After the school dance, five days went by as the song that was playing in their school, blew up. Although it was just recordings, it was still a song that many wanted to see be released.
It took a while for Claire to find out but she knew once she caught Alex and Haley talking about it. At first she was shocked and had doubts but after hearing his voice, and listening to the lyrics very, very, very, very, carefully, she got even more shocked with Haley as well.
Haley wanted him to tryout for Dylan band but Will couldn't see himself, singing in a bar or in a shop.
After two days, Three days went by with many people wanting the original song to be released and Will had to do it because of the respect he had for one of his favorite artist, but you may wonder why he did that if he respected him.
Well it was because although he respected him, he couldn't pass up a chance to sing this master piece to Alex and to let it out come early than in his past life.
Anyways, after it reached ten million views and still climbing, Will voice was recognized and with that, his face as well. He wasn't instantly being to become remembered by everyone and he didn't mind that as he didn't want that much attention.
Thought, that could change if he was in a different scenario in a apocalyptic world but that's a story for another time.
Today was a Saturday and we start the day off at the Dunphy house with the whole family downstairs in the kitchen, eating breakfast.
Haley sitting near the dinner table, Luke and Alex sitting on stolls behind the table island while Claire was standing up, holding a newspaper with Alex looking at her weirdly and Phill standing up, eating his morning yogurt.
Claire:"Hey, honey, Hugh Grant has a-"
Phil:"I'm in."
Claire:"Okay, well, Alex has a cello lesson at 11:00...and Junior Congress at noon. I believe Will is joining?"
Haley:"Doesn't she also have no friends at forever?"
Alex:"Don't you have an eating disorder you need to attend to?"
Claire:"Yeah, anyway, uh, we could see the 4:00 or the 6:20."
Phil:"Oh, actually, that's no good. I'm meeting my friend Denise for a drink."
Claire:"Denise? Do I know Denise?"
Phil:"Yeah. You know,my old girlfriend."
Haley:"Oh, my God. Gross.I can't even picture you with a woman."
Haley stopped putting on make up and scrunched up her face looking at Phil. Luke took a spoonful of cereal with Alex using her phone with one hand under the table island.
Claire:"Thank you."
Luke:"You had a girlfriend before Mom?"
Phil:"Try two.Trust me. I had plenty of fun in my time.And then I met your mom."
Like always, Phil didn't phrase his words right. Claire just momentarily stared at him. Phil looked at the camera and then looked down
Claire:"And thank you."
Phil:"So I guess she travels around selling makeup for a cosmetics company.She's in town for a week."
Alex:"She's like a door-to-door salesman?"
Luke:"If you were doing it,they'd call it a dork-to-dork salesman."
Alex looked up and then at her parents and then finally at Luke as Haley stopped applying some powder and looked surprised. Claire just shook her head as Phil got excited
Phil:"Oh! My boy strikes like a rattlesnake!"
Alex:"Oh, yeah? Well if you did it, they'll call it a dumb to dumber sells man…."
Phil:"Oh!, and we have the comeback from the lady in the left corner, wearing a purple sleeve button up shirt, delivering a mild punch back but was it worth it to knock out the boy in the right corner?."
Alex was taken back from Luke because regularly, Luke never had a good joke to make Alex lose her thinking.Claire again, just shook her head as Luke went back to eating his cereal and Phil chuckling.
Claire:"Wow. All right, well, we can see the movie tomorrow.Come on.It's time for your lesson."
Luke:"You mean her second lesson,because she just got schooled."
Once again, Haley looked surprised by Luke coming out on top with Phil laughing. Alex was lost in a come back as she raised her finger but put it back down and looked at her mom, confused.
Alex:"What's wrong with me today?"
Claire:"Shake it off, champ.It's not your day."
Alex:"Yeah your right, Will song is in my mind so that's probably why I couldn't come with a come back"
Luke:"Whatever you tell your self, loser in thought"
Alex huffed out in frustration as she walked away to get her stuff with Claire grabbing her keys and walking out to the car, to wait for Alex.
After Alex needing to cool her head down and possibly needing some good come backs from Will, who so happens to come to her Junior congress. He couldn't come to her cello lesson as that was at eleven and Will had to go through some paperwork, his dad left him so he could be ready for the future company.
But that's not in our focus as we come to Jay and Gloria house as she was pouring herself a coffee with Manny walking in looking all down and sad
Gloria:"Ay, good morning, papi."
Manny:"Is it?"
Gloria:"Ay, you're still sad because of that audition?"
Manny:"That part was mine.I was born to play Tevye.Instead they give it to Rod Jackson?What does he know from suffering?"
Jay came walking into the kitchen while holding a bag and putting it on the counter and taking the content out of it
Jay:"How we doing?"
Gloria:"A little better.But we're gonna go and throw
ice cream at the problem."
Jay:"Well, if that doesn't work,this should do the trick."
It was a picture frame with a phrase
Manny:"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."
Jay:"We can hang this in your room.You can see it every morning, start to internalize it.Pretty soon nothing will keep you down."
But Manny didn't see the point of it
Manny:"But it's not true."
Jay:"What are you talking about?"
Manny:"Lots of stuff that doesn't kill you makes you weaker.My friend's grandfather had a heart attack.Now he needs a machine to breathe."
Gloria nodded and was leaning on a counter as she smacked Manny shoulder lightly to get his attention. She then started to imitate a scooter in those that could be found in Walmart.
Gloria:"I've seen him-at the supermarket.Now he needs to drive one of those little, like-"
Jay;"That's right. Be negative."
Gloria:"It's just not a good poster, Jay."
Jay:"You're only making me stronger."
