
8•It’s out

Monday. A school day. The Dunphy family were all at the kitchen as they started to get ready.

Yesterday of events were…something. Jay and Phil somewhat came closer, Gloria helped Alex on boy, Will, as Claire tried to comprehend her daughter more.

Overall, it was just a wild day for everyone after the whole plane incident.

Anyways, Today was Monday meaning a new day as Alex came walking into the kitchen carrying a heavy backpack, lacrosse stick and pads, and a cello case.

Alex was still thinking about what Gloria said and yesterday Loopy Will. She just shook her head and had an unknown smile on her face.

Claire:"Honey, are you moving out?"

Alex:"Five more years. A little help here?"

Claire:"This is why we suggested the violin."

Alex:"The cello is more in demand in university orchestras."

Haley:"You know what's not in demand? Girls who play in university orchestras."

Alex:"That's where you're wrong."

Haley looks up from her phone

Haley:"How so?"

Alex:"Because Will-"

She stopped herself as she turned around and saw Claire staring at her with an eyebrow raised

Claire:"Go on, what were you gonna say?"

Haley:"Wait. No way!"

Haley laughed as she somehow got it, Alex had to admit it, it was annoying how smart she was In the relationship business.

Phil came down from upstairs in a robe with a shirt and boxers. He was about to head into the kitchen until the door bell rang.

Claire:"Phil pant-"

It was to late as he opened it up and saw Will standing there with a mask covering his nose and mouth, and a bandage on his forehead

Phil:"Willy, nice seeing you. Come in, come in What's uh, going on?"

Will entered as Claire came beside Phil with Alex as well. Alex just waved with Will doing the same thing


Will:"I just wanted to say sorry for the…display I showed yesterday it wasn't right-"

Phil:"Oh don't bother, it was kinda my fault plus with the pain killers"

Claire:"Just let me know next time you decide to intimately touch my daughter."


Will:"I'm sorry Mrs.Durphy, I know-"

Claire:"I know I'm not mad but more surprised as to why you would do that?"

Claire lied through her teeth as she wanted to get out the real information she think she has on Will.

Will:"Umm…If it's alright with you Mrs.Dunphy, I would rather not say it right now or here."


Alex:"Mom, I think we should respect Will decision"

Will looked at her and smiled with her as well

Claire:"I know I'm not forcing him I just want to know where that sudden action came from"

Alex:"Well if he wants to tell you he would."

Phil noticing the tension decided to calm it down but that just only made more chaotic

Phil:"Girls girls, come on, it's not like Will likes Alex and is asking her out"

Silence took over with Haley coming in and dropping her phone as Phil smiled while looking between his wife and daughter then to Will who just looked down.

Will coughed as Claire had wide eyes with Alex and Haley as well. A needle that could be used for sewing could be heard if it was dropped right now due to the silence.

He kept smiling until he realized what he said was right. A smile went into a serious expression.


Phil and Claire were seen sitting together at the couch

Phil:"Mind Blown"

Claire:"Not me, I knew it just wanted to see if Jay and Gloria was right…and they were..dang it"

She said the last part in a mummble

Phil:"Let's forget that and go back to Will liking Alex."

Claire:"I mean I'm okay with it"

Phil:"Yeah she has put her foot down-"

Phil stops speaking and looks to the side

Phil:"Wait what?"

Claire:"I said I'm okay with it"

Phil:"No you're not, because I know that face and it says you're gonna stalk them"

Claire:"That is-"

Phil:"Dylan. Haley boyfriend."

Claire:"Okay I might keep a close eye on them but it's the good for Alex, Will is-"

Phil smiled "Loaded"

Claire:"Not my words, but Perfect? I don't know the exact words but Will is more open and talkative than Alex who is socially awkward, while she is my daughter the truth hurts"

Phil:"Yes, But why Alex?"

Phil dramatically turns his head to the Camera

Claire:"Because she's Beautiful? and smart and funny? What I'm trying to say is that no one and I mean no one, is too good for my Alex"

Phil:"What she said"

Claire:"But from what I heard from my dad and Gloria and my brother, Will is really trying to get to know them more…So maybe Alex doesn't have to try multiple times"

Claire shrugs

Claire:"Maybe she got it right the first time."

