(AN:I know I know, another note, but seriously I know taking this route with Alex and Will, they're relationship was fast so they haven't got to know that feeling of being scared to open up or being hurt and I have no intention introducing that to them, sure they may have some bumps but NO CHEATING OR NTR(I FUCKING HATE PEOPLE WHO LIKE THAT, LIKE HOW CAN I WATCH A PERSON I LOVE GETTING,i just, I know the experience and I hate It!!!!!) anyways, I forgot what to write so that's it.)
Arriving safely at Mitchell and Cam place, Will got out to stretch his legs as Phil rolled down the window
Phil:"Remember, only the karaoke box, nothing else"
Will:"What? No clowns? Wasn't cam a clown?"
Phil:"oh….No, deny it"
Will:"Okay, and your not coming with?"
Phil:"Uh, no, I have an..-phone call! Oh Alex?"
Will just shook his head as he rang the doorbell with Mitchell welcoming him as he started to make coo sounds to Lily who was in a crib.
Will made some small talk on how everything was going with the baby and some encouragement as Cameron walked in with the karaoke box, giving it to Will who thanked him.
Cameron:"See you in a few hours."
Will started to exit as Cameron said that
Will:"Yeah. Thanks again for karaoke machine. Sorry Phil couldn't be here to get it but I'm sure he'll give it back to you right after the party."
Cameron:"That'll be great"
Mitchell:"Please don't. I beg you. Don't… don't bring it back."
Mitchell whispered to him as Cameron was heading back but turned back around
Cameron:"Hey Will. Are, uh,Do you know if they got a clown coming?"
Will:"Not that I know of, but I'm sure they don't have one"
Will:"Yeah, Phil told me that Luke never liked them."
Cameron:"Has he ever seen a good one?"
Will:"I don't think so?"
Cameron:"Oh well, thank you, See you later."
After Will left, Cameron went to sit next to Mitchell on the couch
Cameron:"Did you hear that? They don't have a clown coming"
Mitchell:"That's not what he said and besides he doesn't know since he's not planning it, all in all, just Let it go."
Cameron:"Who throws a party without a clown?"
Mitchell:"Since the later 30s, I'd say most people."
Cameron:"You know what? We haven't gotten Luke a present yet. Maybe a clown could be our present."
Mitchell:"Cameron, Cameron… If Phil and Claire wanted to get Luke a clown, they would have. But this is not our party."
Mitchell:"This is not. Our. Party."
Cameron:"But I ju… fine. What would you suggest we get him then?"
Mitchell:"Mhhh, get him a gift card."
Cameron:"A gift card?"
Cameron:"Who hurt you"
He took a sigh as he looked at his boyfriend while shaking his head.
Mitchell:"Those jerks in school, my sister…my dad, all I'm saying is that we should give Luke something he could enjoy"
Cameron:"A clown-"
Mitchell:"Is a one time thing, what's he supposed to do with a clown after his birthday? Squeeze his nose to get a car out of the way? Or open his mouth so water comes out of your shoulder flower?"
Mitchell chuckled as Cameron just scoffed and walked off into the bathroom, opening the small cabinet that was above the toilet and took out a small round container, displaying white makeup.
After that, he took out a small red ball that was so happening, to be there as well. Looking at that, Cameron took a big sigh and began to work.
While that was going on, Haley safely drove them to the rock store wall and back to the house, just in time for Phil to catch the jungle lady here for Luke animal display party
Phil:"No, no. No, no, no. I want the most dangerous reptile you've got."
Tanya:"I have an iguana that, uh, eats crickets."
Phil:"That would be scary if it was a birthday party for crickets. Seriously. Jungle Tanya, I need you to step it up a notch. Is there anything that scares the coocoo out of you?"
Tanya:"Um, not really. I do have a bearded dragon."
Phil:"Oooh. Does it-"
Tanya:"No, it does not breathe fire."
Phil:"Well then, we're back to square one, aren't we?"
Will watched the whole thing from his car as the original driver came back with Haley stepping out smiling.
Haley:"No scratches and everyone was safe. In your face taxi driver"
Driver:"I'm not a taxi driver-"
Haley:"Ya still drive someone to some place"
The driver just coughed as he got back in with Will rolling down the window.
Will:"Just so you know, I think I got a concussion from that hard break you took!"
Haley just shrugged as Alex came out while looking between them.
Alex:"So you made it out alive?"
Will:"Barely, felt like a roller coaster, I mean all she does is to face straight ahead. Is that so much to ask for? To pay a little bit of attention?"
Alex:"Welcome to my world"
Will just chuckled as Alex put her hand on the window as she leaned on while seeing her dad talk to the jungle lady.
He started to say as Alex faced back at him while looking up a bit due to the elevation of the car. Will just started play with her fingers as he would start to prick her nails but stopped once Alex just giggled and took her hand away.
Will:"I believe laser tag?"
Alex just sigh as she rolled her eyes
Will:"Come on, it won't be bad just to do something of a fun change while not worrying about school or learning"
Alex:"And you think our dates to the museum weren't fun?"
She started to panic a bit as Will just calmed her down
Will:"I didn't say that, I just think it will be fun for a change you know?"
Alex:"It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot right?"
Will:"Atta girl, love you so much"
He gave her a kiss to the forehead as Alex smiled and waved at him as he drove off while Phil stood beside her
Phil:"Finally going to some other place than a museum?"
