
The Moon & Her Dark Half

During a massive starfall, with the moon shining bright, Trisphyra Lathalas is born. The Elders gather to confirm whether she could be a true child of Luna'Celesia, one of the moon gods. They all agree that she has to be. The parents decide to leave their child to be raised at the school of Arathorn. During her time there she meets a dark-elf named Helon and they instantly form a connection.

Lina_Steen · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Into Elandorr

The hour was late. Helon felt how his entire body ached. They'd been riding the whole day, scanning the perimeter. Still no traces of the wolves that attacked. The General was frustrated. Everyone sensed it. She'd pushed them further and further in. They'd worked harder than ever before. He couldn't complain, however. He'd been waiting for opportunities like these for a while now. It was exciting.

He was looking over his horse, placing a healing ointment on the scars that still were sore from the battle. He checked Keldoron's legs with his hands, searching for any warmth or bruises that could be a sign of exertion. To his relief, the horse appeared to be fine.

"Good boy." He patted the neck. Sometimes he thought he was silly for doing these check-ups. Keldoron was bred for this sort of work after all, but it eased his mind to know for certain that he was okay. The horse seemed to enjoy the extra attention anyways.

As he exited the stall, Commander Delize walked through the stable, "Good work today, soldiers. I know the last four days have been harsh."

"Thank you, commander." They all answered.

"Sleep well."

Helon finished up his work in the stable. His shoulder still ached a little and he rolled his neck to try and ease the pain.

"Still not better?" Duncan came to his side.

"It is. Just not as much as I'd expected." He smirked, "Guess lycan bites heal differently."

Duncan seemed unamused. He knew Helon had a tendency to play things off that bugged him. The bullying for example. He'd never complain to anyone about it, but he knew it bothered him.

"Just promise me to get it checked out if it doesn't get better?"

Helon gazed up to the treetops above him. Behind the large branches you could see the tiny lights of the upper levels. He smiled, "I know of one way to take my mind off it."

Duncan turned in the same direction. He chuckled, "Helon, she's had a rough few days. Maybe you should let her sleep?"

"I don't think my company will ruin her sleep." His grin grew wider.

The half-elf rolled his eyes, "I'm done. Try not to get in trouble. Good night."

Helon dusted off his hands. It had been a whole day since he saw her run off to see Koa. He needed to know she was alright, but more importantly, he missed her.

As he made his way up, he did his best to avoid being seen by the higher ranking guards. After the attacks there were more of them around. It became apparent that he was probably not going to be able to go through the front door this time. He'd have to take the back door. Or rather, the back window. Trisphyra's room was pretty high up, but he figured he could make it. There was a garden right beside the tall building. There were some vines that climbed their way up the wall. Helon could swear it looked like all the plants were leaning towards it. Her room was lit up. Hopefully she was alone.

He took a quick glance around him to make sure no one was close before proceeding to climb all the way up. His body was still weary after the long patrol but he pushed himself upward. After climbing almost 50 ft he reached the window sill. He saw Trisphyra sitting by her desk, looking into a mirror. Her head was hanging low and her shoulders were slacking. Something was up. He knocked on the window as gently as he could, trying not to scare her.

She turned around, eyes widening as she saw him. She leapt away from the desk and ran to the window, opening it.

"Helon! What are you doing?" There was a faint smile on her lips. It was as if she was trying to hold back her excitement.

"I thought you might want to see me." He pulled himself up. She took a hold of his arm and helped. They both lost their footing and rolled down on the floor. Helon had never felt so clumsy, "That wasn't quite the entrance I aimed for." He joked.

Trisphyra stood up slowly, trying to hold back her laughter. She failed miserably. Her words barely made it out between the sweet giggles, "Why- Hihihi- Why did you climb through the window?"

He looked at her from the floor. Her laugh was the most wonderful sound. He smiled, "It seems you've become very hard to reach. I had little choice."

"I appreciate the gesture, Helon. But just maybe, instead of risking your life, I'll just come to you next time?" She grinned.

"Well." He sat up, "I guess I missed you too much. I didn't see you after you went to find Koa."

Her smile faded.

"How is he?" He asked.

"Fine, I think. He says he doesn't remember anything about the attack. He was devastated when I told him what happened."

"Is that why you seemed so concerned?"

