
The Moon & Her Dark Half

During a massive starfall, with the moon shining bright, Trisphyra Lathalas is born. The Elders gather to confirm whether she could be a true child of Luna'Celesia, one of the moon gods. They all agree that she has to be. The parents decide to leave their child to be raised at the school of Arathorn. During her time there she meets a dark-elf named Helon and they instantly form a connection.

Lina_Steen · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

A new calling

"My sweet angel. The world does not deserve you."

"You are a blessing. Father loves you."

The voices echoed behind Trisphyra's eyes as she started to slowly wake up. She blinked in confusion. What were those voices? They sounded familiar somehow. As she came to, she realized she was in a new place. Not the battlefield. Not her room.

The bed was small but comfortable. The floor and walls around her were made of the whitest marble just like the upper levels but from them grew flowers and branches. Trisphyra felt strangely at home, wherever she was. She heard the sound of running water and birds chirping above her. It was soothing.

She tried to sit up. Her head was aching and she felt a sharp burn in her arm. As she looked at it, she saw it had been wrapped in a bandage. She moved her hand carefully, it felt fine.

"You made quite the spectacle of yourself there, dear."

Trisphyra turned to the voice and smiled. The old gnome hadn't changed a bit.

"Matilda!" The excitement took over and she moved a bit too fast, suddenly feeling nauseated. The old woman left her seat and climbed to a small staircase placed beside the bed so she could reach her patient, "Slowly, dear. You've been out for three days. Your body is gonna need some time to regain its strength."

Trisphyra laid back, "Three days? W- What happened?" Her body tensed, "Is Helon alright?"

"So many questions." Matilda muttered and padded the elf's forehead with a damp cloth, "The Krisric boy is fine. He left our care yesterday."

"Thank goodness." She sighed in relief.

"I more or less had to force him out. He insisted he had to see you first."

"Sounds like him." She smiled to herself.

"You were still healing. I've allowed no visitors until you woke up, much to Lombard's displeasure. I suppose I should go tell him."

"Wait!" Her memories suddenly came back to her, "The lycan! Did I…?"

Matilda grabbed her hand and smiled, "You did, dearie. I knew you were gonna do great things someday." She stepped down from the stairs, "Now, rest and I'll tell the old prune you're awake and well."

A few minutes passed, but Trisphyra realized it was impossible to rest. There were too many things going on in her head. She felt energized. Anew. Despite all that had happened, going down to the lower grounds had been the best decision ever. She felt like she'd learned something about herself. It was the connection to nature and animals. The sensation was unlike anything she'd felt before. Was it because of her mother's essence or something else? She felt like she needed to explore more of it, as much as it scared her to do so.

"Awake." A voice spoke in her head.

Trisphyra looked around. It was a small bird, sitting on the windowsill. It crooked its head, "Awake."

A smile spread across her face and she slowly climbed out of bed. The first few steps felt a bit clumsy but she was able to walk over and open the window. The bird didn't move.

"Yes, I am awake." She answered.

"Slept long time." It chirped.

"I did, but I'm much better now. What about you?"

"Better. Forest better."

"I'm glad."

"You help. Help good. We happy."

Trisphyra rested her hands on the sill, "I don't know how, but it feels like it was the first time I was actually able to do something all by myself. No one told me what to do, they just helped."

"Help good." The bird blinked.

She giggled, "I'm glad you liked it."

A group of mounted knights rode past the building. Her eyes peeked down. She was only on the ground floor. It was stupid idea but she couldn't wait for him to come to her. She carefully lifted her leg over the sill and jumped out, making sure no one paid attention to her. When the coast was clear, she headed into the sea of people walking the ground to look for Helon.

She tried to pick up conversations as she ventured forth. There was talk about many wounded and questions on how the principal could've allowed something like this to happen. Trisphyra couldn't help but feel responsible. She promised herself to do whatever she could to help the situation when the time came. That is, if her Master would allow her.

She heard mentions of Elandorr and the forest being out of balance. Maybe that was why it had cried out, but why to her?

"The knights are returning! Make room!" Someone shouted.

Trisphyra followed the ones running towards the voice. Many had gathered by the edge of the large field where the battle had taken place. She was impressed by how well it had been fixed. It was as if the battle hadn't taken place there just recently. The only visible trace you could see was the big spots of dirt spread across the grassland and of course, the remains of the caligo. A few white flowers still seemed to remain on its body. She felt sad for it, but rejoiced in the fact that it had been relieved to move on.

