
33•Truth be told [3]

(This is not a real chapter, just a scenario in. Different universe)

(ANYWYAS, this the last chapter I dropped this book)

Will was in his car and diving towards Alex house. The reason was because during the junior congress meeting. Will was a spectator and Alex was answering what she would have answer if she got questioned by reporters on big world topics.

Now she was doing really well until a girl named Judy started to use Alex own words against her, interrupting her, and even conturing her on subjects Alex wasn't really good on.

So going to her house and helping her recite her answers while also digging some information on the web, was what Will will help her do.

Arriving at her house with Claire opening it up. They exchanged some greetings as Phil came behind her and exchanged some chilled greetings with Will.

Unfortunately Phil was already expecting a guess and couldn't hang out with Will. Telling him that, Will chuckled nervously and told him that he wasn't here for him but for Alex.

That awkward moment passed as Claire invited him in and told him that she was in her room as Claire shouted from behind him that she had eyes and ears every where.

Will nodded and headed to her room and finding Alex laid out on the couch on her side, reading her book. She was still wearing her checkered purple t shirt with a small scarf and jeans. Her hair was falling down and wearing her glasses.

Her new shelf was filled with pictures of her family, her with Will and the presents Will gave her. All facing towards Haley side of the room. Almost like a taunt, saying that her boyfriend was better than hers.

Haley was also inside the room on her bed with her laptop but didn't mind seeing Will coming in as she was used to this by now.

Will:"Hey my little politician"

Alex:"Will!, how'd it go?"

She got up and hugged him as he hugged her back. Giving a little peck kiss to her as Haley only watched in envy as Dylan wasn't allowed to do this. Coming into her room, and having Claire trust to be here without her eves dropping.

They sat down on her bed as she went back to laying on her side with her feet on Will lap.

Will:"Awkward. You didn't hear it from me but Jay killed Manny pet turtle"




Will:"Don't be sad my little angel"

Alex blushed as Will was making kissing faces to her as Alex covered her face with her book. Haley looked up from her laptop as the flirting was too much for her. It was noisy and weird once she saw Alex trying, or more like practicing, make kissing faces behind her book.

Haley:"I still can't get used to this"

Will:"Well, I'm glad I realized Alex natural beauty before anyone"

Alex:"How are you so good at making me nervous and excited at the same time?"

Smiling while saying that, Haley only rolled her eyes as Alex stoped talking once she Luke walking by the hallway. But calling for him, made him stop.

Alex:"Hey, Luke.Big day for you, huh?"




Alex:"Because you get to meet your real mom."


Haley scoffed as he came closer, stopping at her bed post.

Alex:"We all made a pact we'd deny it until you turned 21. But that's the real reason Dad's old girlfriend's coming over.She's your mom,and if she likes you, you'll go live with her."

Luke:"…I'm not adopted.I'm asking Mom."

Alex:"You mean Mrs.Dunphy?She's not going to tell you the truth."

Luke:"I-I'm not-"

Alex:"I know."

He Whimpered as he exited out while running. Will only looked at Alex as she giggled and only bounced her feet on Will lap. Indicating a foot massage.


Will:"Fine. But, don't you think you took it a tad to far?"

Haley:"Is it 'cause he called you a dork-to-dork salesman?"

Alex:"The empire strikes back."

Will:"Unless the Rebel alliance flees away for a strategic retreat"

Alex:"On no no no no. Will, sweetie, we been over this. If the empire wanted, they could take out the alliance, I mean it is an empire."

Will:"Alex, you know what happened last time we did this right? We argued and you didn't speak to me for 2 days."

Alex:"That's because you didn't listen to my reason. I am a hundred percent sure that Dr.Vader could single handle all the jedis"

Will:"Nah uh, quantity beats quality. Besides, We have the numbers, I mean they're all spread out across the galaxy"

Alex:"Hm,No, what about numbers? Even if the storm troopers have really bad aim, they still have way more numbers which is far far more than the alliance"

Haley:"Oh my god. Take it outside if your gonna kill me with this nerd talk."

They looked at each other and then at Haley and then back at each other as they laughed mischievously.


Claire was washing her hands as the doorbell rang with Phil opening it,seeing her friend through the door window that was to the side. He saw her orange hair and greeted her.

Phil:"Hi. Oh, careful.There's a thing.Yeah. Good to see you."


Claire:"Hi! Oh, my God.Hi. I'm Claire.You must be- Oh."

Denise:"Yeah. Hi."

Claire:"Denise.Well- Okay."

Denise was squealing with excitement as she hugged Phil and had an awkward hug with Claire coming to her.They backed off each other as Denise looked at Claire and then all over the house.

Denise:"You're even prettier than the pictures that Phil's always posting."

Phil:"Just a couple."


