
The Mixed Feelings

Alicia Mendez, a fourteen-year-old, mixed girl, who faces a lot of difficulties, and it only gets worst when she finds herself tangled up in love. As things start to die down a bit, she slowly becomes aware of the sinister secret behind the school. Read to find out more…

PhantomWriterX · Sports, voyage et activités
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Tuesday Tears!

Who was I in this dream? Why did everything seem so real. In the dream, I was in a room, it was clean, and almost empty looking. Suddenly, my body moved on its own, and opened the door to the room. It led into the hallway. It was inside the dorm building, on the second floor where Wesley stayed. As I walked down the hallway, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. I began to walk faster, heading to the stairwell of the incident. I think I got the hang of what was going on. Although I couldn't control what happened in this dream, I could see that this is a flashback of the incident through Wesley's point of view. When I got to the stairwell, I stepped down the stairwell fast because I knew I was being followed. I decided to confront the stalker and when I turned around, I was pierced by a knife. I felt it. I really felt the pain from the stab. This dream it all too real. I look down at my stomach, bleeding out, then looked up and made contact with the person in black. They wore a mask that covered all but their eyes. As I held my stomach and fell against the wall, I stared into their eyes. They were blue. I didn't know who it was. Then I heard another pair of footsteps. I looked up, and it was Sharron. She screamed, causing the murderer to run. After that, everything went black, then I finally awoke back into reality. There I lay staring up at the ceiling, thinking about what I just witnessed. I get these glimpses of those blue eyes over and over again. So, since Sharron's story was true, who was the murder? I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. All I remember was blue eyes. I turned over, and saw that Lilith was gone. I got up and saw a note laying on my bedside table. My phone was on 35%, so I placed it on the charger. I had no idea what to do now since school was out for now. I picked up the piece of paper, assuming it was from Lilith, and read the note. 

"I'm heading out, I'll be back a bit later." It read.

I was confused. Why didn't Lilith just text me from her phone? Also, this note is not Lilith's handwriting. At least I don't think it is. There is a red stain on the corner of the paper. Not only is this handwriting unrecognizable, but it also appears to be rushed. Lilith would have told me where she was going, and also would have woken me up. I began to panic. Maybe she did write this, and maybe she just had to go somewhere important that she didn't want me to know about. That still doesn't explain the red stain on the paper. I touched the stain, and it was still wet. It could be marker, but why put red marker on the corner of a paper when the rest of the note is written in black pen? I rubbed the stain, and it began to smear on the paper. Finally, I sniffed the paper. There was a small hint of metal or steel coming from the red stain, which made me conclude that this was not marker, but it was blood. My final questions are, who's blood, was it? And where is Lilith?! I grab my phone off the charger and bring my purse that now has the note, pepper spray, a collapsible spear, and an emergency alarm necklace that will alert the police to my location. I have to be prepared for anything. With determination, I left the dorm to search for Lilith. It was later in the day, so the sky began to darken. The sun was still out, but its light was dimmed, and the cold evening wind began to blow, causing me to shiver. I forgot my jacket, but I had a long-sleeved button up on. I went to check anywhere Lilith would go. The gym, it was empty, the cafeteria, also empty, the pizzeria, closed for the day, and Lilith was nowhere to be found. I took another glimpse at the letter, hoping to find some type of clue or evidence that can give me a lead. My head began to ache as I stared into the paper. Then I came to a pause when I noticed something. There was an emblem on the bottom left corner of the paper. It was a crest with tiny letters. I almost couldn't make out what it said, but when I looked closer it was "O.H.A." I recognized the crest, but I couldn't put my foot on where I saw it before. Then I suddenly remembered it. It was the emblem of our school. These papers where only used in the front office. My stomach dropped when I realized that this kidnapper could also be the same person who killed Wesley, and that this person has access to the school. I have to find this person and expose them for their wrongdoings. I had to get justice for Wesley and Lilith. When I think back to the front office, I remember just seeing the front desk lady, and there was no one else there. What if this note was just a fluke, and Lilith is just off somewhere venting from all that has happened...or what if there is actually something wrong. The front office is closed...I can't think of anything else. Suddenly, my phone beeps and I get a message from Lilith's number.

"Lilith is okay. She is in the hospital being taken care of." the message read.

"This is Lilith's phone, who is this? What happened to her?" I type in a panic.

A few minutes after I sent the message, my phone beeps again. I look at the message.

"I am Lilith's Mother, she is in the hospital because she attempted suicide a few hours ago. If you would like to see her, please meet me at Oakley Hospital." She says.

"I am on my way." I say immediately.

I have no idea how to get to the hospital, so I open my GPS, it is not too far from the school, so I can take a bus and get there in less than 10 minutes. I head to the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive. Suicide... I didn't think Lilith would ever do that. But, when you lose someone, you love, it is hard to live without them. My eyes began to water at the thought of almost losing another one of my friends in the same day. I hold my phone tightly and pray that this will all be over soon. The bus pulls up to the stop, and I step on to it, scanning my bus card. I take a seat and stare out the window as the bus drives off. About 10 minutes later, I am right in front of Oakley Hospital, and I enter the building with a tense feeling that is rising every second. I walk up to the desk and ask for Lilith...shoot. What was her last name? I try to remember when our teacher called role... Brown. I believe it was Brown. 

"Hi, I am looking for Lilith Brown." I say to the clerk.

"One moment please." The woman says then begins typing into her computer.

"Here you go. She is in room 234."

"Thank you." I say.

I hurry to the elevator and go to the second floor. I follow the signs to room 234 and stop. There is a woman with blonde hair sitting in a chair next to the bed. Lilith lays in the bed with an oxygen mask covering her face. I can see gauze on her neck, and it has hints of red bleeding through it. I knock and enter.

"Hello..." I say nervously.

"Hi dear...I know this is as much of a shock to you as it is to me. It is nice to meet you Alicia, Lilith has told me about you." She says.

"It is nice to meet you too ma'am. If you don't mind me asking...how did this happen?"

"I was at work, and I got a call from the hospital, so I rushed here as fast as I could. I texted you because you are a good friend to Lilith. She has had a hard childhood and has had trouble making friends because of how much we had to move because of my work. When she told me about you, I could hear the joy and excitement in her voice, and that's how I knew you were a good person."

"Thank you for telling me all of this. I was so worried. I thought she was kidnapped and went missing. I went looking for her. After our friend Wesley had passed, it was like everything went quiet. Everything happened so fast."

I break into tears and begin bawling my eyes out, letting each and every emotion out. Ms. Brown comforts me. She also begins to shed some tears.

"I didn't even know he passed. What happened?" She asks.

"He was murdered in the school's dorm building stairwell, and the murder is still on the loose. I want to find the murderer and avenge Wesley." I say, wiping my tears.

"Hunny, I understand your grief, but that is a dangerous task. You are only about 15, and that person is a murderer. It isn't safe to go looking for a killer." She says in a motherly tone.

"I know, but something has to be done." I say, tearing up again.

"It'll be alright." 

"Can I stay here with Lilith for the night?" I ask.

"Yes, I was going to do the same. She won't be able to return to school for a couple of weeks, so I will be taking care of her."

"School is out for the next few weeks after the incident because the police need to find more evidence. So I can help you take care of Lilith if that's okay with you?" I ask.

"Of course, dear." She says.

I decide to spend the night in the hospital to wait until Lilith wakes up. I pray that she gets better soon, and I quickly fall asleep in a chair next to Lilith's bed.