
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urbain
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44 Chs


WARNING: Mature Content Ahead

A very shirtless Arcadio graced my eyes. Slightly I felt a blush creep on my cheeks, his back is to me, and the muscles there make me want to run my fingers over them. Suddenly my breath is hitched when he turns around.

His eyes look at me. I feel them roam all over me, making me squirm.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" He asks. Elizabeth was starting to tick me off. He's been calling me by name for the last couple of days, and I've never been more frustrated hearing my name.

His office had an appearance just like his bedroom. The hardwood floors were covered all over with leather chairs and a mahogany table. Papers were lying on the table, he looked busy, and I had disturbed him.

"Maybe I should come some another time," I said and, turn around.

"Stop and speak, Elizabeth." His tone became scary.

I turn towards him. Why the hell was I getting this nervous? Maybe the fact that he looks so handsome. His body is mocking me. Look at what you could never have!

"Elizabeth, I going to ask again. What are you doing here?"

"I...I..." Oh, for God's sake, spill it. "I came here to apologize."

The frown on his forehead deepens, "apologies?"

"Yes, about that day. I didn't mean to say that you would cheat on me. I was just angry."

He looked at me intently, then cursed. "F*ck.'

"What did Nora tell you?" He grits his teeth. I was wrong. I had no idea that I was so transparent in front of him. He saw right through me.


"Don't say nothing, Elizabeth. She said something about my father, didn't she?" He asked, voice low.

There was no point arguing with him. "Nora might have."

Cursing, again. Arcadio strides towards me and stands in front of me. He closes the gap between us, his voice comes threatening, "I don't want your pity."

That did it. The thought that I was stupid enough to come here and apologize was frustrating. I forgot how much of an ass Arcadio was. "I am not pitying you." I snapped.

I tried to move back because the closeness between us was starting to make me feel suffocated. Immediately, Arcadio's arms were wrapped around me and were pulling me towards him.

He leaned in closer and whispered. "Why is it that my control wavers when I'm with you?"

I struggle between his arms. My body freezes when his mouth moves over my neck. Inhaling my scent, he says, "your scent is so intoxicating."

Squirming in his hold, he says, "you taste so sweet, Elizabeth."

That's it. That did it. My name sounded wrong in this context.

I realized it was not like before. Everything has changed between us. Pushing away from Arcadio with all my strength. "Stop, Arcadio."

He froze and looked at me. "You are punishing me!"

When he didn't deny I knew I had spoken the truth, I felt my heart pierced. Continuing, I said, "you thought I was pitying you because of which you were going to punish me?"

It was when his eyes gazed into mine. My eyes became soft as I saw realization dawning on him. "I could never pity you, Arcadio. Nora's words helped me understand you better. It is the reason I am here apologizing to you."

I did something next, which my old self could never even imagine doing. I moved forward to Arcadio. Looking up, I met his intense gaze. I forgot he was so handsome. I could look at those eyes all day.

I reached up with a trembling hand and cupped the back of his neck. I lean in and press my lips against his. He stills at the contact then moves his lips against mine. The kiss was long, deep, sweeter, and even more delicious than before.

Suddenly his hands move from my waist to the back of my thighs. Bending a little, he hoists me up. I gasp into the kiss, yet the kiss continues. He moves us towards his desk without breaking the kiss.

Settling me on top of the desk, he moves in between my legs. Arcadio's warm lips trail against my neck, which was sending tremors up and down my spine. His fingers trail under my nightshirt. His thumb finds a hard nipple and flicked it.

Gasping, I bite back a moan. Arcadio gives me a mischievous smile.

"You like this, Elizabeth?"

I stilled at the name. What is seriously wrong with me? That is my name, yet it sounds so weird and a little bit frustrating.

"Stop, we can't do this."

I try to get down from the table, but his body doesn't move an inch. Then I try to remove his hands from me, which immediately grabs my waist. "No, why?"

I snap at him, "you tell me. Are you still angry about something?"

This time it was his turn to frown. "No, why?"

"I don't know you tell me. You are the one who used to call me your Italian names, and now you call me Elizabeth? So, tell me, why are you still angry?"

The frown instantly changes to amused. "You think I am angry because I am calling your name?"

His words annoy me, and frustratingly I try to get up again. I push him away, but my strength goes to waste as he doesn't even budge. "Move away."

"What if I don't?" He asks, heightening my frustration.

I push him again at his chest, and he tightens his hold. "Get away from me!"

He shuts me up with a kiss. My hands get ahold of his shirt. He breaks away, and a hoarse whisper says, "I've missed your taste, Piccolo Ragazza."

My breath hitches at the endearment. Oh, God! The words shoot a sensation all over my body, making me melt under his touch.

He bent his head and kissed me again, but this time it was hotter and harder with tongue. His hands trailed down from my waist to hips, then get hold of my thighs.

"Let's take this to the bedroom, Tesoro."

I can't even make words, so I nod. Arcadio moves away for me to get down. I slid down from the table. I yelp in surprise when he picked me up. I put my hands around his neck and inhale his scent. I've missed it. Something about it makes me feel content and safe.

"You know I can walk right?"

"I know but don't want you to," I blush at his statement.

We made it upstairs. I thought that we were going to my room, but we passed across it.

"Where are we going?"


I bite my lips at the words. The inside of me was dancing. This man will be the death of me. He hurried me to my room because it was the nearest. Without turning the light on, he laid me down on the bed. He was on me within seconds. My legs were wrapped around his thighs.

"I can't get enough of you, Piccolo Ragazza," he murmured, kissing my neck as he ran his fingertips over my nipples. He leaned down and kissed me.

"I don't believe you," I asked against his lips.

He pulls away, smirking. "And why is that, Tesoro?"

At that time, I replied, pouting, "maybe because you had a week to come and talk to me, yet you didn't."

He swoops in another kiss. "Tesoro, you are so cute when you're angry."

Before I could say anything he continues, "also, if I had known that you wanted me to come to talk to you. I would've done that."

My insides melt further. Not because of the words Arcadio said, but because of the smile, he said it with. I've never been with someone who touches me so softly or says things that make my heart race. Arcadio had the power to do both, which was scary and sweet at the same time.

"Now answer my question, Tesoro. What do you want, f*cking you with my fingers or my tongue?" My breath hitches in my throat. My heart starts beating rapidly against my chest. What am I supposed to answer?

As if he read my mind, he suggests in a sexy murmur, "how about we try both?"

"Yes," I bite my lip and reply. Patiently, waiting for his next move.

Without saying anything, he spreads my legs further from his foot.

"Arcadio," his name comes out as a moan when I feel his fingers run down from the side of my hips and between my legs.

A gasp escaped me as he touched my cl*t with his fingers. "Do you like it, Tesoro?" He asks. His tone seductive making me wetter.

"Yes," a breathless reply comes from me.

He continues to tease my cl*t with a back-and-forth motion. With each pass of his fingertips, the pressure increased till a quivering breath leaves me. His fingertips slip between, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves desperate for his touch.


"Please what, Tesoro?"

"You know what?" I could hear the chuckle on his lip. The bastard wanted to play the game now?

Frustrated, I snapped. "I want your fingers inside me." I immediately shut my mouth with my hand. I have never in a million years imagined myself saying that. I closed my eyes tightly.

He kisses softly above my fingers that were over my mouth. "Don't be scared to say what you feel, Tesoro."

Slowly I remove my hands away. "I have never said such things."

"You don't know how glad that makes me feel that you share those words only with me." He says, kissing my lips again.

I gasp between the kiss when he startles me with a finger inside me.