Denise:"Shut up. Every week.He loves showing you off.And my boyfriend likes your Acapulco pictures,

probably a little too much."

Claire:"Well,thank your boyfriend for me.Come on in, please."

Denise:"Oh,I brought you,um,some lifting intensifier.Not that you need it.It's a limited edition, so-"

Claire:"Thank you. Thank you."

They started to head to the living room but Denise gave her the cream, causing them to stay near the door. Hearing footsteps behind them, They turned to look at the stair case and saw the kids with Will.

Claire:"Oh, Denise, I think you might know these people.Uh, that's Haley-Alex and-"

Denise:"Luke. Oh! I had curly hair just like that

when I was little."

Alex looked smugly at Luke.

Luke:"So? That doesn't mean anything."

Whimpering and heading up stairs, he left Denise confused as she perked up seeing Will.

Claire:"And that is my daughter boyfriend, Will-"

Denise:"Zoloman. Oh I know him because my husband works for the company his dad mange"

Claire was at first confused but quickly understood as Will wasn't a nobody. They started to head to the living room with everyone watching the ground for a brief moment but that was all the time needed for Denise to wink at Will, who looked confused.

Will:"Is it dusty in here?"



Claire:"Why don't we,uh, come on in,have a seat. Please."

Haley:"So what was my dad like in high school?"

Denise:"Only the most amazing break-dancer ever."

Haley:"No way."

Phil:"Oh, don't fire it up.What? What?"

Claire was mildly annoyed at Phil for having some fun with Denise and her kids. Haley was sitting on a couch arm rest as Alex and Luke were in the doorway to the living room while Will was behind Alex, scrunching up his face when looking at the back of Denise head.

Denise:"He had a boom box and a piece of cardboard in his locker.And what was your dance name?"

Phil:"O-Zone. Yeah."

Denise:"I drove him to his Star Search audition."

Phil:"Which is totally political, by the way."

Haley:"O-Zone.That is dead-ass funny. I'm so calling you that."

Chuckling, Phil only thanked her, not seeing the true meaning behind it.

Denise:"Wow. You really lucked out.You have a beautiful wife,a gorgeous house.A Handsome son in law.Oh.And those kids-I could take Luke home with me."

Claire:"Oh no, he's not our son in law. Alex is to young for that. But with Luke,Well, be my guest.Seriously, you go right ahead."

Laughing, Alex and Haley smiled with Will stifling his laughter. Luke came behind the couch Denise and Claire was sitting at.

Luke:"No! I like it here!"

Claire:"Alex, honey, will you go find out what's wrong with your brother?"


Luke started to whimper and left with Alex only smiled innocently as Will followed right behind her but decided to grab a piece of fruit first and slice it up to pieces for his snack.

Denise:"You know, um, if it's okay,I think I'm just gonna use the, um-"

Claire:"Oh, yeah. Of course.Down the hall.Left hand side. You can't miss it."


Denise got up with her purse as her figure was gone behind the walls.

Claire:"Okay, she's fantastic."


Claire:"Yes. I feel awful.When did I become this horribly cynical person...who assumes the worst

about people?"

Phil:"I first noticed it seven years-You're not."

Phil quickly changed his words.While they were waiting for Denise, she actually made a quick detour and stopped at the doorway to the kitchen. She learned against it as she coughed, getting Will attention.

(AN:Ughn!!!! I'm so bad at this, that I'm literally unimaginative, I don't even know if this is considered realistically, honestly considering to scrap this chapter and move on)

Denise:"So how are we gonna do this?"


Denise:"Oh you know. The forbidden romance between a very beautiful women with a young rich Prince"

Will:"What the fuck? Look lady I just wanted some apple slices and I already have a beautiful girlfriend"

Denise:"Come on, don't tell me it doesn't get you excited to be with a more mature women"

She started to walk closer to Will who only moved away.

Will:"Lady do you have a screw lose?"

Denise:"I know you thought about me when I entered your eye sight"

Will:"Uh No,i was thinking-"

Denise:"I was thinking too.Here...is my hotel room key.You can come by whenever you want."

Cutting him off and cornering him, she slipped a white car into his hands as she brushed her hands up against his arm and left while winking.

The camera zoomed in on Will face as he gulped down and put it in his pocket. If this was anyone else they might've say yes, heck, even Will would say yes if he wasn't dating Alex but since he's not a hypocrite, he dislikes cheaters.

He walked back to the living room to tell Claire, but Denise was already on the couch, showing them pictures. Seeing him, Denise bit the air and smiled as Claire and Phil were to busy looking at the pictures for them to notice.

Will headed back inside the kitchen, splashing water onto his eyes. After drying them and ruffling his hair, Claire came in a bit surprised.

Claire:"Oh hey Will, I thought you went with Alex to look for Luke."

