
The Moon & Her Dark Half

During a massive starfall, with the moon shining bright, Trisphyra Lathalas is born. The Elders gather to confirm whether she could be a true child of Luna'Celesia, one of the moon gods. They all agree that she has to be. The parents decide to leave their child to be raised at the school of Arathorn. During her time there she meets a dark-elf named Helon and they instantly form a connection.

Lina_Steen · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


The first five years at Arathorn went by fast. Trisphyra was kept in her own room at night but during the day, Matilda took her to the school's daycare, where a bunch of children of various races were looked after. For students that young, the days mostly involved playing and learning how to start to read and write. It was weird for the nurses to adapt their days to a child of Trisphyras age. Most students were taken in when they were at least six or seven years old at the youngest, so getting the classroom used to having an infant with them for the first two years proved a challenge. Many of the children asked what the baby was doing there and where she came from and Matilda would always have to come up with an explanation. The story that got stuck was that Trisphyra was a highborn, abandoned by her parents and so the school decided to take her in out of the kindness of their hearts. The explanation proved more easy to stick to as no letter was ever received from the Lathalas family. Matilda had expressed her concern early to Ishan, who in turn had asked Ilpherean, since he was located near Arthuria. "They will not speak to me, Master. There is resentment in their hearts." Was all he could say. He also explained how the Lathalas family had split, the eldest children leaving to pursue their own goals. Ishan kept his weary thoughts to himself. Trisphyra was still too young to be affected by this. As she grew older, she proved to be quite a sprightful little elf. She loved to run around the halls and her classmates eagerly followed her, much to Matilda's displeasure. It didn't take long before Ismastis's guardians had to be placed during lessons to help look after the children.

Just like the goddess, Trisphyra could switch from being a joyful student to silent and solitary. In her lonesome moments, the nurses would find the child looking out the window, absentmindedly looking at the forest of Elandorr. There wasn't much to do to help her in those moments but leave her be. Matilda would always try though, "Pull yourself together child, this is no way to behave." Sometimes it worked and Trisphyra would drag herself back to her seat in the classroom.

"What in the world are you thinking about, Tris?"

"I just… I like looking at the trees." She would answer, and those were the typical days.

However, this day would be something different. It was especially hot this summer and everyone had been slagging off the entire week. Teachers and soldiers prioritized giving their students water and rest more than educational experiences. Trisphyra's class had been going slow and she found herself getting more and more bored by the minute. Matilda stood by the board and was talking about how the school of Arathorn was founded. It had been interesting at first, when she introduced the eight members of the Sapphire Hands but now she was going through the list of every Elder Council member and that was a long list.

Trisphyra peeked out the window and in the back where she was sitting. The sun was shining brightly over the tree crowns, and the water almost glittered in its warm rays. Down below she could see students of all ages roaming the upper levels. Some were reading by the main fountain while others looked as if they were heading to their next class in a hurry. Like any young child, Trisphyra wondered what it would be like to grow older. What would she learn? Would she look like one of them? She couldn't wait to be taller than Matilda, then she would have to do what she says all the time.

She rested her arms on the window sill and kept looking around curiously. Suddenly she heard a whisper. Her eyes darted out over the forest. The voice called again. It was soft and warm and… somewhat familiar. She glanced back at her class who was in full focus. Matilda had never let her go anywhere by herself before, but the whispering voice sounded like it wanted to tell a secret and that was exciting. There were two guards blocking the exit and she frowned. How was she going to get out of there?

As if something had heard her, a creature suddenly burst through the window by Matilda. The whole class screamed in surprise, but the scream then turned into laughter. A tiny, young griffon jumped around the stone floor, leaving traces of feather everywhere.

"Guards! Help me get this thing out!" Matilda yelled as she tried to grapple the winged creature. The guards immediately left their spot and Trisphyra saw her chance.

