
The monster under my bed.

I wake up screaming as I remember her in my dreams. The burning flesh, that smell that lingers in my nose, the sound of her screams echoing in my head. These thoughts won't leave me. It's already been a year since the accident, but the memory of her burning corps still finds me in my dreams.

"Adele I'm sorry," I say whispering under my breath.

When I check my phone it's always the same time of night, exactly 3:13 am. There is something different though, the sound, the sound that comes from under my bed is different, the familiar creaking as the feeling of something pushing up against my bed has gone.

When I was younger it was once every so often I would feel something push up under me, but then it went away. I was somewhat at ease that it had gone, I felt I was safe. Until about 6 months ago when it came back. Now it is almost every night. The creaking as it moves, the feeling as it pushes up. You grow used to it. I've gotten multiple different beds in the last months and checked every corner of my room to find anywhere something could get in, but nothing has come up. It's almost like some creator lives under me.

Azrael's view :

This human's quite strange, he's been talking to himself a lot. Who is Adele?

He's quite beautiful, with his curly black hair, and skin that resembles the night. I wish I could let you see me, but if you did you would probably scream in disgust. These quite lonesome nights away from that monster at home is all I need. But if you did see me, what would you think of me, would you be tariffed by my black eye and horns? Would you think I could devourer you? .... who knows.

I should probably go back home before he finds that I left. I hate leaving this place. sitting next to you on the floor is all I look forward to ... Pathetic, but that's my reality.

" Bye Elijah," I whisper into his ear.

Mumbling under his breath " hmm.....I'm sorry ."

What happened to you I wonder?