Will:"Oh I asked Alex if I could grab an apple, a snack, you know….."

Will looked over her shoulder as she started to get a bottle of wine out. Not finding anyone coming, Will immediately turned around, placed both of his hands on the counter with his chin almost touching the island counter and started to whisper yell

Will:"Claire! You have to get rid of the chick!"

Claire:"How's that?"

Will:"She wants me."

Claire:"To do what?"

Will:"It. Her."

Claire scoffed and put 3 wine glasses on the counter as she looked at Will with her hands crossed

Claire:"Will I know you think your a handsome kid but not everyone women is gonna want to fall for you"

Will:"I'm not lying Claire.She bit the air right in front of me. Like that.And then look what she tried to give me-"

Taking out the card Denise gave him from his pocket and was about to show Claire but Denise came, looking all jittery.

Denise:"Anything I can help with?"


Claire:"Will.I'm sorry about that Denise, I can't find my corkscrew. Anyways, can you believe what Will said about you."

Denise:"Oh. What did he say?"

Claire:"Something crazy, you don't even want to know"


Claire looking for the corkscrew, was having her back face Will and Denise as she came right in front him, very quickly.

She whispered while also un raveling the belt that held her jacket together.

Denise:"Touch me."

Will:"What?!, this is just wrong Okay.Somewhere along the line you got the wrong idea or your just crazy"

Denise:"My head is full of wrong ideas."

Will:"And crazy don't forget that"

Denise:"You have such great taste, Claire."

Finding the corkscrew, Claire was facing them with a smile as she give Will a look that said to be nice.

Claire:"Thank you.Will, would you mind grabbing

us a couple glasses? You know, to not be rude"

Will:"Yes ma'm."

Denise:"Need me to grab anything?"

Smacking his butt, Will never felt so terrified as he felt he knew this women was into some kinky stuff.

Will:"No!Okay, this is so wrong."

With Claire leaving, Will was being towered over Denise who had high heels. While he could push her off, he didn't want this women to hit her head and probably die or have amnesia.

Her hands started to touch his face while backing away his hair.

Denise:"I know.It's way more exciting when she's in the room, isn't it? Or would you like to do it in Alex bedroom?"


Denise:"I still have my cheerleader outfit."

Will:"I'm not even in highschool yet"

Denise:"That makes this even more dangerous and exciting"

Will:"But this still can't happen. Because I have someone.Huh,When did that break?"

Denise looked where Will was looking and got distracted as he slipped from her grasp

Denise:"Why are you wussing out?"

Will:"I never wussed in."

Denise:"What about the way you looked at me?"

Will:"That's how I look at everyone!"

They were now on opposite side of the table island with them Whisper yelling.

Will:"It didn't mean anything."

Denise:"Are you telling me that I'm wasting my whole life on this relationship?"

Will:"What relationship?"

Denise:"How many other women have you led on?"

Will:"What do you mean. No one, this never happened, even the way I looked at you was just normal for people to look at each other."

Denise:"Deny it all you want, you know you want this!"

Will:"Want what?!"

Denise:"Me idiot!, you know you love me because no man has ever rejected me"

Will:"What! What kind of thinking is that and besides, I'm still a teenager!"

They were going around the table island as Will decided to make a break for it and head into the living room, bypassing Denise while also shoving her along the way.

But before he could continue his plan, She took out a taser from her purse, causing Will to place his hands up.

Denise:"Oh come on just shut up, man up! And fuck-"

Phil:"I'll save you Will!"


Before Denise could continue her sentence, Phil tackled her causing her to scream as she fell on to the floor with Phil pinning her.

Phil:"Trying to seduce my friend instead of me!"



Phil:"It should've been me, I don't want to see my friend get hurt!"

Claire:"Okay what is going on! Phil! Your words! Rephrase it! And why are you on top of her! Why do you have a taser!"

Claire came in with a shocked face, confused and overall bewildered by this scene. This moment was pure chaos as she saw Will standing up while holding a taser, Phil on top of Denise, pinning her her down as she tried to wiggle out while kicking her legs up.

Phil:"Call the police!"


Will:"Just do it"

Phil:"Just do it"

Claire, did what she was told by her being confused, curious, and stressed out while having her being yelled out.

The kids came in yelling what was going on and being confused as they looked around to the seeing the scene.

Alex came up to Will asking if he was fine with him just hugging her out of the blue. Alex was momentarily stunned but hugged him back as Denise kept screaming while shouting.

Phil:"Okay! Duck tape and rope stat! You guys know the drill!"


He said that quickly as Alex smiled awkwardly and left with Luke as they entered the garage.

(AN:I feel like this chapter is just lazy. I don't know…..like I said, might consider to scrap this up and do it the original way with Will tackling her once he saw Phil cornered by her… like I said I don't know.)