
Watching Over Me

The trio stared at the jaguar's catlike eyes, each of them barely moving an inch caught in a stalemate where none of them did a thing. When they arrived, the Jaguar had taken on a defensive position allowing a view of the three wolves.

Even then, however, the cat's claws hadn't drawn its claws yet which struck the wolves as odd. Nevertheless, this was a jaguar. The creature itself was far from its natural habitat, to begin with.

If it hadn't been for the wilderness classes that Lina had taken in preparation for the Trials, she wouldn't have known what kind of animal faced her. But that didn't explain their sudden run-in with the big cat.

As far as she knew, jaguars didn't live in this part of the empire and yet, there it was, clear as day. Blood rushed through her system twice as fast as it normally did, pumping adrenaline into her system and slowing everything around her.