Her shoulders tensed up, "Actually, it's not. Master told me something a few days ago and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet."

Helon leaned in closer. She could sense the warmth emanating from his body and felt an urge to rest towards him. He searched for her eyes, "You want to tell me?"

She nodded, "He spoke of my birth parents. He's never done that before, no matter how much I used to beg him when I was little."

"What did he say?"

"Not much really. He said I looked like them. Apparently I have my father's nose." Without thinking she rubbed the tip of her snout. Helon smiled at the sight.

"Last time I brought up your family you said it was… complicated." He asked, "In what way?"

She sighed and looked down on the floor, "My parents sent me away to this place right after I was born. I've never met them. I don't even know what they look like."

He grabbed her hand, "I'm sorry, Tris. Have they never reached out to you?"

She shook her head, "They haven't responded to a single letter I've sent."

Helon's brows furrowed, "That's strange. Normally when that happens to me the postal service comes with an explanation."

Her eyes looked at him. There was a glimpse of hope.

"If they don't respond, you normally would be informed of the reasons."

"Master says they don't know. Maybe my family wants nothing to do with me? Maybe they knew I'd be too much of a burden to them?"

"Hey hey hey hey!" Helon cupped her face between his hands, wiping away the tears that began to pour down her cheeks, "Stop that. You don't know if that's true." His voice was commanding but still gentle, "Anyone willing to throw away a person like you would be the world's biggest idiot. You're kind, caring and brave. You hear me? You're not a burden, Tris."

His words filled her with both joy and pain. She fell into his chest, sobbing. Helon wrapped his arms around her and let her cry into his shirt.

"Why are you so good to me?" She asked.

He scoffed, "Are you seriously asking that? Have you given me any reason not to treat you this way?"

"I just don't-"

"I want to see you happy, Tris." He caressed her hair, "Because that makes me happy as well."

"I'm happy when you're here." She whispered and leaned more into his embrace.

"Then I feel sorry for the person who tries to take me away from you." He chuckled.

"I- I want you to be happy too, Helon." Her eyes darted up at him as if she suddenly felt foolish for being comforted in this way. The tone of her voice was so sincere that he was taken aback for a second. He smiled, "At this moment, I already am."

She smiled back and leaned her head back into his chest. They sat like that on the floor for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment in each other's company. Helon could feel how Trisphyra relaxed more and more, her breaths growing deeper. He began to wonder if she'd fallen asleep.

"Don't doze off on me now, sweetheart. I want you to tell me more about your parents."

She giggled as he squeezed her tightly, "I told you he didn't tell me much."

"I've just about had it with Master Lombard. Was there really nothing more he said about them?"

She managed to get out of his playful grasp and sat back up. A faint smile spread across her lips, "Their names. He told me their names. Elora and Tasar." She rose to her feet and looked at herself in the mirror by her drawer.

"Master says my mother and I look very much alike. I just-" She placed some hair behind her pointy ears, "-I just hope she doesn't look this sad."

"I doubt any mother would be happy to give away her child. Hells, my mother had a REALLY hard time with it."

"Then why did she let you go?"

"Because she knew I'd learn a lot. My dad studied here a long time ago. He convinced her, saying it was one of the greatest honors any warrior could receive."

"And how did you feel about it?" She asked him.

"I saw it as an opportunity. Also, there was no way I was going to go against my father." He chuckled.

"Is he harsh on you?"

"No, sure he could be strict but he was still gentle. I just have a great deal of respect for him. He's… done a lot for our family- How did this become a conversation about me, by the way?"

Trisphyra laughed at his outburst. He blushed slightly, feeling the embarrassment grow. She must think he's so self-centered. "I'm sorry." He pleaded.

"It's fine, Helon. I like hearing about you and your family. As you understand, it's something I can't talk about much myself. Please continue."

He grabbed her hand, "I'd love to do that but-" his eyes darted around the room, "Let's go to a place where we don't have to be so quiet."

"What do you mean?" I-I can't leave."

"Not alone you can't. He pulled her up on her feet, "You need to get out of here. I know a place I'm sure you'll thrive."

"What was it I said about not getting into trouble?" She smirked.

He grabbed her hand. His eyes looked at her mischievously. It made her heart skip a beat.

"Please, my lady. You're making it very hard for me to ask you out. Like I said, it's worth all the trouble when it's for you."

