
The Moon of Xxene: Lunar Petal [MOVED]

Emeravwe has a secret. She has no memories of her past and no idea where she came from. This is already enough to cause her deep inner turmoil. But in a palace where rank and social status are everything, she finds herself in the worst possible situation: at the bottom of the food chain, scrubbing floors. Yet, how can she be satisfied with this meager existence when surrounded by grandeur? So, she sets her sight on the very highest position in the kingdom -- the king. Enlisting the help of her childhood friend, Eunuch Aslan, she enters the Bureau of Court Affairs and meets Mudiaga, a handsome officer of the Palace Guard, along the way. Can Emeravwe achieve her dream of becoming the king's consort? Or will the secrets behind the dark veil of her past be a mountain more insurmountable than any social ladder? And what secrets do Aslan and Mudiaga hold? The story has been moved to a new link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-moon-of-xxene-lunar-petal_23911582605274805

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31 Chs



Miguo: a respectful greeting that can mean "Hello" or "Thank you."

Vrendo: the response to "Miguo."

Umogu: deferential greeting only for the king. Roughly meaning, "Greetings to the revered."

Kada: king's response to the greeting "Umogu." Roughly, it means "Grace upon you."

Butu: female greeting. A curtsy with hands cupped in front of the chest. There's a 3rd, 2nd, and 1st degree, the curtsy deeper with each.

Digwe: male greeting. A bow with hands cupped before the chest. 3rd, 2nd, and 1st degree, the bow deeper with each.


Égodo Orodje Aye/Aya/Agaenaye/Omote: official title of palace Maidens, all roughly meaning, "Maiden of the King's Compound."

Aye ("Ah-yeh"): highest rank of palace Maidens. The Rode Aye are the three highest ranked Aye.

Aya ("A-yah"): second highest rank of palace Maidens.

Agaenaye ("Ah-geh-nah-yeh"): third highest rank of Maidens.

Omote ("Uh-muh-teh"): lowest rank of Maidens.

Oghene ("Uh-geh-neh"): Xxene's deity.

Ovye ("Ohv-yeh"): King. Ovye is a title used only to address the reigning king.

Orodje ("Oh-ro-jeh"): King. Unlike "Ovye," the title "Orodje" can be combined with a court name and used to address any king, past or present. "Ovye" is the more reverent and formal title which addresses the position, and not the individual.

Orori: Lord. Title used for first and second rank officials and lords from prominent families.

Onóturode ("Oh-nuh-too-ro-deh"): Prime Minister.

Onótu ("Oh-nuh-too"): Minister.

Oniri: title used for third and fourth rank officials/officers.

Oga: Sir. Title used for seventh and eighth rank officials/officers.


Onorogu: caste of nobles.

Orhorho: a person of mixed blood (Four Tribes + Wuhwuh).

Wuhwuh: ostracized people who are not part of the Four Tribes of Xxene.


Edidjana ("Eh-dee-jah-nah"): religious day of rest and worship.

Suffix "-me": this is pronounced "meh". Adding this suffix to the end of a name/word makes it possessive. As in "Ayeme," which means "my Aye," or "Ovyeme," "my Ovye." When added to a name or title of address, it makes the speaker sound more affectionate/endearing.