
10•Coal Digger [2]

(AN:So I just realized that I'm gonna have to go through their vulnerability, insecurities and what not and I just noticed I have no idea how to do that so any advice on how to make their relationship better let me know because they practically know each other well for bonding over a full month before they became a couple*Takes a deep breath* anyways back to the story)

Claire was seen putting a pie in a container as she wore comfortable outside clothing with Phil dressing casually.

Alex and Luke were wearing comfortable clothes as well to watch the football game her grandpa invited them over. Well, more like Gloria.

Anyways, Alex just finished as she put on her shoes and looked around her room to find the bracelet Will gave her, gone.

She started to search for it as she ran her fingers over her bed and pillows to find something hard, but coming up with noting she checked her desk and her yesterday pants pocket.

Still coming up with nothing she started to get worried and frustrated at herself for losing a gift she liked in one day.

I mean she literally had it on this morning and took it off only to shower.

Outta nowhere, she hears her mom voice

Claire:"Looking for this?"

She held the bracelet in her hands as she dangled it off one finger with Alex smiling nervously

Alex:"If I told you I found it school would you believe me?"

Claire just looked at her daughter with a blank face as Alex took a deep breath

Alex:"Okay…Will gave me it"

Claire:"So he buys you stuff now? Does he think he can buy you out?"

Alex:"What? No. It was just a gift from him celebrating our relationship"

Claire:"Oh really? I don't remember kids receiving a gold and diamond bracelet as a gift. That's more of a grown up thing"

Alex:"Is something bothering you mom?"

Claire:"I just don't like how Will is buying you…expensive things. It makes me feel like he could just buy you stuff and do whatever he wants"

Alex:"Well you are wrong"

Claire:"How do you know?"

Alex:"Because you met and know him? Plus he actually waited 2 weeks"

Claire walked up to her daughter and gave it back as Claire just let out a breath

Claire:"Yeah your right…but still, I'm gonna talk to him about this."

Alex:"It was just one thing mom"

Claire:"No I don't care. He should know that he can't buy your gratitude or your love"

Alex:"Woah, slow down mom we're not at that stage, we just started to date yesterday."

Claire:"Yet. Alex honey, I'm always going to be your mom and as your mom it's my responsibility making sure no one takes advantage of you"

Alex:"But he's not doing that"

Claire:"That maybe true but he still needs to know you can't be bought with expensive stuff"

Alex:"Yeah that's true…but he is sweet right?"

Alex put on the bracelet with Claire amazed by Alex finally agreeing to something she said, smiled and nodded.

Claire:"Yeah, I just think it's to early for that…. But if he wants you could say your mom needs an extra pair of earrings"

She slowly walked back out as Alex groaned out calling her name

Claire:"I'm kidding…is there really no chance?"

And with that, she quickly left with Alex just shaking her head with a small smile. She came down quickly as the family was ready and getting in their car.

Coming to Jay house was quiet but that was ruined by Claire as she noticed a very familiar car.

Claire:"Is-Isn't that Will's car?"

Phil:"Huh, yep. Alex!"

Alex:"I'm not deaf I could hear mom."

Claire:"What's he doing here?"

Alex:"I think he's here for the Ohio state game, after all he does like football"

The family parked in their drive way as they got out and ringed the doorbell

Jay is opening the door for Phil, Claire, Luke and Alex. Phil is carrying a bottle of wine.

Jay:"Hey everybody! Come on in. Hi, hi, hi. Nice shirt. Somebody got a haircut. Did you grow again?"

Claire:"Let me guess, the game's on?"

Jay:"Just started."

Will came walking in as he greeted them with them greeting back. He saw Alex and went for a hug which she gave back.

Claire seeing this was calm at first but she quickly gave Phil the pie and raced forward to separate them due to the hug lasting more than usual

Claire:"Okay that's enough"

She was chuckling nervously as Alex only just rolled her eyes

Alex:"Sorry about her"

Will:"I'm okay, I say that's improvement from the one second hug yesterday.So did you like the gift? I had it sent out yesterday after I went home."

Alex only nodded her head as Gloria came in with a nice dress and smile. Phil gave back the pie to Claire as he held out the wine.

Phil:"For you. Nice to see you, Gloria "

He hugs her as Claire went to kiss her father on the cheek and hugged Gloria after Phil

Gloria:"Two times today."


He goes in for a second hug but Claire slaps at him.

Claire:"She means we've seen them two times


Jay:"Food's in there, drinks are in there, I'll be in here. Will come on. I want my thousand bucks once my teams slaps yours"

He starts to cross off. As the family looked weirdly at Will

Will:"Oh we bet on which team would win. Not exactly a good moment to show you huh?"

Phil:"We'll talk about that later but Hold on, Jay. I think we should address the elephant in the room. Luke, Manny, in light of what happened at school today, if there are any feelings that you'd like to express, I think this would be the appropriate forum "

Jay:"Oh come on! Both of you!"

He throws an arm around each of them.

Jay:"Do family love each other, or do members kick and punch each other?"

Manny:"Love each other."