Her cheeks flushed and she smiled. The excitement grew inside her, "Where are we going then?"

Helon went over to the window and looked down. After he made sure that the coast was clear he turned to her, "I hope you're good at climbing."

He didn't wait for her answer as he swung himself through the window and grabbed hold of the vines. Trisphyra leaned over and watched. He reached out his hand to her, "Come on. "I got you."

Helon's hand rested gently on her back as they climbed down together. She was faster than he'd expected. "You've done this before?"

"I used to sneak out when I was young." She admitted with a grin. He chuckled, "I like you more and more by the second."

As they got down he pulled her along the wall, crouched down. Trisphyra wasn't sure how they were able to stay out of sight from all the guards. Helon knew all the routes quite well. They just needed to make it past the first set of stairs and then across the river to be out of sight. Trisphyra was able to keep up with him without any issues. She began to recognize her surroundings. This was where she'd met Aldertrunk the first time. It was a shortcut to the northern side of Elandorr, closer to the mountains.

Fireflies were dancing above the tall grass as they ran through it. Trisphyra had to stop to look at them, her face beaming.

"Tris." Helon called for her. She looked at him, standing in front of the edge of the forest. She never imagined setting foot inside of it. The trees were suddenly so tall, stretching high above her head.

"I've never been this far away from the school before." She said, suddenly feeling a bit anxious.

"It's alright." Helon went up to her, "The northern part is safe."

She nodded, not taking her eyes off the trees. "You wanna go in first?" He asked. A smile spread across her face and she began to walk forward.

The grass ground turned into soft moss beneath her feet. The moonlight suddenly became very clear as it pierced through the dense branches of the large trees. Their roots were thick and crawled all across the ground. She touched them. The bark was rough but… warm. Why was it warm?

Helon observed her. The curiosity she displayed towards everything around her fascinated him. What struck him even more was how even nature itself seemed drawn to her. The leaves flicked in her direction as she walked past. Fireflies danced around her. He swore, it was as if the woods were holding its breath. This was where she belonged, not locked up in a room all by herself.

They kept venturing into a small grove. The ground was covered with tiny white flowers that were swaying in the light night breeze. Trisphyra leaned down for a closer look. She recognized them.

"Klelias." She muttered. The flowers around her suddenly began to glow, releasing

some of their petals. She stood up, thinking she'd done something wrong. However, the petals flowed around her peacefully, until they left her side and moved along towards Helon. He shrugged backwards a few steps as the flower petals came towards him. This was something he hadn't seen before. He caught one of the blooms between his fingers.

"I've never seen them glow like this before. Seems even they are enthralled by you." He chuckled.

"Are there more places like this?" She asked him.

"Not like this one. These flowers only seem to grow here. I figured you might wanna see them."


He scratched his cheek, trying to calm his heartbeat, "I can tell you like to be outside and… far away from all the shit that goes on over there." He pointed towards the direction of the school. "I just want to help you feel… happy, I guess. Does that sound strange?"

Trishpyra walked up to him and grabbed his hand. Her eyes stared at him with sincerity, "You don't know how much that means to me, Helon. It's like you are the only person who truly understands me. I don't even have to tell you. You just somehow always seem to know what to do. I hope I can do the same for you."

He squeezed her hand and smiled, "Well… there's one thing I really want to tell you, but I'm kinda scared to do it." His eyes averted away from hers.

"My, my." She sighed playfully and cupped his cheek, "Little ol' me has to help the great Krisric be brave?"

He laughed at her joke, still looking down on the ground beneath them.

"I like you too." She whispered.

Helon's eyes darted up at her and he swallowed. Her lips parted, "I don't think that's what you wanted to tell me, though."

"It was more of a question, actually." He whispered back to her.

"What is it?"

He leaned in closer. Their noses were almost touching. Trisphyra held her breath.

"Can I kiss you?"

There was a smile and she nodded. Both of them closed their eyes as their lips touched. Tris felt a rush of warmth surging through her body. She could help but wrap her hands around Helon's face, pulling him closer.

He couldn't believe how good she smelled, and her taste… Gosh, he was already addicted to it. As her hands tugged him closer, he lifted her up in his arms. Allowing her to lean fully into their kiss. She felt like she was flying.

The moment came when they had to break apart to catch their breath. Helon was still holding her as if it were nothing. He smiled, "That was nice."