She darted out the room and swiftly made her way down to the base of the upper levels, trying her best not to get seen. It wasn't too hard, seeing how small she was and many of the older students were too busy with their own stuff to notice her. She wasn't quite sure where she was going but something in her gut urged her forward. As she made it down to the square by the main fountain, she saw an opening in between the main building leading to what looked like a large field of grass just before the edge of the forest. She'd never been down there before. Matilda and Master Ishan had kept her solely to the halls of the school.

She looked around. There was no one too close. Just as she was about the sprint for the field she felt someone grab her clothes and lifted her off her feet with ease.

"Where are you going, little lady?"

She recognized the voice. The man turned her towards him. He was dressed in white clothes with a large golden chest plate. His hood was on as usual and his face covered with a gray linen cloth. His outfit had been modified greatly since he became a member of the council. It was Yvonus Proudstride.

Trisphyra crossed her arms in annoyance, "Not you too."

He scoffed, "Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"Matilda and Master Ishan never let me go anywhere!"

"That's because you're five, Lady Trisphyra. You can walk the halls on your own when you're older."

"But there's something out there and I wanna see what it is!"

"Where?" Yvonus looked to where she was pointing. He saw the field of grass and relaxed. He inspected the young helf dangling in his hand. Something was up.

To her surprise, he let her go. She blinked in confusion. He nodded towards the field, "Go on then. I won't tell on you."

She smiled and kept going. Yvonus watched as she disappeared around the corner. He had to tell Ishan.

Trisphyra walked through the tall grass, feeling the tickling sensation between her fingers as they dragged through it. The trees towered over her as she got closer. The whispers filled her ears and as she reached the edge, it went silent. Only the wind, rattling through the leaves and the distant sound of the waterfall could be heard. Trisphyra squinted in an effort to see what was hiding amongst the trees. The forest was lush and dense. The thick tree crowns weren't letting any sunshine in, which gave the woods an eerie atmosphere. As she investigated the best she could, a gust of warm wind blew in her face, almost like an exhale. Trisphyra had to cover her for a moment. When she looked up, she could've sworn she saw a big golden eye staring at her from within the trees but after she'd rubbed her eyes to see clearer it just looked like a pile of rocks, then out of nowhere a tree started to move. The stem creaked and groaned as the tree took a step into the field. Trisphyra was frozen in place, just staring at the giant creature. It stretched out and revealed the shape of a face in the bark, looking down on her. The tree looked old and worn-out. It let out a sigh. Trisphyra tilted her head, 'Was this the creature that called her here?'

They looked at each other for a while.

"Hello. I'm Trisphyra. What's your name?" She asked.

It kept looking at her with tired eyes. Maybe it didn't understand her?

She reached out her hand as high as she could. The tree slowly lifted his arm, pointing with what appeared to be its index finger which was big enough to cover her whole hand. It gently touched her palm and a spark appeared at their touch. From the point of the connection a flower sprouted and blossomed all over the tree's arm. The old bark fell out and was replaced by lush moss and flowers. Both the tree and Trisphyra looked at their own hands. The elf was stunned. Did she do that? Meanwhile, a smile appeared on the creature's face and let out what sounded like a laugh and it stomped around in joy. Birds and other small creatures fled as the ground shook. Trisphyra fell off her feet but couldn't help but smile to see the tree so filled with joy. She giggled at the sight. The tree looked at her and plucked one of the flowers from its body, giving it to her.

"Thank you." It said with a deep and creaking voice. It lended its finger to her once more, helping her back on her feet.

"You're welcome, Mr. Tree."

"My name…" It said slowly, "Is Aldertrunk."

"Aldertrunk." She smiled, "Did you call me here?"

It shook its head and leaves fell all over the ground, "Woke up when I sensed you, little sprout."

"Then who was whispering?"

"Hmm." It pondered, "Perhaps Ildria sensed you too?"

"Who's that?"

"Must not say."

"Does it live in the forest too?"

"Must not say."

Her brows grew together, "Then why did it call me here if it doesn't want to talk to me?" She pouted.

