
The Moon I Fell In Love With (Remake!)

2022. It was a crazy year. And once school started in September, things got crazier. I had just gotten out of my 2nd relationship, and hoped into a new one with a guy I developed feeling for in 5th grade. Let’s just say things didn’t last long between us. Once the new year started, I started dating a girl, Zalea. But over time, I began to lose interest, and my sexual orientation was changing. And then he came along, and completely changed my life... But was it for the better? Or did it send me back to square one?

1_NeEd_MenT4l_HeLp · Politique et sciences sociales
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February 11th, 2023..That was a huge day for me. But why? That was the day he came into my life as something more than the friend he had been since 1st grade. Something more than I could've ever imagined. Something amazing. But that's not where this story starts. This story started on Monday, August 29, 2022. My hair was growing back from when I had shaved it off on July 4th, and was already really grown back. Not to my normal medium length hair, but a boy short hair, which I very much liked. I had dark brown hair, along with dark brown eyes, and I was around average height for an 11 year old girl, 5'2", which is still my height. I had tan skin, due to my Hispanic heritage, too.

When I had walked into class, I had walked to the teachers desk so I knew where my desk was. I sat down and minded my own business, drawing. She then started taking attendance, and when she called Alex's name, I was pissed. Why did he have to be in my class again? I had turned around in my seat, and sure enough, there he was, Alexander Clark. Alex is what he prefers. This was the 5th year he's been in my class. The only time he wasn't, was in second grade. He loathed me, and I loathed him. He was also pretty scared of me, which I was proud of myself for. A lot of people were scared of me, and it felt good knowing that people were scared of me, because that would mean they would most likely leave me alone, and not mess with me. But the people that weren't, the people that saw nothing to be afraid of, ended up being the most important people in my life. Except, a lot of my friends were scared of me either way. but that never stoped them.

Class had begun, and the our teacher, Mrs.Poland, was explaining to us how this would work. We had different sessions now, and we had to rotate between classes in our pod. Thankfully, it was just 3 classes we had to rotate from; Language Arts, Math, and Science. We were a trio, and the other side of the pod had their trio. My homeroom, Language Arts, and Social Studies teacher, were all Mrs.Poland, my Math teacher was Mrs.Keller, and Mrs.Arndt was my Science teacher. The first day was pretty boring, and there wasn't much we had to do. Although, K was glad the one of my closet friends, Isabella, was in my homeroom. And so was a girl that would play a big part in my life, too. But did I know that? No, of course not. But I do now..