
The Monster Among Men

Follow the story of Jason Gilah, an anomaly, a being that tilt the balance of the universe itself due to his immense power, as he faced The Outsiders, The Rulers, and eventually the entire world.

Mr_Hollow · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 16: The End Of The Long Day (3)

"Hi, my name is Jacob Jovica, the head of SHR, I am looking for Frank Reece and Ray Parker, where are they?" Jacob asked as he was searching for them in the midst of paramedics and victims of the incident.

"They are right there, near that stop sign, Sir," one of the paramedics answered him while pointing at the stop sign.

"Thank you!" Jacob said as he rushed towards there to find both of them were just sitting there, on the ground, staring at nothing. Their bodies were covered by wounds and blood. They were supposed to be in great pain and yet they were as still as a statue.

Jacob saw their wounds and yelled out to the nearest paramedic, "Hey, we have wounded agents here! Why aren't you healing them?"

One of the paramedic approached him and answered, "We tried, Sir, but they refused to be treated, we are not in a position to force two SHR agents, Sir, so we have to leave them like that."

Jacob looked at Frank and asked, "You.. you okay buddy?"

Frank didn't answer, instead he pointed at a line of corpses that were being gathered. He pointed directly at one specific body and Jacob immediately understood what Frank meant.

"Yes, I have heard about Percy, I am sorry."

Frank lowered his hand and began to stare blankly at the ground once more. Before Jacob could respond further, one of the SHR agents poked him in the shoulder.

"Sir, one of the hunters wanted to speak to you."

"Who?" Jacob asked.

"I believe her name was Hafsa Hess, Sir."

When Jacob heard that, he immediately respond, "Where is she? Bring me to her!"

The SHR agent took Jacob to Hafsa who was drinking soda while sitting on a chair. She saw them coming and immediately stood up to greet them.

"Mr. Jacob Jovica, it is a pleasure to see you," she said.

"Let's cut to the chase shall we, what info do you have?"

"Well first of all, Ms. Misi Xystos, the head of the hunters, sent her regards, and have ordered me to report what happened in detail."

"Continue," Jacob said.

"Very well, it appeared that the Daman organization had shown great interest in the monster, as they interfered the hunt and killed many hunters in the area. Carlos, the leader of Daman is presumed dead, but oddly, his body was not found. Based on what Frank said, he was killed by his own servant, Sycorax. She killed Adelheid as well."

"Two of the most dangerous terrorist in the world was killed by their own member?"

"Yes, we took this chance to strike them at their weakest state, most of Daman members were killed and others were captured, unfortunately some managed to escape, including the wounded Sycorax."

"What about the monster?"

"Killed, exterminated. Hormidas Fanny, servant of Lord Farhan arrived to assist the hunt but ended up killed by the monster. Lord Yamikani himself arrived and quickly killed the monster."

"I heard about that. Where is the monster's corpse? The higher ups requested that we bring the monster's body as proof."

"Laurentina, Lord Yamikani's servant, burned the monster's corpse until nothing is left, so..."

"I see. Well if it was under a ruler's order, then SHR and the hunters will not be held responsible for it. Although it was a shame I didn't get here in time, I could have helped prevent this catastrophe, but the past is the past. Anything else?" Jacob asked.

"No Sir, that is about it."

"Very well, thank you," Jacob said as he left her to deal with other business.

Meanwhile, in an underground chamber located far away from society, the door in that chamber was opened by none other than Lord Yamikani himself.

"Welcome to my secret underground chamber, this isn't much but hey beggars can't be choosers heh?"

Yamikani laughed and continue to speak to the mysterious grup.

"You and the gang will spend a week here, until all of this is settle. There is food, water, and even books, if you are in to that. But you must not leave this place, understood?" he said, as he was speaking to none other than Amisha herself, along with the wounded Stanley, the dying Molly, and the monster himself who were somehow still alive.

Molly's body was not in a good shape as Laurentina carried her crushed body on her arms. Stanley had a hard time standing because of the wound he received from Hormidas, so Amisha helped him by supporting the weight of his body.

Lord Yamikani continued," Oh yeah, there are also medical supplies, so keep them alive, will you? I like them better when they are still warm," as he continued showing the rest of his bunker to the group.

Amisha couldn't help but asked, "Why are you doing this, aren't you one of the rulers?"

Yamikani looked at her and was silent for a moment before answering, "Do you prefer to die by my blade?" Lord Yamikani's hand reached out to his blade's hilt. Amisha stared at Yamikani, while her body was shaking a bit. Yamikani remained silent for a few seconds until he laughed it out.

"Just kidding, why do you have to make everything so serious? I wanted to keep the monster alive because I wanted to, what is so wrong with that?"

Amisha thought about it and then asked, "What about Stanley, Molly, and.. me, why do you keep us alive?"

Yamikani stared at her, confused, he then replied, "Well for that Stan guy, I like his spirit, blasting at a Ruler like that, it takes gut. For Molly, I assumed you mean the healing girl, she managed to impressed me by surviving a direct hit from that fireball attack, to the point even healing that Stan guy from a distance, preventing him from dying. You in the other hand.... you are worthless."

Amisha was shocked by his statement and continued to ask, "Then why... why didn't you kill me?"

Hearing her question, Yamikani didn't answer right away, instead, he got closer to Amisha, and then he whispered right beside her ear, "Because the monster won't let me."

Yamikani's word left her speechless. She was as still as a rock. Yamikani smirked and then began to walk away from her, and continued, "Well then shall we?"

As the chapter ends.