A small army of horses and riders came out from the treeline. General Ismastis was in the lead. They galloped across the field and stopped in front of the crowd of people.

Trisphyra placed herself behind a tent wall, waiting until she spotted the one she was looking for. There was a lot of turmoil. A handful of the soldiers greeted the General as she walked past further into the area. Trisphyra recognized the devil-kin and the tusk-man from the battle, but the minotaur, the sun elf and the earth-born were new to her.

Her eyes skirmished through the knights. She had no idea there were so many of them. All of them were dressed as rangers, better suited for working in a dense forest.

She sneaked closer.

"Oh! I see you! I like you!" Another voice spoke in her head. 'This will take some getting used to.' She muttered to herself and looked around for the source. That's when she spotted the familiar dark horse. He was holding his head high, ears pointing towards her. His rider however, hadn't noticed her yet.

Helon was twisting his shoulder, trying to ease off some of the pain he still felt.

"You sure you're fine?" Duncan asked and rode over to his friend.

He shook his head, "Another day or so and it'll be gone. Besides-" He dismounted, "-What's a battle without some scars to show for it?"

Duncan rolled his eyes, "Only you would think of it that way."

Keldoron suddenly let out a loud neigh and took a step forward. Helon had to hold him back, "Woah there, boy! What's the rush?"

"Helon!" He heard her voice and looked in the same direction as his horse. She was running towards him. His heart skipped a beat, relieved to see her. Her skin had regained its color and her eyes were beaming. She was a sight to behold.

He immediately let go of the reins and rushed to meet her. She threw her arms around his neck and he responded by lifting her up and swirling around.

There was something about it. If it was the way he was holding her tight or how he whispered her name into her ear over and over, she felt safe. She didn't want to let go.

He slowly put her down, "You're okay." She wasn't sure if he was talking to her or if he said it as a confirmation to himself, but she smiled nonetheless. Her hand reached up and caressed his cheek. His eyes softened, leaning into her palm.

"I'm glad to see you're not a wolf." She joked.

A warm muzzle touched the side of her arm suddenly. She turned to Keldoron and scratched his head. Helon rolled his eyes, "Always gotta be the center of attention, huh?" He patted the horse's neck.

"Well, he's your horse. Must've got it from you." Duncan laughed. Trisphyra smiled at him and he waved, "Hi, Trisphyra. How are you?"

He dismounted and she gave him a quick hug, "Better, now that I know you're both alright. Thank you for… helping me."

"I don't know what you did, I'm just happy it worked. Can't believe you were able to turn that lycan."

"I did?" She gasped and looked at Helon. He grabbed her hand, "You reversed the curse. Matilda said most traces of lycan blood are gone from him."

"Him?" She still had a hard time grasping it.

"His name's Koa Elladan. I don't know him very well. He was just a normal ranger training here until he disappeared one day. I guess now we know why."

She looked out to the forest, "Have they been able to figure out what caused all this?"

"We've helped Elder Vitellia search the woods for any trace of dark magic but so far haven't found any proof. There's something going on, though." He turned her towards him, "Do you still hear that voice?"

She shook her head, "No, it's silent for now."

"Matilda said it would take you some time to recover."

"I think the forest is calm for now." An idea struck her, "Has the lyc- I mean, has Koa said anything?"

"Don't know. I think he's been unconscious this whole time."

"Where is he being held?"

"Probably with the medics."

"What are you thinking?" Duncan asked curiously.

"Maybe he remembers something?" She answered.

Helon scoffed, "Unlikely. Lycans and werewolves that go rogue usually lose all sense of self."

She looked down at her bandaged arm, "There was something about them. All of them. They didn't act on instinct. I have to give it a try."

"Knights! Gather around!" A loud voice commanded.

Duncan and Helon looked at each other and then to Trisphyra.

"I'll be fine." She smiled, "Go and do what you do best."

Helon took her hand and kissed it, "I'll see you later, okay?"

She nodded reassuringly. He hesitantly let her go and watched her walk away.

Duncan couldn't help himself, "Sooooo, are you two like a thing now?"

Helon raised a brow, "A thing?"

"Don't play dumb with me! I see the way you look at her… and the way she looks at you. Is it serious?"

He looked to where Trisphyra had trailed off, "I don't know. I mean… I really like her, but we haven't had that many moments to just talk alone, y'know? There's… a lot going on with her."

Duncan scoffed, "No kidding. The way Lombard watches her every step must be frustrating. Does she ever get any time off?"

"Not yet, but I'm gonna make sure that she does. She deserves it."