Claire and Phil smiled at each other as he then sniffles as he wiped his eye.

——Commentary ends————

Phil:"Oh my god!. What is happening"

Phil put his hands on his face as he sat down on the couch. Alex things that she were carrying was suddenly dropped down with Alex having an opened mouth.

Haley just smirked seeing the situation as Claire nodded slowly, pushing her lips together.

Haley:"Wow just wow, who knew a billionaire kid would fall for a nerd"

Haley slowly clapped as she laughed until her mom looked at her


Haley just shrugged as she picked up her phone and heading back to the kitchen with Luke. Alex was still standing there looking at Will whose ears were red.

Will coughed getting their attention as he lifted up his face and looked at Claire then at Phil and then at Alex.

Will:"Yes. I do like like her Mr. and Mrs.Dunphy, I won't try to deny it."

He said with confidence, not trying to avert or try to dodge the question. Will looked at Alex as he waited for her answer.

Phil and Claire did the same thing.

Alex could feel her face getting red as she swallowed a couple of times while blinking rather quickly in a matter of seconds.

Claire:"Well Honey? What is your response?"

Alex:"What? You're not gonna stop this?"

Phil:"We realize that this is one of those things we can't control"

Alex looked shocked at how easy her parents gave in. She looked to Will and then back to her parents one more time as they slowly nodded.

Alex coughed as she walked up in front of Will with a smile and ears, cheeks red.

Alex:"I do like you Will but can we try to wait a little more? I mean we only know each other for 2 weeks and I need more time to get to know you more and for you to get me know more and not to mention that fact that you need to know my family more and…"

Alex started to ramble on as Will smiled and only chuckled. This was what he expected.

Alex:"Anyways what I'm trying to say is that give me some time to know you better and…if you truly do wait for me, and I see that your able to wait then…I wouldn't mind giving it a shot…Okay?"

Will nodded as he looked at Claire and jerked his head to Alex as she nodded. Will hugged her with Alex hugging back.

Will:"I can wait and show you that my feelings are not just random but truly are real"


Phil and Claire were side hugging as they had a smile, by how well their daughter handled the situation. Phil couldn't take it as he joined their hug.

Phil:"I love hugs"

Claire:"Me to"

They joined in with them laughing until Luke walked in with his backpack.

Luke:"Uhh what's going on?"

Phil:"Nothing buddy what's up?"

Luke:"Sc-Wait you don't know?"

Phil looked confused as Claire just rolled her eyes

Luke:"Oh never mind it wasn't important, anyways I'm gonna go back to my room-"

Claire:"Nice try mister, you're still going to School!"

Claire said the last part in a high tone as she remembered she had to drop off Luke. Everyone started to hurry along as Will saw Claire in distress

Will:"Mrs.Dunphy, if it's not to much I could drive Alex to school with my car"

Phil:"You drive?"

Will:"No my butler"

Phil:"You have a butler?"

Alex:"Thanks Will"

Alex thanked Will as he picked up the backpack and cello case as they headed outside with Claire mumbling something

Claire:"Yes, but..um…Im coming along, Phil drop off Luke will you?"

Phil:"Hey I want to ride in a fancy and rich car"


Phil:"Fine, Fine, come on buddy"

Phil mentioned to Luke as they got in their car while Will put the heavy stuff in the trunk with Claire getting in the passenger seat and Alex, Will sitting in the 2nd row

Claire:"Haley, don't forget, the driving instructor is picking you up from school."

Haley stood from the doorway watching her family leave as she was high school so naturally she entered her school later than her siblings.

Haley:"Can't he pick me up someplace else? I don't want kids at school thinking I'm dating a forty year-old driving instructor who's not even cute."

Claire:"Non negotiable Haley!"

She yelled out from the window as they started to drive away with Haley huffing out.

(AN:Like this, next chapter is Coal digger. This is how I will do it from one episode to the next then a random chapter and then an episode chapter but there are some I will skip)