"To show you." Aldertrunk pointed to the ground.

Trisphyra looked down, the dry grass field had bloomed in bright green grass with white flowers all around her. She knelt down to take a closer look, "I did this?"

"Quite the nimble little escape artist, are we?" A voice spoke behind her.

She stood up and a tall elf appeared before her. His skin was purplish like hers and his white hair was neatly pulled back behind his ears. Trisphyra had seen him talk many times with Master Ishan and the other members of the council but she had no idea who he was. She'd never talked to him, he always looked so angry.

He saw the frightened look in her eyes and sighed, "Don't worry. You're not in trouble."

"Been a while, Lombard." Aldertrunk nodded.

"I've been quite busy. Didn't think I'd ever see you awaken again."

"Little sprout woke me up."

"Yes, I know." He kneeled down to Trisphyra, "Give me your hand."

She hesitated, sensing his annoyance towards her. He sighed again, trying to calm himself down, "It's alright. I'm just going to look."

He gently took her small hand into his and traced his finger alongside her arm. It was even more clear now how similar their skin tone was. Trisphyra was fascinated, "You're like me."

He smirked slightly, "In a way. I'm a moon elf, just like you."

"Elmar says I'm only part moon elf."

"Who's Elmar."

"A boy in my class."

"Well, even if that may be true." He pulled her in closer to inspect more thoroughly, "It doesn't seem to stop you from doing what you're doing."

"Can you bloom flowers as well, Mr. Lombard?" She asked excitedly.

A bit taken by how the girl already picked up her name, he let her go and stood up, "I can, but it's not something I do."

"Little sprout grew my whole arm back out!" Aldertruck exclaimed.

"I see." He looked at her, "Is this the first time you've done something like this?"

Trisphyra pulled some of her hair and avoided looking at him. It sounded like she was in trouble again. Guprix cursed himself. He wasn't good at dealing with children this young.

"Lady Trisphyra!" Yvonus came walking into the field.

The child's eyes lit up, "Look! Look what I did, Yvonus!"

"Yes, I see. You must come with me now, my lady." He urged and took her hand.


"Master Ishan and the council wish to see you."

"Are you coming too, Mr. Lombard?" She asked Guprix.

"We shall see." Was all he answered.

Yvonus pulled her up onto his shoulder and picked up the pace. Trisphyra waved the tree goodbye before they disappeared out of sight.

"Did I do something wrong again?"

He stopped and squeezed her hand, "No, on the contrary. You've made all of us very happy."

"Really?" She smiled, "How?"

"Trisphyra, you know why you are here, right?"

"Because… I'm a child from Luna'Celesia, given to my mother and father." She repeated it loudly as she's been told this many times by Matilda.


"And I hold great power within me."

"The council has been waiting for your first signs."

"But I haven't done any magic yet, I don't know how." She shrugged.

Yvonus laughed, "Having magical powers is much more than just conjuring spells and enchanting objects. It's something many can sense. Like feeling the wind on your face."

"Or like a whisper?" She asked.

"You hear whispers?"

"Yeah, that's why I went to the field. A voice told me to."

"You should tell Master Ishan about this voice. I'm sure he can help you figure it out."

"I hope so, then I can join you when you go on missions."

"I think it'll be a while before that happens, my lady." He chuckled.

"Do you have to leave so soon again?"

"I have to fulfill my duty as a member of the Elder Council. You understand this, don't you?"

"I guess, but you're the only one who talks to me."

"Liluth talks to you."

"Not like you do. She only asks about how my progress is going, like everyone else."

"Things will change, you'll see."

They came through the door to the council hall, unlike the last time they gathered to discuss Lady Trisphyra, only three of them were seated around the table; Ishan, Aaliyah and Liluth.

Yvonus let her down, "Go on now. I'm right behind you."

Master Ishan stood up, "Welcome Trisphyra. We have much to discuss."

So happy to see people are enjoying my story! See you in the next chapter!

Lina_Steencreators' thoughts