"Just be careful to not get on his bad side."

"I think he likes me. Sort of. He made us both guards, right?"

"Sure. I wouldn't take it for granted though." He patted Helon on his shoulder, "But I'm happy for you. She seems very sweet. To think a girl like her would fall for you is quite the miracle."

He smiled. If he was honest with himself, there was a part who thought he didn't deserve her, but if she truly liked him then maybe there was more to him than a coldblooded warrior.

Trisphyra rushed back to the infirmary. Hopefully Guprix hadn't made it there yet. She came to the entrance and peeked inside. No brooding moon elf in sight. Good.

As discreetly as she could, she investigated every closed room she walked past. A nurse came out from the end of the hallway. She walked up to another who seemed older, "Do we have to put restraints on him? Matilda said he was fine."

"She said he SEEMED fine. Let's not get careless. Come now, dear. There are other patients we need to treat because of this one."

Trisphyra waited for them to disappear out of sight and then sneaked up to the door. She opened it slowly, looking inside. A man was lying in the hospital bed, dressed in a white sheet. His eyes were closed. It looked like he was sleeping. Thin drapes covered the window, luminating the entire room.

She entered and closed the door behind her. As she walked closer, she got a better look at the half-elf. His hair was short with a brownish color. He wore a thin beard and on his fair skin, right underneath his eyes was a scar that looked very fresh. In the middle of his forehead was a tattoo of a crescent moon, facing upwards. Her eyes trailed from his face down to his neck and torso. There were scars all over.

Trisphyra let out the faintest of gasps and the man's eyes opened wide. He tried to stand up but was stopped by the leather straps around his hands. He tried to pull free but the restraints held firm.

She had to do something before someone noticed, "It's okay, Koa. You're safe."

His eyes darted up at her. They reflected the soft light in the room. There was definitely something ferocious about him. She couldn't allow herself to be scared though and stood firm.

"I understand you must be very confused."

"Koa…" He muttered.

"Yes… Koa Elladan. That's your name, right?"

He leaned back, "I… I don't… It's all so fuzzy." His eyes glanced up at her, "You… I remember you…"

"My name is Trisphyra." She dared to take a step towards him, "People say you were after me."

He blinked in confusion, "After you?" Suddenly his eyes widened as he seemed to realize, "No! Please tell me no one got hurt?"

"Why? What do you think happened?" She asked.

"I knew I should've told someone, but I'd been fine for months and I didn't think I had to-"

"Hey." Trisphyra sat down on the edge of his bed. Koa looked up at her. Guilt and pain filled his eyes. She smiled sadly, "Deep breaths. In." She inhaled and waited for him to do the same. At first he wasn't sure if he could but eventually forced his body to cooperate. Once he did, they exhaled together.

"There you go." She tried to sound cheerful.

"Thank you… Trisphyra."

"Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions. So how about, before I ask mine, you can ask yours first?"

He tried to collect his thoughts, looking at the restraints around his hands, "Did… Did I turn?"

She nodded, "You did."

His brows furrowed, "How bad did I do?"

"You don't remember anything?" She realized her intrusion, "Sorry. It's not my turn yet."

He scoffed, "It's okay. I- I don't remember- It's all a blur. I remember voices, a light and just this awful pain in my head."

"A friend of mine said you've been gone for months."

Koa's eyes widened, "Months? I've never been able to hold my form for that long? How?"

"I don't think it was you." She tried to explain, "Something… or someone… used their powers to control you and other creatures to attack the lower grounds."

It looked like he wanted to believe her, but he was doubtful, "How would you know that's the reason?"

What could she say? It was only a feeling after all. Nothing had been confirmed, but the voices in her head. The surge of energy she'd felt. It couldn't all have been in her head.

"There's something about you." Koa tilted his head, "Forgive me. It's gonna sound strange, but I feel something from you. It's comforting for some reason."

"We both have our connections to the moons, in our own way."

"Is that why I was after you? Cause you're a moon elf?"

She had to lie, "I don't know." Technically it wasn't a lie, cause she didn't know for sure. However there was something in her gut that knew it must have something to do with her heritage.

"Did I harm you? Anyone?"

She showed her arm. Koa sank deeper into his bed, "I'm so, so sorry."

"This isn't all on you. You say you have no memory of the attack."

"It was only a matter of time before I lost it. It's my fault for hiding it."

"You did what you thought was right. No one is blaming you for the attack." Again, she wasn't sure of any of this but it pained her to see him so filled with agony.

