
The Mortal's Throne

In the time before the gods, there were great beings of power who ruled over the mortals and monsters. Then came the gods who vanquished the titans and brought forth a new era. In this new era, there are whispers of a titan who was too powerful to be defeated, even by the gods. Some dismiss this as rumer or simple gossip, others however take it as gospel. Some seek to free this mighty titan, but how can a mortal stand against a god? Sometimes, outside help is required. ____________ I do not own Titan Quest. I'm just a big fan of the game. I will continue until the end of Act 1 of the game and may continue into the other acts in the future. I hope you enjoy my retelling of the game!

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Chapter 2, Trouble in the Village.

It took me a little over 5 minutes of walking to see the village. After rounding a corner I saw a group of 6 more satyrs attacking a small blockade that was made by some villagers.

There were two overturned carriages that were broken on either side of the small opening to the village; they were reinforced with sandbags made with rough cloth to keep them stable. On either side there were sharpened stakes positioned to funnel any intruders through that opening.

Two men were fending off the group by themselves, they were both equipped with a wooden shield. Their weapons were different, one had a knife and the other had an axe like mine.

The passage was narrow enough that only half of the satyrs could face them at once. They probably could defeat them without any difficulty but I wanted to lend a hand.

I ran over and began to attack the ones at the back of the group. I managed to get two of the satyrs before the guards finished the others.

One of the guards had a small injury so I gave him my potion. I didn't know how precious it was but I thought it would be good for him to have it.

They nodded in greetings and let me pass without any questions. I don't know if they are normally this lax or if the potion bought me some good will. It could also be the fact that I helped them with the monsters.

The village of Helios had a central 'road' that went through the span of the village, either side was walled off with a short pile of stones. As I walked through the village I found that these walls also marked off the properties of individuals. Some had larger spaces and others just went around a house.

Towards the center of the village there was a structure which felt entirely out of place. There was something that was similar to a fountain only it had no water floating.

It appeared to be made out of pure white stone. In the center was a golden staff with wings at the top, two snakes were coiled around it. It was in poor condition aside from the staff, the water had gone stagnant and there was some moss and other things growing on it.

Filled with curiosity I approached it. When I was close enough it went through a dramatic transformation that threw the village into chaos.

The moss on the stone disappeared and the stones became perfectly polished. The gross pond water became clear and clear. The faces on the back side of the fountain began to spout water once again. The snake staff in the middle rose out of the water and began to float in the air.

A bright light seemed to radiate out of the pond and up into the air. It was thought the fountain had become a lens for a world of light to look out of.


Unbeknownst to me the news about the fountain had spread through the village faster than a flashfire. Within a minute nearly every person who could be spared from guarding the village had come to see the god sent hero.

Not long after the village elder broke through the crowd to see himself.


The fountain was beautiful, there was a feeling that it evoked. I couldn't put a finger on it but the closest I could think of was the feeling of a mothers love. I don't remember my mother but I knew that it would be warm like this.

I was pulled away from my fantasy in the fountain by a cold hand on my shoulder. I jumped at the sudden chill and turned towards the person who grabbed me.

There was a fat old man with a white dress-like outfit that exposed most of his upper chest. It basically just covered his massive belly and fell down to his ankles. He had on a bright red sash.

This was the first person who seemed to have an accessory of some kind, combined with his size I guessed he was someone of status in this village.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes young hero, I think you can."

I scoffed at his remark. "What makes you think I am a hero? I'm just a man."

"You may be a man but only a hero sent by the gods will get such a reaction from the fountains of rebirth. As such you are the hero, ah! Where are my manners? I am Diomedes, the elder of Helios. Our village is in dire straits and needs your help, great hero."

"Fine. You may consider me your hero, I don't see you changing your mind. Please refer to me by my name; Atlas. After all I may have the potential to help but I am still nothing but a man."

"Helios, thank you for your service Hero Atlas. There has been a group of Satyrs lead by a powerful shaman who has been attacking our village for the last few days. We have managed to keep him out of our city but we were forced to give up our farmland. Please get rid of them. Without the grain from our fields I fear some of us will not make it through the winter. Please defeat the shaman, we will reward you with what we can."

"I can make no promises, but I will do what I can. Can you show me around the village first?"

"Of course!" The village elder turned to the crowd. "Everyone! Our village is saved! The hero shall grant us the help of his blade! Please return to your work, we shan't swarm our savior!"

The crowd around me slowly left the area grumbling about not being the one who gets to show the god sent savior around.