
The Surgeon

Chun's Soon's Point of View


Every time I was in this sterile place, I needed to control myself. Every time the crimson liquid oozed out from the human's body, my hands shivered in delight. Since we were inside an operating room, we would meet patients and open them up. It only meant we would witness a pool of blood, with some organs swimming inside the patient's body. That meant seeing a bucket of blood inviting my eyes, which would eventually tempt my inner vampire.

However, thanks to my discipline, I controlled myself and continued the procedure. If I revealed myself to the world, Brood would set their eyes on me.

The beeping sounds coming from the machine marked the death of our patient. I, who witnessed thousands of them dying in my hands, added one more to those numbers. There was no chance that the patient could die because of my procedure. The directors tasked me with this job, and we nearly got it done. But the chosen anesthesiologist made an unintentional error.

I placed the surgical equipment onto the sterile board and stomped my feet, hoping that the patient would come back to life. However, despite our efforts, the patient never breathed again. So I had to announce his death even before the documents arrived.

"You killed him. I want you to revoke your license as a doctor and get out of this operating room!" I turned my head to the anesthesiologist and pointed my fingers at the woman, lashing out all the regret I had as a doctor. "You are a murder. An incompetent human who doesn't know shit about this place!"

"Dr. Soon, please be considerate to the anesthesiologist. She's just new here to the hospital. And her first case involves, which means it is a risky procedure," an experienced doctor, whom I already worked with, tried calming me down.

However, despite his words, chided the anesthesiologist and growled at her. I almost revealed my two fangs and bit her neck to death. But if I revealed my identity to the world, those vampires and wolves would chase me to the ends of the Earth. I would not let one mistake bring me to a downfall, considering the title I already made for myself.

My voice echoed throughout the surgical ward, with all the neighbouring doctors in the next room. After keeping the patient for too long, our client died from an overdose of anaesthesia. And the entire surgery proceeded for six hours, which led to the death of my patient. If only I had a different surgical team, I would have still saved my client.

I already told the anesthesiologist about it, but she never listened. She neglected her job and performed a hideous act of malpractice against our patient. Unfortunately for that anesthesiologist, I was the one in charge of the medical team.

I stripped the female doctor off from her duty and requested her to leave the room. The anesthesiologist fled from the scene, but the guards outside caught her red-handed.

All the interns watching the set gasped after witnessing a mistake inside the surgical room. But since we did craniectomy, we all knew what was bound to happen. We also performed it under the surveillance of the board of directors. It was a risky procedure, regardless of the modern technology we had.

I walked outside the operating room, took off my gown, and went to the other patients waiting outside. After catering hundreds of them at the general ward, I finally caught some air from the hospital and went to the nearby park.

"Finally... some good fucking scene," I shouted, while holding a cup of beer I bought from the vending machine.

I had spare time to do this, since I already finished my surgery. And this cup of mine soothed my senses, despite the stress I experienced earlier. It was my only saving grace when I had this ale, drowning me under the dazzling moonlight. However, when the patient died, thousands of thorns pierced my heart.

If there was one thing I hated the most, it was seeing my patients die in my hands. I had this vow to give quality care to my clients. There would come a time that these accidents would happen…. However, even after those events, I still could not accept my shortcomings as a doctor.

I opened a pack of cigarettes and placed one in my mouth. But despite revealing a cigar, I never lit it up, considering that was the dying wish of my father….

"Those idiots... Always telling me what to do," I remarked, while staring at the moon, kindling the ocean.

It was a picturesque scene, which I cannot get enough of. This spot became my third home, besides my apartment and the hospital. Since humans did not visit this place because of the chaos happening on the streets, this site became my favourite spot.

I could even live here if I had to, but there were still other patients I had to attend to soon. After twenty minutes and forty-five seconds, I would return to my office and do another surgery again.

While thinking about these, my phone vibrated, telling me I had a message from someone. As I grabbed my device from my pocket, my uncle, who adopted me, left me a message.

"Come home soon, Chun-Soon! I left some skewers for you!" my uncle texted, with emojis I could not decipher. "And don't forget to do kind things today, or else your old man's going to be sad!"

After reading the simple message, my mouth curved up into a smile. All those negative thoughts of a patient dying fled my heart, removing all the thorns inside my body.

I returned my phone to where it came from and stared at the scenery for the last time. As soon as I finished the last ashes of my cigar, I threw it away in the bin and prepared myself to leave.

But upon standing from my seat, a shadowy figure caught my eyes floating around the sea. Since the humans already abandoned the lighthouse, nobody welcomed me besides some stray cats.

I wanted to leave, but I found something odd mixed with the floating figure roaming around the waves. And when I tried walking away, my conscience kept ringing inside my ears, telling me to save someone that needed my help.

Considering I had a vow to uphold, these echoes chained me to return my view to the ocean.

Fortunately for me, nobody was in my vicinity. So I used my extreme speed and zoomed towards the figure. However, it was not ideal for me to use it, considering it would exhaust my stamina. But as the situation dictated, I had no other choice but to utilize my vampiric ability.

Much to my surprise, a woman covered in blood greeted my orbs. And upon observing her closely, her wounds healed the woman from her injuries. But that did not solve her bleeding problems. Since this girl might have been floating around this sea, she might have already lost a gallon of blood.

The only thing that kept her was her unusual abilities, which only belonged to a vampire or werewolf.

I had the vampiric lineage, so I would effortlessly spot any of my kind. And this girl was not a vampire, despite her peculiar regeneration.

"A werewolf…." I murmured, and stared at the girl for a few seconds. "Why do you have to be a fucking werewolf....I would have appreciated if you're a vampire just like me."

If this girl was a vampire and not a werewolf, I could have just poured her my blood and let her drink my royal genes. Even though the nobles would chide at me for that attempt, I yearned to save this girl's life, regardless of their scoldings. Those nobles or royal vampires meant nothing to me since the day they kicked me out of the castle.

Saving a werewolf meant helping their kind, even if they were the ones who killed my parents. I could still see the werewolves glaring at me. Those razor-sharp claws pierced through my parent's chest, killing them instantly without letting them speak. I, who already hid behind the sewers, could only stare in disbelief.

But as my uncle always said, I should help anyone in need, especially when I became a doctor. And since we had a vow to uphold, I could not just abandon anyone, regardless of their kind.

"Even if you're a wolf, I still need to treat you," I mumbled, and carried the lonely girl into my arms.

She weighed as light as a feather as soon as I rested the girl around my hands. That lass never wiggled or refused my embrace, despite getting held by a vampire. If other humans saw me, they would instantly run away from this form. However, the girl refused to shake, even though I wrapped my hands around her.

I made sure that nobody could see us, so I used my extreme speed again and went inside my office. Extreme speed was my spell that all vampires could use, depending on their class. I, who had close ties with the royal bloodlines, inherited the ability. It was in the middle of the night, which only meant that the hospital was nearly empty. This event was the perfect chance for me to assess the girl having no interruptions.

With a heavy heart, I mended the girl's wounds and waited for her to jolt awake. I also took out the shrapnel stuck inside her heart, which almost killed her. If I had left my bench and went back inside the hospital, I would never have saved this girl's life.

I wanted nothing more but to help someone with their illnesses. And I made a vow when I entered this medical field, which only amplified my vision of saving other lives, regardless of their species.

"Don't worry, little werewolf....I will bring you back alive," I whispered, and did everything that I could to save this little girl.