"But I can't be trusted. Who knows when I'll lose control again?"

"Our Masters are looking into it. Besides, there's a chance you don't have to worry about that anymore."

He looked at her confused, then his eyes turned, "That's why I remember you. You did something… to me."

"I turned you back."

"Who are you?" There was frustration in his voice.


A voice interrupted, "Trisphyra!"

The two looked to the door. Guprix and Matilda entered with an unfamiliar man. Trisphyra immediately stood up, avoiding the eyes of her Master. Koa's eyes filled with tears, "Master Kane."

The man, a human, walked up to his bedside and knelt down, "Don't worry, Koa. We're gonna work this out. You don't have to hide yourself anymore, alright?" His voice was dark and rusty. He was powerfully built with dark hair that had started to gray at the roots. Without hesitating he relieved Koa of his restraints. The half-elf rubbed his wrists, "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Master Kane smiled and placed a hand on Koa's shoulder, "Enough of that. I need you with me. There's a lot of things we have to discuss."

Matilda walked up to Trisphyra and grabbed her hand, "Come, dearie. Let's leave the two alone." She led them out the room and Guprix closed the door. He sighed, "Let's go."

Trisphyra looked between her two parental figures, "Where?"

"The principal wanted to see you as soon as you woke up."

"It's too early if you ask me." Matilda muttered.

"It can't be helped. We have to."

They walked quietly. She was surprised that her Master hadn't asked why she'd left the room. Glancing down at Matilda, she understood that this was serious. The old gnome had a stiff expression on her face.

An uncomfortable feeling began to grow in her gut. What was going on?

They walked all the way to the upper levels, to the highest tower where the council hall was located. Trisphyra couldn't remember the last time she was there. It had been so long. The two golden knights guarding the outside opened the doors for them and shut it fast once they'd entered. There was a pause. No one was in the room, except for them and the principal. He was standing by the table, facing them.

Guprix tried to speak, "Master. I-"

Ishan held his hand up immediately, silencing him. Lombard backed away with a bow. The principal turned to Trisphyra. His eyes looked at her. They were intimidating. She had to turn away.

He sighed, "Things have indeed changed since you arrived at this school, child. A lot has been put on you."

"I've never wanted to be a bother, Elder. I'm sorry."

"The shining moon. Dark shadows. All of these were expected. But now trees are awakening and lycanthropes and wolves are sensing your presence. This we did not foresee." He walked up to her and grabbed her hand, feeling it between his old fingers. There was still a strength to them. Trisphyra could sense his immense powers.

"What happened out there?" He asked her.

Her head turned to look at Guprix, who seemed anxious but held his tongue.

"I don't know what I did, my liege. It was as if Elandorr was calling for me the moment I touched the lower grounds. I- I think it wanted me to help."

"Go on." The Elder encouraged. She smiled, "I've never felt such a strong connection to anything before. I felt at home somehow. It just helped me focus."

Ibarin seemed intrigued. With his hand still grasping hers, he led her to the middle of the room. He let go of her and tapped his staff on the ground and a glowing circle appeared beneath her feet. She could feel its magical energy flow inside of her.

"There is obviously more to you than we initially thought."

She looked at him in confusion, "Elder, I-"

"You do not have to explain, child." He pointed at the circle around her, "I will find out soon. Just try to relax."

A warm gust of wind surged from the circle around her. She felt the unfamiliar presence of Ibarin's magic. Her subconscious tried to block him out. With a deep breath, she concentrated on breaking down her barriers to let him investigate. It felt very unnatural and uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else. Her thoughts traveled back to Helon and his embrace. His wide smile and beautiful eyes that shone like two bright suns.

"Father loves you." A voice spoke. Helon's face flashed into an image of an unfamiliar man. He was looking at her with a sad smile, tears welling up in his eyes. The image flashed again. This time it was a woman. She seemed devastated. Each new imaige flicked past her eyes with even greater speed than the previous one. Faces of different elves. They all spoke simultaneously. "Every second in this place is a risk to her life!"

"Arathorn… Is it safe?"

"Families never forget."

"Promise to come back to us, okay?"

"You are a blessing."

Suddenly, she saw a forest. A moon elf. She was praying. There was Luna'Celesia and another deity who she didn't recognize. She was pulled away from the vision. The nightlit forest was replaced by a sandy shore. It was in the middle of the day and the sun was at the top of the sky. In front of Trisphyra stood a woman, a sun elf. She was tall, even taller than Guprix. Her red hair was long and curly. There was something familiar about her, but Trisphyra couldn't pin down what it was. Her green eyes were looking to the sea, a stoic expression on her face.

