented on the side.

"Hahaha…" the two suddenly laughed.

"I wonder how this thing would taste like…" Old Onyx Tree suddenly muttered while looking at the dead panther.

"I know what you want, don't rush…" Han Jin said with a slight smirk on his face.

After taking care of the panther's skin, he began to cook the meat.

With the help of the old Onyx Tree, he was even able to find salt in this place.

Near the sanctuary, Han Jin has already built a small house made of rocks and twigs.

Since he can gain Chi from hunting and crafting, he could make things with less effort than needed… which is why he is able to create many things in this place.

As he looks at the animal skin on the rack and the meat being stewed, Han Jin could not help but show a faint smile on his face.

If he could have a chance, he would like to live this kind of life… a life away from the woes of society.

But he could not choose this life right now as he still has his mother to worry about.

He still has to work for the army to support his mother's hospitalization. With such a problem, how could he wish to have such a good life for his own selfish reason?

How could he let his mother be alone in that place?

Upon thinking to this point, he suddenly decided that it is already time to go back.

That night, he began asking questions to old Onyx about the path to the town of Alfas as that is the place where they are supposed to deliver the provisions.

Because it is more dangerous to deliver the cargo directly to Zulu, the convoy would only drop things at Alfas. Then from there, the army in the Zulu base would be the ones to take the provisions.

He heard that the town of Alfas is one of the biggest towns in the country.

Although they are near the Zulu base, people still flock to the town due to the number of soldiers from the country being deployed in the area.

One of the reasons for this is because… the more soldiers there are in one place… the more the safety of the common citizen is secured. That is what most people are thinking thought.

After listening for a while to old Onyx, Han Jin began to draw a map of the town. With the map in hand, new pieces of armor and weapons prepared, and an intel provider, he is sure that he could reach the town without a hitch.

Early the next morning, Han Jin is already awake and is busy preparing the hide.

He did not think of scrimping on the use of Chi, he just used anything he got just to finish crafting the beast hide.

It did not take long before he soon prepares himself for his departure back to human civilization.

"Sigh… civilization… here we go…" he muttered with a hint of reluctance in his tone.