
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urbain
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44 Chs


"Who the hell are you?" Aryan stood in front of Maya and questioned.

Arcadio looked straight at me. The man that was bleeding yesterday appeared nothing like he had been shot. In fact he never looked more healthy.

The man who couldn't even stand properly yesterday was walking as if he owned the place.

The only thing that was similar from yesterday was how he had the power to intimidate me. I was shaking with fear inside seeing the guns however I tried so hard not to show it on the outside.

Even though we were standing in an abandoned alley yesterday I was still feeling safe but now it is as if his whole demeanor has changed which panicked me more.

"What do you want?" It takes a second and Arcadio's smile to understand that the question was asked by me.

"The answer is simple piccola ragazza. I am here for you", he takes a step closer but Richard immediately stands in front of me.

"Not happening man. You will have to go through me to get to her."

Arcadio laughed at Richard's face, "Don't act as a knight in shining armour, my men would tear you to pieces with just a flick of my finger."

A gasp leaves my mouth. He wouldn't do that right? However seeing the smirk on his face it was clear that one wrong move from him and he would do just exactly what he spoke.

Fear gripped me from inside as an image flashed right before my eyes. I couldn't let him hurt them.

"Arcadio why are you doing this?" I look at him defeated.

His face crosses a guilt but again turns blank. "I can't tell you but you will have to come with me."

Richard interrupted my thoughts, "No chance in hell you asshole! She's not going with you."

"And whose going to stop me, you?" He taunts Richard. "Yeah right"

Everything happened in a flash. One of the men punched directly at his nose. Richard fell back from the impact. Hurriedly without thinking twice I moved between them and the second smack landed on my cheek.

The loudness of the smack echoed inside the cafe. Hot tears spilled down from my eyes and the vision blurred before me. A loud cry left my lips.

"Bastard!" I heard Arcadio hiss and two warm hands wrapped around me engulfing me.

Next whatever happened, happened in a blink of an eye. I was lifted from the ground and was being taken somewhere.

Whoever was holding me didn't make me flinch or gave me any feeling to run away from them.

The thundering voice made it loud and clear that Arcadio was the one holding me. "You are fired. I don't ever want to see your face. Drew handle him and get out of my way."

"Arcadio...."I mustered up his name the rest of the words were just whispered.

I was settled inside the car on the side where I wasn't hurt. The door closed. The other side door opened, Arcadio settled in with my back facing him.

Tingles lit up on my skin as he picked me as if I weighed nothing and settled me on his lap. I tried to get up thinking that my fat would pain his thighs but his hands were tightened, one around my waist the other overs my thighs.

"Calm down piccola ragazza. No one is going to hurt you anymore", he says as his hand trails from my thighs to my swollen cheek.

I wince when his fingers make contact with my cheek but as he softly brushes his finger over and over I become used to it and lean my head more on his chest.

His strong scent was slowly engulfing my senses and I drifted off to sleep.

"I'm sorry piccola ragazza."

A whisper wakes me up, darkness welcomes me. The childhood fear of being in the dark and the scenarios from every horror movie that I had seen from the gaps of fingers floating in my mind. Who made horror movies any way?

"Is anyone there?" I shout hoping someone would hear my plea. Yet no reply. "Please...anyone....?" God I sound like a damsel in distress!

I look at myself. Thank God I was in the same clothes I had worn in the morning. But how did I came in this room? Then in a flash the memories of what happened this morning appeared in front of my eyes.

My hand immediately went to my cheek even though the swelling had subsided a little pain still remained.

Chanting a small prayer I get down from the bed and run towards the door. I try to open the door but it only rattles. Damn it!

I guess there is only one thing left to do then. I start banging the door hard desperate to get out of this haunted room.

Suddenly the door clicks and a familiar big man opened the door.

I suddenly recognize him. He was the same man who had called Arcadio his brother and who was also the one standing beside when I was being kidnapped.

"Quit the banging princess!" The attitude and gruff in his voice told me not to mess with him.

Despite the fact that my 5'2 figure was a mere blip in front of the big man and my neck was about to get a sprain looking at him, the rage inside me only heightened. "Or what?"

I was expecting the man to shout or yell but he took me by surprise when he gave a full blown laugh.

He raised his hand in surrender. "Arcadio will have his hands full with you, princess."

Even though the anger that burned inside were now ashes hearing such a big man laugh like a child. I still kept my frown and stand tall. "I want to meet him."

He gave a slight nod and spoke. "Come with me, princess"

"You know my name is not princess", I reply walking through the hallway. It looked so extravagant. The paintings, the statues screamed money to me. Yet the only question was why was I here?

"I know but you are strong and fierce like one", The man simply replied taking my breathe away.

A little taken aback I don't inquire as to why he thinks like that.

Finally we reach a big staircase. White marble and the view of the giant house in front of me looked more like castle. The only problem was that I didn't know why was I trapped in it like Rapunzel.

And maybe this time rather than being trapped by the Mother Gothel I was trapped by Eugene Fitzherbert. The only problem was Flynn was a boy but Arcadio in every way was a grown man who seriously is more dangerous than the children's fictional animated character.

As we move towards a giant brown door, sounds of shouting in Italian rings in my ear. The big man gives me silent nod and opens the door.

What I see next just blows my head. My breath lost and the emotion of betrayal strong.


"Ellie I can explain..."

She rushes towards me and I take a step back not wanting to be even close to her at this moment.

"I don't need you too!" I burst.

I gaze at the culprit with blinking tears and body shaking. "How...how could you....?"

"Ellie you have to understand", her voice shaking.

"Understand what?....I thought you were my friend Leo yet I see you in his arms!"