
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urbain
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44 Chs


"I see the wheels turning in your head," Leo raises her eyebrow.

"Well, I'm going to be late for that chat with your big brother. I must get going," I stand up from the couch and make my way to the door.

"Be careful, Ellie. Even though I know Arcadio would never hurt you, he could still come off as a jerk sometimes", she warns.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Brown girls are known to handle jerks all their life. I know I can handle this one", giving her a sweet smile. I move out of the door.

As I roamed around the house, it looked more like a palace with all the architectural designs and details. I came across very scary-looking men.

Thankfully they didn't twitch from their places like the Buckingham Palace guards. However, they did question me about my presence.

After I told them that I was looking for Arcadio, somehow hearing his name shut them right up. Now, where was that Arcadio hiding?

I walked up to another set of stairs, admiring the marble when a voice stopped me. "You are not supposed to wander around like that."

Looking up, I see the man who helped Arcadio with the big man Roger standing in front. Leo told me that his name was Savino and that he would surely know where his stupid best friend is.

"Well, guess what, Savino, I wouldn't wander anywhere if anyone could've simply told me where Arcadio is," I smirk.

"I see you know my name."

"Well, isn't that surprising!" I put my hand on my chest dramatically.

His face turned cold, "Ha Ha. Sorry girl, but you can't meet him."


"Because he doesn't have the time to meet people."

I glare at him, "then surely I don't come under those people because they come willingly. I, on the other hand, was kidnapped."

"You will get in a hell of a lot of trouble, smart mouth," he folds his arms in front of his chest.

"Then it's good that I have an intelligence with it to tell me what exactly to speak."

He shook his head with disapproval.

"Now, will you tell me where's he?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

Gritting his teeth, he replies, "with pleasure."

He leads me in a corridor and knocks on the only door there, then takes his leave.

"Wh...What are you..."

The door opens, shutting my mouth up.

A woman stood at the foot of the door with brunette hair wavy, looks more like a supermodel. Wearing just black lingerie, leaning on the half-closed door. "Yes?"

Ignoring the hurt bursting in my heart, I reply, "I was looking for Arcadio?"

"Didn't anyone tell you it's a private area?" Annoyed, she looked back at me.

Taking a deep breath, this is going to be a long conversation, I think. "If it were so private, Savino wouldn't have escorted me here."

She raises her eyebrow, "Savino brought you here?"

"Did I stutter the first time?"

"Bitch don't you know who you're talking to?" She takes a threatening step forward.

I think you just made her angry, Ellie, my subconscious comments. You think so?

At first, I thought of going the same way I came here. Then something hit me. All my life, I've let others get away with bullshitting me.

In India, they did not have plastics, as shown in the mean girls, and there was no such thing as a popular girl. All we had were frenemies who will judge what you wear, how you behave, and what kind of reputation you withhold. Then we had the teacher's pet, who honestly got away with everything.

Most importantly, there was no such thing as a juicy interaction with snarky comments. All I had were the rumor and comments made behind my back.

So time for all that to change now. I stand tall in front of the woman, "Well, I don't actually and am not interested to know as well. So would you mind stepping aside? I want to meet Arcadio."

"He's busy, and I don't think he wants to be disturbed either. We still have some unfinished business," a smirk appears on Layla's face making my fist tighten.

Why does the thought of her and Arcadio having sex makes me want to cry? Suddenly the blurry moment we had in the car, with me enclosed in his arms and him whispering sweet things in my ear, diverting me from the pain flashes.

It's not even twenty-four hours from that, and here he was already sleeping around. I should've listened to Leo. Her brother was the biggest jerk I've ever come across.

"Who are you talking to?" Arcadio's voice comes up, and the woman slams the door in my face. Can she be any ruder?

My heart said to turn around and run away. To sit and cry in a secluded place. However, my feet stood frozen.

You can do this, Ellie. I take a step forward, but the door opens again. This time Arcadio stands with both the doors opened this time. My eyes go straight to the toned chest with six-packs looking back at me.

Heat rises to my cheek, and I was sure they were tinted red. "Picco...Ellie, what are you doing here?"

Somehow him not calling me little girl anymore grazed my heart. "I...I....wanted to talk you."

"Talk," he folds his arms in front of his chest. His muscles expand. Damn, why did a guy like him had to be a jerk?

"I wanted to talk alone."

Behind him, the woman stood intently, looking at our interaction. A thought of punching her face came to my mind, but why would I want to get my hands dirty for a man who is sweet one second, cold the next.

He gazes at me, then turns his head towards the woman. "Layla, go out. I need to talk to her."

And that my friend sounded like a slam dunk. Now it was my turn to smirk.

She glares at me. Moving close to Arcadio, she puts her hand on his chest. "Can't you talk to her later, baby? I mean, we still have so many things left."

That made me cringe so badly that I wanted to puke, yet I stayed quiet.

His voice comes a little more stern this time. I gulp at his words. "Out, Layla! I don't like repeating myself."

Layla didn't need to hear him twice. She scrambles out of the room. A hand grips my forearm and pulls me inside the room.

Then immediately, Arcadio locks the door. "Why are you locking it?" Nervousness creeps inside me.

"You said you wanted to talk, so talk," he replies with no hint of emotion on his face.

"I...I want to talk to my parents", hesitantly the words come out.


"What? Why?"

He closes the gap between us. His strong familiar scent, hammering my heart in the chest. "Do you think you are here on vacation?"

I gulp, shaking my head.

"Then Piccola ragazza, do you think you can just enter here and raise demands?"

Somehow when he called me a little girl, the scared emotion lightened in me. "Tell me!"

His face was inches away from my face, and his warmth from his body made me shiver with weird sensations. It was almost as if from having him this close, I got aroused.

My breathing faltered when he stared at my lip. The dangerous thought of him kissing me invaded my mind. How can a guy frustrate me to my core and at the same time get such dirty desires in me?

I opened my mouth to say something, yet only air came out.

He looked at my expression then smirked. "Piccola ragazza why are you blushing?"

"No...I'm not."

He moves closer with his lips merely, touching mine. I feel my body on fire. Although he is so close, his body is with no contact with mine. What is wrong with me?

I patiently wait for him to make a move. To do something, God, why was I getting this annoyed right now?

"Want something piccola ragazza?" His voice sounds so hoarse and deep that when a moan leaves my mouth, my eyes raise in shock.

Automatically my hands move to cover my mouth and cover the embarrassment. "Stop," a command from Arcadio, and I freeze.

His left hand stops my hand, wrapping around my waist, pulls me into him, and his right-hand cups my cheek. His thumb slightly brushes over my lip.

"Don't ever hide your moans from me, baby," his seductive voice makes my heart jump out of my chest. Thankfully he has his hand around my waist. Otherwise, I was in no condition to stand.

"I am going to kiss you now, baby," he says, and I close my eyes.

A bang on the door gives us both a sudden freight. Arcadio instantly moves away from me. Why is there a sense of hurt rising in me? I shouldn't be bothered by him going away. Right?

"Who is it?" his voice sounds plain like before.

"Sir, dinner is ready."

"Coming," he answers.