The woman whispered, "Revana, what is it?"

Suddenly blood began to run from her nose. Her entire face turned. It was bruised and battered. The sight was too much. Trisphyra stepped backwards. The woman yelled in pain, "Quildor!"

The weather shifted into a stormy night. As the lightning flashed, different creatures appeared around her. Werewolves, vampires, shades and other evil figures. Then, a large dragon arose from the sea. It was too dark to see its color but its humongous size was apparent. Trisphyra fell to the ground and everything disappeared. She'd fallen out of the magical circle. Her breath was heavy. So many questions swirled around in her head. She looked at the principal. He was pulling his snowy white beard, thinking about something.

"What was that? Who were all those people?" She asked him.

No answer came. Her head turned to Guprix and Matilda. Both stared in disbelief.

Tears began to pour down her cheek, "You can't keep holding me in the dark like this! I need to know! You have to tell me!"

Matilda walked up to her, "I'm sorry, Tris. There are things not even we have the answers to."

For the first time, she felt her heart split. She felt betrayed. There was no way they didn't know more about her.

"Not even you, Master?" She looked at Guprix.

His face was cold, "What are you suggesting?"

She wanted to be angry. She wanted to yell at him, telling him she knew he was holding stuff from her, but for some reason she couldn't.

"I just thought you wanted to help me." She whimpered and looked down on the floor. He didn't answer her, which hurt even more.

"Trisphyra." Ishan sighed, "You will be having lesson's with Elder Vitellia and Agent Falko from now on."

"What?" Both she and Guprix exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Lombard. You will still be her main tutor. I do, however, think it is important she speaks to them as soon as possible. They should be able to answer your questions regarding this new connection."

Trisphyra tried to hide her excitement. She didn't want to hurt her master's feelings. The thought was also a bit scary, new teachers. She'd been lucky with Vehéres, but what's to say these two were as good? Elder Vitellia was kind and had helped her with the white flower, but this Falko was new. She'd never heard the name before. Perhaps Helon knew of him? She couldn't wait to go back to the lower grounds again.

"Master, may I speak?" Guprix asked. Ishan nodded. The teacher turned to Matilda and Trisphyra. He seemed skeptical, "Alone." He muttered.

The principal sighed, "Very well, I have some things to discuss with you too."

He gestured to the two women to leave. The gnome led the still teary eyed elf out of the hall. Guprix glared at his master, waiting for the sound of closing doors. It shut loudly and echoed through the room. He said, "Are you going to take this away from me as well?"

Ishan's face was hard to read, "As I said, you will remain as her main tutor-"

"Then why bring in the other two? Do you think I'm incompetent, is that it? You think I'll fail again?!"

"It has never been about that."

"That's what it's always been about!"

"ENOUGH!" Ishan's voice roared like thunder, staggering the old elf. The room trembled as if it was afraid. "I will not hear any more of this. You brought this on yourself. Trisphyra does not trust you, just as you do not trust her with the truth. You are losing her, my friend."

Guprix wanted to argue against it, but he'd be lying to himself. Ishan's eyes softened, "If you do not do something soon, you will never get her back. I know that deep down you care for her. Almost as a father should do."

The word disgusted him and he hissed, "I'm not doing that. Not again."

Ishan sighed. He was disappointed but could not find it in his heart to blame him.

"Well then, on another matter. The attack. There is an unknown essence corrupting our magical borders."

"What? How is that possible?"

"I will have to consult my patron on this matter, but in the meantime I need every unit to help protect the border. General Ismastis has already begun setting up patrols. Minister Taenya is sending out her best scouts to find out any clues as to what is going on. As for you, my old friend, I need your mages to learn more defensive magic. An attack like this cannot be allowed to happen again. We must protect our students at any cost."

Gurpix dared to ask, "How did it even happen?"

The principal turned around, gazing out through the large window behind the council desk, "I have lived for nearly two millennia, Guprix. It may not look like it, but those years are catching up with me. After Bemere died, I began to feel it. I cannot do this on my own for much longer." Looking back at his pupil, he smiled, "Which is why I need your help. I want you as my assistant."

Lombard had a hard time believing it, "Master, I-"

"You have a hard soul, my friend, but it is not unkind. You have never turned away from your duties despite the fact that you have every reason to want to do so. I need your persistence now more than ever."

The elf fell to his knees, "I- I swear I won't disappoint you."