Luke:"Love each other"

Jay:"Good talk. I'll be in the den. Will come on"

He simultaneously gives them each a pretty good clop on the head -- kind of hard -- and crosses to the den.

Will:"Coming, let's go"

Alex just nodded her head as they started to follow Jay with Will hand on her shoulder, pushing her closer to him as she only blushed while awkwardly fidgeting

Claire:"Oh yeah um, Will, Can I talk to you for a second?"

She called out from behind him as Alex just gave him a small nod

Alex:"It's alright, just a talk"

Will let go of Alex as he walked back into the kitchen with Gloria and Claire having an awkward silence

They glance around. As Haley enters and crosses through with her phone beside her ear

Haley:"I'm at my grandfather's house... I don't know why. It's a nightmare."

She exits, leaving Will to witness the following awkward exchange between her and Gloria. But deciding to talk to Will first, she turned to him

Claire:"So, don't you think you're moving a little too fast?"

Gloria:"What's going on?"

Claire:"He gave Alex a gold and diamond bracelet right after they became a couple"

Gloria looks shocked as she screamed in joy

Gloria:"That is so romantic-"

Claire:"What? No. It's to soon for that and I believe you can't buy Alex feelings with expensive stuff"

Will:"I'm sorry Claire I didn't know you would take it that way"

Claire:"What way?"

Will:"You probably think since I have money I will just buy Alex what ever she wants and do what I ever want to do"


Will:"I'm surprised by that, you known that I have never used my money for Alex affection and you almost known me for a full month"

Gloria:"Yeah you tell her!"

They both looked at her as she just shrugs

Claire:"Well…That's true-but"

Will:"And you known I have nothing but respect for her as well"

Claire:"I know….Your just like manny, young yet good with words"

Will:"Well I try"

Will shrugs as Claire breathed out with a hand on her forehead

Claire:"I'm sorry, I guessed I jumped to conclusions…again"

Will:"It's alright, Alex is your daughter so you only look out for her. I get it."

He put his hand forward as he looked at her

Will:"Just know whenever I use my money for Alex or for your family, I have no ulterior motives. I truly am working for her feelings without any objects help"

Claire surprisingly swatted away his hand as she went in for a hug.

Claire:"If only Haley found someone like you…besides I will love some nice earrings on Christmas, Oo!, a new car!"

Will laughed with Claire along as they broke the hug. Will went away noticing it went well with Claire thinking the same thing

But once he left the awkward silence returned in the room due to Claire and Gloria standing there and remembering what happened before they got here


Claire:"I brought some dessert."

Claire holds up a dish.

Gloria:"Oh. Thank you."

Claire:"Where should I put this?"

Gloria:"Right there is fine."

She points to the counter as she set it down with Phil entering the room and sensing the awkwardness

Phil:"Okay, whoa. Everybody take a deep breath. And let's think about getting real."

Claire:"Phil, no."

Gloria:"Why "Phil no"? What is Phil doing?"

Phil:"Okay, I'm just gonna say it. there's some tension between you two. Bam! I said it, it's out there, I can't take it back."

He threw up his hands as he said the last part and backed away a bit

Claire:"I'm going to kill you."

Gloria:"No, he's right. And I think we should

talk about it."

Phil:"That's what I'm talking about…you two talking…bout it"

He tries to take a cookie but Claire slaps it out of his hands as she was fuming

Jay is watching the game as Alex is by his side. Will entered taking a seat next to Alex as she just lightly turned her head.

Alex:"So? How'd it go?"

Will:"Believe it or not. We hugged"

Alex:"Really? Wow, you have it better than Dylan"

Will:"Haley boyfriend? What's going on?"

Alex:"Well let's just say my parents aren't exactly welcoming him as they do to you"

Will:"Guess I'm lucky"

Alex:"Guess you are"

She gave him a smile as Will just held her hand. Facing back to see the game, Alex started blush and get awkward as she just started to blurt out the first thing she thought

Alex:"I like football. Haley hates it. Which is weird because it's all boys and there's no reading required. Do you know she spends about forty-five minutes every morning doing her hair? And sometimes, she tries on"

Jay:"Oh my-Will shush her"


Jay:"Think of something I'm trying to win your money"

Will thought about it as Alex looked at him with wide eyes, just waiting for it. Will smiled as he started to put his arm over her shoulder and push her head towards his chest. She resisted at the first but knowing she can't overpower him, decided to stop fighting, she found herself looking at the TV diagonally

Her head was on his chest as her body was leaning up against his on the couch. Alex felt that same hardness and smell when Will hugged her when he was loopy.

Jay:"What the!"


Jay:"I'm right here you know"

Will:"Oh yeah…."

Will said but went back to watching the game along with Alex who was silent but having a hue of red over her cheeks and ears.

This was awkward for Alex. She never been this close to a boy, except counting the times she hugged Will. This was actually the first time enjoying the moment without worry.

She had to admit it. She was new to this so naturally she was awkward around him now that they were dating. She also had to deal with the new stuff she looked up online.

Vulnerability, the awkwardness, love, and other things along. Alex was thinking of all this as she went into over drive but she heard Will voice whispering into her ear.

