
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urbain
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44 Chs


Certain whispers are crossed between them. The bulky man looks at me then back at him. When Arcadio gives him a last nod and closes his eyes, the bulky man speaks. "Thank you for helping our brother cara but can we know your name?"

I opened my mouth to say but something stopped me and I replied instead. "I can't tell you."

"Why?" The other one replies clearly this was very amusing to him.

"I don't tell strangers my name and you should probably take care of him rather than asking my name. Go take him", the frown still creasing my forehead yet I moved away getting back to work.

The van also moved away. Something told me this was not the last time I will be seeing him.

"Hi Ellie, I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you about the date night that Theo had planned for me. Take a cab and call me when you reach home."

I took a deep breath and shut my phone after hearing Leo's message. I should've know Theo would steal her tonight.

Theo James, Leo's extraordinary boyfriend at least according to me he is. He is the total opposite personality of Leo, it's a miracle that they have been together for a year now.

Where Leo is literally a badass and could get away with murder, Theo would agreeably go to jail even for hurting a fly.

Watching them definitely marked my theory true. Theory that how good girls go for the bad boys and how bad girls fall for the good. However the only question remains is what will happen for a girl like me? I was in the middle of good and bad so what kind of person would I get?

"Ellie, stop daydreaming!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Aryan who's watching me.

"Sorry Aryan, Leo's message came", I explained setting up the counter for the next day.

"Is she coming?"

"I don't think so. She has a date night with Theo", I explain which makes him smirk. "It's a wonder how that sweet boy could handle a devil like her."

I laugh at him. There was no mystery of how Leo's attitude was, everyone who knew me knew how fiery she was and to be honest I was happy that she was like that because God only knows how many times she has scared people I didn't want near me.

I finally pick up my things and waving goodbye I leave. I raise my hand for a cab and thankfully one stops.

Removing my heels, I lay flat on my couch. Leo was definitely not coming and I had the whole house to myself.

After resting I freshen up and putting my dinner which was mac and cheese on the plate. I take my laptop and sit back down on the same couch.

Arcadio as the name rolled off my lips, the handsome face appeared in front of my eyes. The curiosity off getting to know him ignited like fire.

I switched on Google and typed in his name and nothing came up just a single link and all the images of random people, it was as if I met a ghost. However I couldn't say anything as I only knew his first name, not a single detail about him or his work and not even about the brothers that came to his rescue.

Clicking on that link suddenly my laptop starts glitching. The screen shows different colors and everything goes black. What the hell?!

I immediately shut it with scare and disappointment. I had no idea what happened however a feeling of discomfort settled in me. In order to distract myself I move onto better things that was watching a movie. Maybe today was just a dream or the worst nightmare but all I wanted was it to forget.

Light shines in front of my eyes making them flutter open. I look at the time immediately. Thank God I was not yet late. I still had enough time to prepare breakfast and eat it.

I ate my breakfast, got ready into a little fancy, wore blue high waist jeans and black mesh bell sleeve top, packing my lunch in my black purse was ready to move out.

After getting down from the cab I walked towards the cafe but stopped and turned back it was as if someone was watching me yet when I looked around I found no one. Maybe I am getting paranoid.

First the laptop and now this. I was going to get a headache from this.

Reaching the cafe which was still hanging the closed sign I am immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Hey pretty lady", I still for a second but hearing the familiar voice calms me down putting a smile on my face.

"Hey Richard. How is your mom?"

"Oh she is perfectly fine now. In fact she asked me to bring you to meet her."

Brown hair and black eyes with athletic body. Richard M. Saxena was your next door Indian boy. He had such boyish charms and a handsome face. His parents were Indian, his mom is Christian and his dad is Hindu. It was a love marriage and are still going strong.

"I would love to", I replied him. He didn't came yesterday as his mom was having fever. Definitely a Mama's Boy.

"Ellie", I turn but stop.




Leaving him I move behind the counter. Suddenly a comparison comes across my mind. He and Arcadio are so opposite from each other. I mean they have different cultural backgrounds obviously as Richard is Indian while Arcadio is Italian, but even personality wise they were so different.

Richard is someone whom I can go and easily talk to whereas every time I think about having a conversation with Arcadio its like going inside the hungry lion's den. Yesterday when I went to help Arcadio he was being so hardheaded whereas if it was Richard he would've accepted my help without even asking.

"Whom are you giving a stare?"

I move back to reality and look a frowning Maya, her hand brushing up her swollen belly.

I roll my eyes at her, "No one, Maya."

"I see that Richard is back", she points out. "I know, I met him". I look at Richard and he smiled at me.

"When will you believe the boy loves you?" Not this again.

"He doesn't love me Maya. We're just friends."

"Oh c'mon Ellie. Are you kidding me? The boy practically glows when your around. He finds any excuse to come talk to you. It was only yesterday when you had to go in a cab because he was taking care of his mother otherwise he is the one who drops you if Leo is not around."

Now that I think about it all those things did make sense but...

"Maya he is just being a nice friend. You're assuming things!"

"Oh don't you dare...." She begins when Aryan interrupts her.

"Why are making my wife rile up Ellie?" He asks hiding an amused smile.

"I was not. Pregnancy is making your wife delusional", I exclaim smiling.

"I am not delusional!" She cutely frowns then looks at her husband, "Aryan tell Ellie that Richard likes her."

"No he doesn't!" I counter

"Yes he does", Aryan replies.

"Not you too", I cry out.

"What is happening here?" Suddenly Maisie comes in the group.

"We are just telling this stupid girl here that Richard likes here", Maya answers

"Oh he so does", Maisie smilingly replies in a bored expression.

"Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you people?" I question

"What is wrong with you Ellie? Everyone agrees to my statement why can't you?"

"Be....because that is not true", I sigh. "A guy like Richard could never like me plus he hasn't even asked me out on a date. How can you be so sure?"

Then I remembered what he asked me just few minutes back. "Wait he told me that his mother wanted to meet me."

"What?!" The three heads looked at me as if I had grown two.


"Ellie he is taking you to meet his mother that means it is serious", Maya explains.

"What? Okay it's official you all have lost your mind."

"Ellie you often take someone to meet your parents when you like someone. Hell I was wrong he doesn't like you, he loves you!" Maisie finishes.

I shake my head trying reel this new information. It was true they have clearly lost their minds.

I look at Richard and to my surprise he was walking towards me.

All of a sudden the opening of the cafe door grabs my attention. A pile of men enter inside. All of them looking like the cast of men in black because of the black suits and black sunglasses.

The only addition that scared me was the guns that they had in their hands.

Who were they and what were they doing here?

When they all settled surrounding the walls of the cafe, one man still held the door open.

I felt goosebumps rise and I froze at my spot.

"Hello piccola ragazza, we met again"