She walked out with Manny beside her as Jay didn't see their negativity. They left to get some ice cream in the morning as Jay took this time to head up and put the poster that he thinks will surely motivate Manny.
Jay cleared his throat, when he finished putting it above Manny pet turtle tank. He felt proud of it and nodded in satisfaction.
Jay:"That's nice-"
And like lightning striking down on a house or how someone missed one number on a lottery for an unbelievable amount of money, the picture frame fell down into the tank, pushing down the lights that were above it into the water with the turtle, killing it.
Jay:"Holy-Shel? You all right, buddy?…Oh, hell."
He can already picture Manny crying and making a huge fuss about this…IF he found out that it was Jay but like many things on the earth, no one was there expect Jay so no one should know it was him unless, Manny was a detective but he wasn't.
Jay didn't want that so he got to thinking and thinking as he looked around the room and he finally found a good idea that he thought Manny would fall for.
Jay:"Now, this wouldn't have happened if Manny was negative. He let out his negative energy as well as Gloria's, everywhere in the house, thus causing the picture to fall and kill Shel…but I wouldn't say that to her face…not directly…."
—-Commentary ends—-
He saw a small window frame and pushed one side of glass off, causing the other to remain there. He then grabbed one of Manny's plushy birds that was in a storage room in the house when Gloria secretly took pictures of a baby manny thinking he was a girl.
He dipped the claws or toes or whatever raccoons had, into ink and placed prints on the wall, leading down to the floor, across the room, and then onto the counter.
Jay carefully put the footprints and swiped away his sweat as he put Shel into a box that was near the tank. To make this more convincing, he grabbed some pebbles that were in the water and threw some on the ground and scattered some on dresser.
He nodded in satisfaction and took some breaths as he walked out and closed the door behind him. Now all he had to do was present the case perfect without any stuttering or lies…well one big lie but Manny didn't need to know.
Now while that took some time, it didn't take much as Jay had time to read a book and watch a tv show but it was enough for Alex morning things to be done and not because the author is uncreative or doesn't know to keep the story going without the original dialogues…..
Jay was waiting but taking back our view to the Dunphy house, Claire just arrived in her house with Alex holding her cello case and having her book bag on.
Alex:"Mom, Will's gonna come here to finish our debate"
Claire:"Well Why didn't he come with us sweetie?"
Alex:"Well grandpa Jay called him asking for some help and two minutes later, Manny called him needing his support when his pet turtle died. I guess Will gave him a toy pirate ship but I don't know I'm still angry at that Judy girl. What do you mean environmental science isn't important, oh how I'll like to…."
Her voice was being muffled as she was heading up, talking all nerdy with Claire looking confused and nodded. She went to the living room and saw Phil on the couch with a laptop on his lap. Greeting him and kissing his cheek, she looked at the screen
Claire:"Hi, honey."
Claire:"When are you getting together with your gal pal?"
Phil:"Actually, I was just checking on that. She's supposed to send me a message."
Claire:"Oh, you're Facebook friends."
Phil:"Sure am. She's one of my 447 friends. Everybody wants a slice."
Claire:"How long have you two been in touch with each other?"
Phil:"Uh, she tracked me down about a year ago."
Claire hummed as Phil slightly turned around to her see her face.
Phil:"What? What's-What's that sound?l"
A ding sounded from his laptop as Phil got a little excited. He read out loud her message and looked innocently at Claire
Phil:"How about we meet at Le Reve at 7:30?""
Claire:"That sounds innocent enough-I mean drinks with an ex-girlfriend at an intimate French restaurant."
Walking off into the kitchen, Phil followed behind her with the laptop as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge
Phil:"Honey, you're doing that thing where you say what I want you to say...but your tone seems mean."
Claire:"Let me guess.Denise isn't married."
Phil:"Recently divorced.What's the big deal?"
Claire:"Come on, Phil.You can't be that naive. Seriously, women in their 30s on the Internet are like-they're like ninjas. I heard from Alex that they tried to get to Will."
Phil:"Heard? Or did you listen to their conversation?"
He looked at her as Claire gulped down and just shrugged
Claire:"This isn't about them! and we're getting off topic. They get into their little black outfits and try and sneak their way into your marriage."
Phil:"That's not Denise.Here. Read some of her messages. You're gonna feel silly."
Claire Chuckled and hummed in agreement as she took a deep breath.Phil put the laptop in front of her on the table island as Claire started to read the messages in a breathy, sexy voice
Claire:""Hey, Phil. How's it going?""
Phil:"You can't add the sexy voice."
Claire:""Hi,Phil.How's it going?So glad to hear your neck is better.""
Phil:"Are you seriously jealous?"
Claire:"No, I am not jealous at all.I just happen to know women better than you do, and that woman wants a slice…she also looks cuckoo"
Phil:"Okay. Just to prove how wrong you are, I'm gonna invite her over here for drinks."
Claire:"Fine with me.Just hope it's fine with Denise.
"Gee, Phil, I really had my heart set on Le Reve.""
Phil was typing as Claire exited out with her breathy tone. He stopped and smiled seeing her leave.
Phil:"That voice doesn't bother me.Kind of like it!"
Shouting out that part. Phil started to finish his message and sent it to Denise as she agreed with Phil rubbing his hands
Phil:"You'll see Claire, they'll all see…..wait what."
(AN:Next week(tomorrow) I'm only going to post 2 because I'm gonna be busy with my work and helping out my parents move so expect the chapters to come out later in the week. Also…..we're near the end of season 1. Im skipping 18 then doing 19,filler(Jay and Merlyn come closer with the whole family)22,23…24????(thoughts)))
So yeah 4 episodes(20 or less chapters) I'm kinda excited that I did A DECENT JOB right??????
Did I do bad and make tremendous mistakes?????