
The Monster Among Men

Follow the story of Jason Gilah, an anomaly, a being that tilt the balance of the universe itself due to his immense power, as he faced The Outsiders, The Rulers, and eventually the entire world.

Mr_Hollow · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 9: The Battle For The Future (1)

Yennefer was shocked and terrified of the man that was standing in front of her, "You.... you aren't supposed to be here, Carlos The Butcher!"

"Oh, so you know me?" Carlos replied as he delivered a massive punch towards Yennefer.

Yennefer once again carried Amisha and merely dodged the attack.

"You aren't a hunter, you are the leader of the terrorist group named Daman. What interest do you have showing up here?" Yennefer asked, trying to hold back her pain.

"Well everyone is talking about him, the monster I mean," as Carlos swung his fist, destroying the train's interior in an effort to kill Yennefer, "So I thought I will check it out, you know?" he continued.

"The hunters were nothing but fools to actually think that the monster will only emit violent energy wave, in reality, overwhelmingly powerful being's presence is usually the calmest one and the most gentle one. I sensed this boy's presence from miles away and knew instantly that a powerful being has just arrived to this world. So I don't want to miss the chance to meet him, as simple as that."

Carlos pulled his right arm to the back, preparing to deliver a massive blow, Yennefer was rather confused as there was a huge distant between them, his hit won't hit them.... unless..

Carlos fist absorbed all of the wind, energy, and water around him creating this massive bomb that was about to explode.

"I don't know who the two of you are, but if the baby is truly the monster, then he will surely survive this."

By the time Yennefer realized what Carlos was about to do, it was too late, as Carlos released all of the compressed energy from his fist and slammed it to the ground, causing a massive explosion, destroying the entire train and the tunnel itself. The upper ground collapse on them, creating a massive hole and a huge rubble.

The explosion caught the attention of the hunters around, who then rushed towards the scene. However, Carlos wasn't alone, as the hunters who were approaching his location was gunned down by snipers from the distance under Carlos command. The hunters took cover and some even counterattack, creating a war zone around the scene.

"This just in, a huge explosion just took place on the Jamar Street, right above the underground rail. We've been ordered to go there ASAP!" Frank said as they changed direction.

Back to the ruble, as Carlos stood still among the destruction he had caused, smirking.

"Heh, seems pretty legit."

As both Amisha and Yennefer survived the attack. Not even a single dust reached them.

"Damn, you really are a monster, I thought you would at least get wounded or messed up, but that attack didn't even touch you."

Carlos glanced at the monster and saw it... the purple shining eyes staring right back at him. He couldn't help but feel pressured by those eyes, as if those eyes were looking down at him, telling him to kneel. His entire body started shaking from fear as he felt none other than the presence of death.

"Heh, you really are a threat," as Carlos was preparing to launch another attack with his left fist.

Before Yennefer and Amisha could even think of a way to escape, Carlos' s fist was already in front of their face and was about to decimate them. But right at that moment, Carlos' s point of view became dark. He couldn't hear anything, couldn't feel anything, couldn't see anything, heck he couldn't even move.

But then, his left arm began changing color to purple, glowing and grew bigger and bigger, he couldn't feel a thing, he couldn't react to that. He knew what was about to happen, but he could only pray for it to not happen. But it happened anyway.

"AAAARGH!" Carlos screamed in pain as his entire left arm burst out of existence. His entire worldview has returned to normal so he could feel all the pain coursing through his entire body. Blood spilling all over the place, as his scream was loud enough to be heard from a far by Frank.

To put salt on his wound, Yennefer gave him a big old bite on his right arm using her unwounded hand as a snake, but this time a small one, as she didn't want to risk Carlos tearing it apart again. The bite inserted a venom to Carlos' s blood stream, causing him to be unable to move, as Yennefer took Amisha away from there. But luck wasn't on their side, as Frank's group has just arrived right and was standing before them.

"Fyuh... finally... finally we could actually stop running for a second," the exhausted Ray said, while trying to catch his breath.

As the chapter ends.