Alex:"Yeah. Lazer tag, I don't know but I get the sense he doesn't like to be there"
Phil:"Oh honey, I know your new to this but part of being in a relationship is trying out what your partner likes. I hated concerts, but meeting your mom, I now love Hall and Oates"
Alex looked at him weirdly
Phil:"It's a pop rock duo anyways, with Will now, your gonna try new things that you may hate or love, like Will. He hates those junior congress meetings you attend but loves going out with you"
Alex:"He hates going to those?"
Phil closed his mouth and began to walk inside his house as Alex was still facing the road when turning around, she noticed her dad gone.
Surprisingly they used all of yesterday to get the things ready as only a day passed when the Dunphy house was full of color and people
Claire:"Sweetie, that's a rock wall. Is that even safe? Oh my god."
The guy who was putting up had the wall shaking while making noises
Phil:"Honey, relax."
Turning to guy setting up the rock wall
Phil:"Hey, has anyone ever gotten hurt on one of these things?"
Guy:"I dunno, man. It's my first day."
The guy smiled as Phil turned back to face Claire who still looked worried.
Phil:"See? They wouldn't let the new guy do it if it was-"
Claire:"That did not make me feel better."
Phil:"Don't worry. I signed, like, a hundred releases."
Claire:"When did we decide all this? I… I think it's too much."
Phil:"See, I knew you'd say that. That's why I didn't tell you, so just relax. Grab a snow cone."
Claire:"There's a snow cone machine?"
Haley came walking towards her mom as Alex was right near following her for anything new happening.
Hayley:"Mom, just so you know, Dylan can't have mayonnaise."
Claire:"That's random. Why are you telling me that?"
Hayley:"Uh, 'cause he's coming to the party?"
Claire:"Is that absolutely necessary?"
Alex:"Yes, because she can't go ten minutes withouut her boyfriend's tongue in her mouth. It's like he's feeding a baby bird."
Haley scoffed as she turned to face Alex
Hayley:"Mhhh, don't be such a hypocrite, I'm sure having Will's tongue in your mouth is the reason making you spend more time on your phone."
Phil and Claire looked shocked as they tuned to face Alex who was blushing but also shaking her head rapidly. Looking at Haley who was smiling, Alex only glared at her as she turned to face her shocked parents
Claire:"Uh what?!, why am I hearing about this now, how long Alex?!"
Phil:"You heard your mother, how long has it been since you were doing the French kiss?"
Claire and Phil both turned around due to Alex calling his name and as they were to busy paying attention to knowing Alex and Will exchanged Saliva, like Claire predicted, they didn't even consider the fact it was trick as they turned around and were surprised Will wasn't there.
Quickly turning back they only saw Haley as she just shrugged and walked away while Claire was about to run off for Alex until Phil stopped her.
Phil:"Let's have you calm down first, believe me I'm shocked myself to but we all know you make some bad decisions on the spur of the moment."
He was calming down Claire as she took deep breaths while he had his hands on her shoulders. trying to district her, he asked what she was carrying
Phil:"Hey, hey…So, what'cha got there?"
Claire:"…Oh, these are supplies for the crafts table. I finally figured out what we're gonna be making."
Phil:"Kids bored? Haha, I'm teasing, I'm teasing. It looks good. What is it?"
Claire just shook her head as Phil knew this wasn't the moment
Claire:"Comb sheaths. I know, I know… but we made them when I was eleven years old at Donna Rigby's birthday party. At first we thought it was really stupid, and then we had a blast, so…"
Phil:"How could you not? You combined the two things that kids love the most, combs and sheaths. I'm kidding!"
She walks off as Phil just chuckled nervously. Claire started to ready her station on the patch that led to their garage as she started to think what to do when Will gets here.
Meanwhile Alex went to her room to confront Haley as she saw her and Dylan, kissing, having each other mouths in their own.
Alex only coughed as Dylan quickly got off thinking it was her parents but Haley only just rolled her eyes getting the message
Haley:"Babe, could you leave us"
Dylan:"Uh, why?"
Haley:"Just because I feel like I'm gonna get an earful"
Dylan:"Okay,uh, I'll be downstairs checking out what you guys have for"
Haley just smiled as Dylan walked out with Alex closing the door loudly, with Haley just rolling her eyes
Alex:"What the heck, I thought you were gonna keep it a secret"
Haley:"Imagine my surprise knowing I have a real sister that takes risk"
Haley:"Before you say something like "I don't take risk" did you think of that when I caught you and Will French kissing in our room, when not to mention the whole family was downstairs"
Haley kept her gaze on Alex as she just blushed when she noticed how Will was giving her new experiences. She was experiencing some thrills, adrenaline and new adventures, what's next? sneaking out?
(AN:My way of developing sooo if you don't like how I do it then…)
Alex:"And we agreed I wouldn't tell mom about you talking to Dylan while studying and you agreeing that you wouldn't speak about it"
Haley:"My bad but, even me, I couldn't believe my sister had a hot kiss, on your bed, in our room. I mean come on we have to celebrate. You guys were basically kissing like those TV shows mom watches"
She wafted her fake tears as she smiled while Alex only blushed harder.
Alex:"It-It wasn't like that all-"
Haley:"All you did was you having your hand on his face with his hands on yours as i stood in the doorway watching tongue intertwine"
Alex only shuddered about thinking about. Even she could not believe herself, And all of this was because of Will, her Will.
Haley:"One advice I am going to give you is that, while the French-kiss is the best, it's not always the right one."
Alex:"What does that mean? Why are you being so nice?"
Haley:"There are kisses for special occasions and…I don't know, maybe finally knowing your not gonna be lonely is making me look out for you?"
She shrugged as she left the room, leaving Alex to think of what she meant by, 'There are kisses for special occasions'?.
(AN:So again, my way!!! Hehehhehhehehehe)