"It was." Her hand caressed the side of his face, looking at him now with completely new eyes. She'd never seen anyone more beautiful. He leaned into it and kissed her palm. The sensation sent a tingle down her spine, causing her to shudder.

Helon gave her a teasing look. He knew what he was doing. She liked his confidence. It was something she herself felt she was lacking, but being around him made her feel good again. About everything.

"I really like you." She whispered.

He put her back down on the grass and kissed her again, "I really like you too."

There was a pause between them. Helon could tell that she felt anxious about something. The way she was looking down, fiddling with her hands, made it quite obvious.

"What is it, Tris?"

"What's going to happen now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like I want to stay here with you forever but… we can't, right?"

"Oh… you mean that." He sighed.

"There's too much depending on us. Master will never let me-"

"He can't keep you locked away forever! There's no way!"

"You don't know him." She turned away from him, "He controls everything, because he knows more about me than even I do."

Helon grabbed her shoulders, "He doesn't know you, sweetheart. If he did, he wouldn't do what he's doing to you right now. You have to show him how fierce you can be. Prove that you can handle yourself."

She shook her head, "I don't know how. It's like he's two different people sometimes. One day he gives me praise and is gentle, then the next he's back to his stern and grumpy old self as if I did something wrong."

"That's when you have to put your foot down. You're the daughter of a goddess, for crying out loud! He should be serving you."

"I don't want that. I just want to learn. I want to control my magic. I want to know more about the world-" She turned to him, "-And I want to do it with you."

Hearing those words made him want to kiss her again, but instead he grabbed her hand and smiled, "Tell you what. Maybe I can help you study your magic?"

Her eyes lit up, "Is that possible?"

Helon shrugged, "The General doesn't mind me as long as I don't go around fighting with the other soldiers."

"That just leaves me with my Master."

"I'll just come to your room the way I've always done. Meanwhile, you take every chance you get to come down to the Lower Grounds, okay?"

"I guess that could work. I don't wanna have to interrupt your training."

His lips touched the top of her hand, "I fight for you now. Knowing you're around is gonna make me that much stronger. You'll get to see me at my best."

"I think this is you at your best." She pulled his hand close to her face, "These hands shouldn't be wrapped around some weapon. They should be wrapped around me."

An image flashed through Helon's mind and he felt a heat growing in his stomach. Before Tris could react, he'd pulled her in. His face hovering above hers, "Careful using those words, sweetheart. You don't know what they do to me."

This was different. A side she'd never explored before. Eyes hungry, yearning. His breath was hot against her face. She didn't fully understand why, but something inside her wanted to find out more.

"What do they do to you?" She kissed his hand.

Helon's thumb caressed the top of her lips as he swallowed, "They make me wanna do some… very inappropriate things."

"To me?"

He chuckled, "What do you think?"

"I think you're not behaving like a knight right now." She smirked.

"That's because I'm a warrior at heart." He kissed her gently, "And the thing about us warriors is… we take what we want."

"Very assertive, sir." She returned the gesture and their lips touched once more, "However, I do recall you calling me a goddess. Doesn't the will of a goddess go above a simple warrior's?"

They both smiled at each other. Helon enjoyed this playful side of her, it was driving him crazy. He decided to keep going and straightened out, "Simple? You hurt me, my lady. I'm no simple warrior. I'm the youngest knight in the history of Arathorn and a Krisric on top of that. You don't seem to know who you're talking to."

"I thought I was talking to the man who said he was fighting for me now."

"Oh, I will. As long as I'm the only one who gets to do so. "Nobody else."

Her face suddenly got serious, "You're the only one I need, Helon." She buried herself in his chest. She came at him with such force that he wasn't prepared and they both fell into the soft grass. Tris was still clinging to him as he was laying on his back.

"What just happened?" He scoffed.

She didn't want to let him go, "I don't think I've ever been this happy."

Helon put his arms around her, "Me neither." He answered with a sigh of relief.

"Do you think we can stay out here all night?" She looked up at him.

With a soft squeeze and a peck on her forehead, he answered, "I don't see why not."

As the moon traveled across the sky, both elves fell asleep in each other's arms. They were completely unaware that someone was watching them from a distance.

After a long break I'm back to writing again!

Lina_Steencreators' thoughts