
The Monster Among Men

Follow the story of Jason Gilah, an anomaly, a being that tilt the balance of the universe itself due to his immense power, as he faced The Outsiders, The Rulers, and eventually the entire world.

Mr_Hollow · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 8: The End Of The Hunt

Yennefer's hand was still hanging, waiting for Amisha to shake it. Amisha was hesitant at first, but knowing she couldn't possibly refuse, she shook the lady's hand.

"My name... is.. eh.. A.. mi... Amisha.. Car...Carter!" she replied.

"Nice to meet you Amisha, you have nothing to fear, after all, I am not going to hurt my god's saviour."

"Who?" Amisha asked.

"The baby in you arms, he will be the one to change this world, for the good or worse." as the lady points at the monster.

"I shall protect you and bring you to the Follower Of The One, you will be safe there."

"Follower Of The One? What on earth is that? How did you even know about me and him? If you are really here to protect him, shouldn't you try to bring him to Lord Maxwell, the only Ruler that actually detest the decision to kill the monster?"

"He wouldn't be able to do anything about it, the Follower Of The One are those who believed that the so called monster is The One who will bring down the Rulers, the one who will changed this world, the unstoppable force of nature. There are powerful people in there that are willing to put their life on the line to protect him."

Yennefer continued "As to how we know about you and your whereabout, we hijacked the radio of the hunters and scattered based on the informations that were given. Apparently, there was an agent who managed to reveal your disguise. Fortunately for you, I was boarding this train when you came in, we have a shortage when it comes to number, that is why I am the only one here right now. But you don't need to worry at all, I have informed the other members and currently 5 of them are coming this way to meet us. So just sit back and relax." as Yennefer sat down next to Amisha.

After hearing that, Amisha was somewhat relief, knowing she wasn't alone in this. Even though it creeped her out a little as how there was an organization out there consisted of superhumans that were beyond even the hunters's level.

"So.. who are you again?" Yennefer asked.

"Ow, I.. eh.. I am Amis-"

"No, No, No, that's not what I meant." Yennefer chuckles.

"Who are you as in what work do you do?"

"Oh, ehm... I am actually one of the hun-" Amisha instantly closed her mouth preventing her from spilling out the wrong word. Yennefer was the lady who just killed 11 hunters by herself in a single attack, revealing herself as one of the hunter is a nothing but a suicide.

"Were you about to say hunters?" Yennefer asked as her green eyes were giving death stares at Amisha.

Amisha was about to make up an excuse when all of the sudden, the train decelerate in an instant. Causing the both of them to collapse to the side because of the aftereffect.

"Huh, why does the train stopped all of the sudden?" Amisha asked, as both of them regained their balance and stood up. They came forth to see what was wrong and that was when they saw it.

It was a man. With his bare hands, he crushed the train's front, stopping it from moving any further. The man was humongous, he was about the size of a truck and he was undoubtedly strong. Before Amisha and Yennefer could do anything, the man yanked out a giant piece of metal from the front of the train and threw it with all of his might towards the ladies.

The piece of metal pierce through the train's interior like a bullet. Both Amisha and Yennefer quickly moved out of the way before the piece of metal hits them, but unfortunately Amisha wasn't fast enough as her left arm was wounded. Amisha screamed in pain as blood began to flow from her wound.

The man jumped through the train towards Amisha, crushing everything in his path. Yennefer grabbed Amisha's back, and pull her aside in an instant before the man could hit her. The man landed right beside the both of them with a loud "Kaboom" as the entire side of the train was destroyed by the impact.

Yennefer quickly transform her right hand into a giant snake to kill the man, but the man grabbed the snake's mouth and ripped it open all Hercules style. Yennefer screamed in pain as the snake transformed back into her arm, severely wounded. Yennefer glanced at the man and was shocked to found out who they were really dealing with.

"Oh my god... you.... you aren't supposed to be here!"

As the chapter ends.