"I wish you would show Trisphyra the same devotion."

There was a knock on the door and a guard peeked inside, "I'm sorry to interrupt, sir. Agent Kane and his student are here."

"Bring them in. We are done here." Ishan nodded to Guprix.

The elf stood back up on his feet and bowed before leaving. On his way out he passed Koa and Ruben Kane. The young half-elf seemed nervous, his eyes staring straight ahead. The two teachers nodded to one another without saying a word. Anyone who didn't know Ruben wouldn't be able to tell how anxious he was. He was a stern looking human, but Guprix knew. Koa's future was uncertain. Seeing how dire the situation was, the principal might not be so merciful this time.

Lombard had no time to think about that now. He had to get to Trisphyra.

The guards were stationed, as expected, outside her room. Guprix gestured for them to take a break. They left without question. He decided to knock on the door, "Trisphyra?"

No answer.

"May I come in?"

Silence, but then, "It's fine." Her voice was quiet.

He gently pushed the door open and looked inside. She was sitting in her futon by the window, looking out. Her head did not turn to face him as he entered.

"Is Matilda not with you?" He asked.

"I told her she should help tend to the wounded. There's no reason to fuss over me."

He took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. There was a lot he wanted to say but couldn't. There was also a lot he could say but wouldn't.

"Despite all that has happened, I'm very proud of you. I want you to know that."

Her head tilted ever so slightly, but still refused to look at him.

He continued, "Koa might be able to live a normal life because of you."

"What's going to happen to him?"

"That will be for the principal to decide. You've done everything you can."

"Do you think I'm a failure, master?"

He sighed, "No, dear. I don't. You've come very far in a short span of time. I'm the failure here."

That statement was enough for her to look at him. She seemed confused. Guprix took a seat in front of her, "I've put the same expectations on you that was put on me many years ago. I should never have done that. You and I are not the same. We never was. Yet, there was a part of me that wanted to believe so, but I've always known it wasn't true."

She looked at him with big eyes. He'd never been this open before. His entire posture was different. His back was slouching and he was leaning onto his knees, looking at the floor. She remembered what Yvonus had told her about him. The elder council thought he was a child of the moon goddess, just like her. Only he wasn't. Something had happened.

"What- Happened at Ithilunar?" She asked.

He peered up at her with a smirk, "Proudstride mentioned it to you, didn't he?"

She turned her head away, trying not to look guilty.

"You know what your mother stands for, don't you?"

"Guidance. Love. Life. Knowledge."

"Her temple, Ithilunar, was a place to seek guidance and comfort. People in grief would get to see the people they lost. Adventurers who were stuck got to see visions of grand treasures and landscapes, inspiring them to keep going. Sometimes, the goddess would even grant you gifts."

"That sounds wonderful."

"But people of greed tried to use the temple to conjure weapons and trinkets of evil. So Luna'Celesia hid the temple away. Rumor says only her true children can find it, whatever that's supposed to mean. When I was a young man, the elder suspected that perhaps I was the one. I was sent out to find it."

"And did you?"

"I did. It was a sight to behold. I was so happy." He smiled to himself at the memories. Trisphyra couldn't help but do the same. She'd never seen him so content before. Then his expression changed.

"But when I finally came to the doors, I asked the goddess to let me in." There was a minute of silence and he looked to Trisphyra, "She didn't. And that's when I knew, I wasn't the one. Despite my devotion and my studies, I'd never be worthy enough to enter her halls. Then you came along and the whole world could sense what you were, except for yourself." He shook his head, "I was angry with you for a long time… and in return you resented me back."

She wanted to correct him, "I never…"

He stopped her, "I don't blame you. It was my fault. You never asked for any of this."

They sat together, looking out into the woods.

"So you don't know my parents then? My elven parents."

"I don't know them personally, but I know of them, of course."

A faint smile appeared on her face. He chuckled, "You're the spitting image of your mother Elora. Although, you did get Tasar's nose."

Without thinking about it, she touched the tip of her nose. Then she looked at her reflection in the window, "I look like them?"

"You do, dear."

There was a sharp breath of relief. The tears began to well down her cheeks. He watched her. She was torn. He knew it was inevitable. With the knowledge of her parents also came the pain of not hearing from them. A part of him wanted to know why they'd never reached out. What would happen if he allowed Trisphyra's letter to be sent? Would they answer then?

He shook his head. It didn't matter. This was her home. It was the best place for her. Of that he was certain.

Is Guprix finally beginning to make progress?

Lina_Steencreators' thoughts