Will:"Easy. We can go slow, we're not in a rush let's just take things one step at a time"

Alex felt goosebumps on her back which felt oddly satisfying as she nodded her head slightly. She smiled thinking on how Will could get her on what she was thinking with just looking at her face as he said the thing she was worrying about.

Cameron and Mitchell came in with Cam having a face paint with a jersey that one of the team had on the game they were watching while Mitchell was clapping in beats

Cameron:"Let's go lllini"

Jay:"Looks like I gotta watch the game with Dick Butkus."

Mitchell:"Dad! Dad, come on. That's offensive."

Cameron:"No, Mitchell, he's one of the greatest linebackers to ever play at Illinois... and one of my personal heroes."

Mitchell:"And his name is "Butt-kiss"? We're just choosing to-Okay. All right. Dad, I thought you were being homophobic. I'm sorry."

Jay:"We got all night."

Mitchell:"Yes, we do."

Jay:"Are you joining us here?"

Cameron:"Yeah. Jay, you know what? He's been studying up."

Mitchell:"I gotta tell ya, I'm a little worried about C.J. Hightower. Right? With the bad ankle? I'm wondering how he's gonna run his corner routes."

Will:"Well, you better hope he runs them good"

Will spoke as they looked at him. Seeing Alex leaning on his chest, they connected the dots which led them to having their mouths wide open

Cameron:"Oh my gosh, when did this happen?"

Will:"2 days ago."

Mitchell:"Congratulations. Young love"

Cameron:"Indeed. Congratulations Alex."

Alex only hummed as she was still embarrassed because she never been in this type of situation

Will:"She said thank you"

Cameron:"So you know football?"

Will:"Yes, believe it or not I was doing good in my past school football teams along with junior football and I'm planning to join the football team as a quarterback."

Cameron:"Oh really? We're gonna have to go see your games and Favorite team?"

Will thought about it as he wanted to answer with his own team he liked back in his previous world

Will:"NFC west, Seattle Seahawks"

Mitchell:"Sounds like a good team"

Cameron:"oh, well good luck they're not in the playoffs"

Jay:"Yep, they went what? 5-11?"

Will:"I'm right here you know?"


They chuckled as Alex just closed her eyes as she felt his heartbeat as well as his hard surface

Will:"Anyways, Hightower's out."


Mitchell:"Oh. Then who is gonna run the corner routes?"

Will:"I'll tell you who it won't be-Billings."

Cameron chuckles as he pointed at Will as Mitchell just went along

Cameron:"That's low. He's in jail."

Cameron:"Double tight end,it's gonna be a quarterback roll-out to the left."

Jay:"They're gonna run it. Trust me."

Will:"He's got the slot. In the end zone Touchdown!"

Cameron and Will celebrated in their own ways as Will high five Cameron who was leaning toward him from across the coffee table

Alex had her eyes open watching the TV as she lifted her head up so she could let Will high five her uncle boyfriend.

Mitchell:"Lucky call. Maybe they, uh, should've

considered blitzing."

Jay:"Blitzing wouldn't have helped them. Get outta here."

Cameron:"Oh, gosh. Blitzing."

He laughs looking at the screen as Alex went back to lean her head on Will shoulder.

Alex:"Now I could see why Haley bragged about having someone"

Will:"Well you can brag about me"

Alex only giggled as she suddenly stopped and realized her situation, what about her? Would he brag about her?

Will:"Or should I brag about you?"

Like he could read her mind, Alex only shrugged her shoulders

Alex:"What's there to brag about?"

She nervously said as she fixed her sight on the TV. Will only shook his head while letting out a small scoff

Will:"Do I need to tell the whole school?"

Alex:"What? Why?"

Will:"To let everyone know I have a beautiful girlfriend"

Alex widen her eyes hearing that word. It was good to hear that.

Will:"Huh, Do I really need to take over the speakers in the school and read out loud what amazes me about you? Because I will do it"

She blushed as she turned to face him and saw that he had a smirk on.

Alex:"Will you really do that? Wait. No. Okay I get it so stop being so cheesy"

She playfully nudged him as her hand was on her knee which was suddenly grabbed by Will as he intertwined them

Alex:"Don't you think we're moving too fast?"

Will:"Good question. My answer, relationship can have many different situations. Did you know Macaroni penguins ARE special for the way they mate. They live in massive colonies with thousands of birds. Once they find their mate, they return to that mate for the rest of their lives even if they spend the rest of the year apart from each other."

Alex:"Didn't realize you see me like that"

Will:"Was that to fast?"

Alex:"A little bit"

Will:"And here I am telling you we can take it your pace"

Alex chuckled out as she saw Will blush. She looked up at those eyes that she came to love to look at.

Alex:"Let's just take things as they should, we're still growing right?"

Will:"Uh huh."

Alex:"But for some reason I did like the sound of what you said"

She mumbled out as she turned away to see Jay with a shocked face while Cameron and Mitchell of pure joy and admiration.


Mitchell:"That is so lovely"

Jay:"What is going on my couch"

(AN:Okay that upper part felt like a love conversation between adults, not kids.)