
The Mortal Artificer

“With great power comes great responsibility” –Winston Churchill/Uncle Ben Such a notion is really overwhelming, but not popularly practiced in the world of Avengale. Avengale is a world devastated by war and conflict of every kind. In the middle of this war… a normal young man is given a gift by a twist of fate… the gift of artifact creation. With a sickly mother at home, and a load of enemies around him, how will he be able to survive in this war-torn era where the strong… devour the weak? Follow him in his adventure and find out how he became… The Mortal Artificer.

Shynobi · Action
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19 Chs

A single fist

Chapter 13 A single fist

Inside a room, six people are gathered around a table while looking at some data before them. One of them is explaining things about the man in the picture which shows sneers on the faces of the men inside the room.

"So this guy has already gotten the ire of an officer. Hehe… This will make our plan more interesting." Francis Long said with a sinister grin.

"We should make this guy suffer. I think that guy would even back us up if he knew we are targeting the guy…" one of his henchmen said with a fawning grin.

"But we have to move fast… I heard that he has decided to follow the route to the attacked convoy. He has decided not to wait for them in this village." the one reporting to the group said while pointing at the table where a map is laid.

"This would be the perfect place for an ambush…" that guy said with a smile.

Everyone looks at the location where the guy is pointing and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

At this time, Han Jin has washed up while calmly lying on the bed of his quarters.

He is currently reading the report connected to the caravan.

"It seems that those guys have encountered some terrible luck." He muttered as he puts down the documents after reading them.

"Should I say that I was just lucky or…, they are just too unlucky to fall in the fangs of those beasts…"

As he looks at the ceiling, Han Jin could not help but feel a bit perplexed. His brow then frowned after heaving a deep sigh.

How he offended that guy that he did not even know is a great cause of his distress. He wanted to ask questions, he wanted to know the answers but he had neither the power nor the ability to do so.

"I have no time to care about this thing… The most important thing now is that I have reported my whereabouts and my situation, with this my mother would not have any more troubles, right…" he muttered as he slowly closes his eyes.

It was still dark when Han Jin has already woken up and departed out of the village. An officer looks at him and wanted to say something but he did not as he could tell the determination of the young soldier.

"Good luck, young man…" the officer said.

Han Jin saluted at the officer and quickly walked out of the village gate and was soon swallowed by the darkness.

"Sir, isn't it just suicide for a regular fellow and a greenhorn at that, to enter the forest?" a soldier beside that officer said.

"I don't know… But his file said that he walked from the area where he lost the convoy up to here… And do you know how far that is?"

The soldier beside the officer shakes his head.

"About 100 kilometers…"

When the officer said that, the soldier was left dumbfounded. He did not expect that the young green soldier was able to travel that long alone in the dangerous forest.

As a veteran soldier, he has been in battles and has traveled the forest many times. In those times, he had seen many soldiers dying because of their lack of discipline and respect towards the greater power within the woods.

But to be able to travel 100 kilometers is something that he could not imagine. Even the bravest of the soldiers would not dare travel that kind of distance alone or even in a group within the forest.

Even those Class-B Beings would not even dare to venture deep inside the forest alone. So, how could a mere regular soldier like that young man still survive?

Unaware of the bafflement of the soldiers in the village, Han Jin walks down the road of the forest like a person casually strolling down an empty street.

He even has that happy smile on his face while walking.

Meanwhile, behind some thick clump of leaves atop a tree, covered by the darkness of the forest, a few glaring eyes are watching Han Jin's figure.

"I wonder how a stupid dolt could have survived the forest?" asked one of the figures in the shadow.

"Yeah, it's like he did not even know how dangerous this place is, and he just walks like it was nothing…"

"Hehe… Don't worry… he would learn his lesson soon."

The rest grinned evilly as they continued watching the young man.

Suddenly, they saw him stopping and then walking behind a tree while loosening his trousers.

"Is he just going to piss just like that? Hahaha… I hope there would be a snake biting his thing…"

"Hahaha… That would be hilarious. If that happens, then Class-B Sergeant Mido Sasaki would really love to hear such news…"

"Hehe… He would really be happy as he would not worry about competition anymore."

"Umm… Guys… I… I think that guy is really in trouble." One of them suddenly said.

The figure of Francis Long suddenly straightened his body and walks toward the observer.

"What's wrong…?" he asked with a frown.

The guy suddenly pointed at another location.

When Francis Long's eyes landed on the beasts slithering at the other side, he showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Hehe… I think Class-B Sergeant Sasaki will thank us if we reported that the guy was eaten by a Giant Skull back snake…" he suddenly said.

The rest of the people standing behind him who also noticed the snake nodded their heads. They now don't have to make their move and just wait to see a show where a green soldier will be eaten by a beast.

The cruel smiles on their faces showed that they truly wanted Han Jin dead.

Soon, the 10-meter-long giant snake finally passes through the location where Han Jin was supposed to be, but to their confusion, they could see no fighting happening.

That young soldier might be green, but he is armed to the teeth before leaving the barracks in the village. So, they are expecting a battle to happen.

"Did that guy die just like that? What a coward..." someone commented.

"Haha… He is only a newbie after all what do you expect?"

"Well, he survived traveling the forest, so I expected him to fight…"

The group just watches as the snake slowly passes through. They are now confused as it seems that there really is no struggle that just happened.

"What is going on?" Francis Long muttered showing confusion in his eyes.



Something came flying towards the snake's body which the group did not notice.

The giant snake stopped from its track and then quickly turned its head in the direction of Francis Long and his gang.

Seeing the snake looking in their direction, everyone could not help but show a pale complexion.

"Did… Did that snake… Is it looking at us?" someone commented with a trembling tone.

"Shut up!" Francis Long could not help but berate that person.

He too is looking at the snake with fear in his eyes. He dare not make a move or even breath for fear of attracting the snake, so how dare this person talk?

As if angered, the snake suddenly darted in the direction of the tree they are in.

"Shit! Run!" Francis Long shouted as the soldiers quickly jumps down from the tree.

The group quickly scuttle as they did not want to die. Though they have experience battling such a giant beast, they are not confident of defeating it with just their numbers.

To defeat such a beast, it would need a team of around 20 soldiers with powerful rifles.

With their meager number, they would just end as breakfast for the creature.

Francis Long runs as fast as he could while cold sweat covers his back. He did not care what would happen to his companions, what he care is his own safety at this time.

He quickly looks behind and noticed the giant snake suddenly pouncing on one of his gang members. He could only squint in his in anger as he blames Han Jin for this unfortunate event.

"I'll make to kill you!" he muttered in anger.

But what he did not notice is the incoming fist flying straight to his face.


Feeling the world suddenly revolving around him, Francis Long immediately fainted with just one punch straight to his face.

The one who punches him is of course Han Jin, who is also responsible for throwing the stone that hurt the giant snake.

When he saw where Francis Long was running, he chases after him in the shadows and was quick enough to overtake him and send him tumbling to the ground with just a single fist.

"Weak… Do you think, I would not know your plan?" Han Jin muttered as he shakes his fist feeling a bit numb after punching Francis Long.

He did not look at the snake and just carried the fainted guy and quickly ran in the direction of another person.

It took, Han Jin an hour to finally gather the 10 men who is supposed to ambush and kill him. That is according to their plan anyway.

"You reap what you sow…" He muttered as he put the ten men inside a small cave that Onyx has pointed to him.

"Are you just going to leave them here?" old Onyx said.

Han Jin nodded in response and walked out of the cave.

He did not have time to dawdle, so he decided to just leave them in there for a while and would just return after he go and meet with the convoy.