
WHO ARE YOU, Mr. Watsinski?

"Are you sure you want to go there Mr. Wats ?", sounds intimate enough knowing that I'm Mr. Watsinski and I allow her to call me Wats. In reply, with an affirming tone like a ship captain giving orders, " Aye, that's my decision. If it's the only way to find out the answers, I'd risk a thousand years to find a Cure ", "Very well sir, you are aware we may not be able to find you after this, considering the risks involved, but we will do our utmost to search for you till you are found. You are much too precious to be lost", butler James seems worried and adamant on my "absence with a purpose" mission. "Oh! Spare me the flattering James, you and I know who is more important here, you were the one running the whole show throughout this decade. I was only the pen holder. You of all people, are well aware of all the decisions that I make at the board meetings, they are but executions of your will and proposals. I'm confident you'll keep it running well while I'm gone", "Which is exactly why I will not dare to carry out any projects without your approvals. Yes, we have seen significant improvements in our company but we are far from recovery as yet! You have to return Wats, in ONE piece. Promise me ?", that's James, ever so humble since the day we met and decided to build a better tomorrow. And I will always be grateful to his deeds. "I'll do my best old friend. And Butler! Take care of my H.O.M.E. while I'm out hunting ! ", hinting a tinge of secrecy only he and I knew, H - head, O - office, M - management, E - entity. H.O.M.E. was created to oversea the transparency of every business transactions since the conspiracy that brought to the downfall of a GIANT pharmaceutical industry 'LIVE MEDIC CORPS' ten years ago. Our company, James and I painstakingly built from the backyards of our countryside.

DING! DONG! Sudden clouds amidst nowhere rushing through to cover everything. DING! DONG!

My eyes opened, to a tub of warm water I had prepared for the dip, was I dreaming? Watsinski again ? Why! That name... DING! DONG!

Damned! That's what woke me up!

Ok! Ok! Let me get dressed first. I'll bet it's about this Watson's guy, me. Who else would it be. Funny, every clothing here is prepared before my eyes.. am I still dreaming ? SLAP! SLAP! ... Ouuuch.... so I'm not.

DING! DONG! Alright! Alright! Coming...

Door... er where's the handle ? Uh...Wave my hands? ..... click! Mmmm... Door murmurs while it opens like ballroom gates.....

What the £*#&? That girl! My dreams.... she ...."Mr. Wats ? You look surprised to see me. Are you ok?" You damned right I'm surprised ! You gave me bad headache thinking of you! "Would you like me to help you with your new outfit? I'd be glad to help!" What? You what ? "Oh.... I was in my bath when you ding donged me. Had to grab something on the way" "Ha,ha that explains, I'll come back in a few..." "No! No! Please! I need your assistance with these outfits.", "Ah... as you always did Mr. Wats! I'm more than honoured to help" I swear if I didn't know Mr. Watsinski any better, wait.... I don't know him, what's this with me. Wake from a dream and now I know him ? Oh come on.

"Come here Mr. Wats, better hurry with your outfit, we'll be running late!". Is she leading a lamb to slaughter ? I suddenly feel like a lost sheep ?!🐑!?

Wow! Mr. Watsinski sure knows how to enjoy!

On the way out, after a pleasurable experience, "May I know your name please?", "Mr. Wats! How many times do you like to play this game with me ?" "You don't remember my name, you don't remember my address, you don't remember anything about me and yet..... sigh!" "You never sieze to amaze me. Why do I keep sticking around is beyond my understanding. Maybe I just can't get over you! You bad boy!" Holy s#&7! If you knew I'm not Mr. Wats.... and we just..... WWIII ensues... I can't imagine. Oh.. just keep silent..... But she feels familiar suddenly.... and why do I have a feeling we're being followed?

This hallway, blue carpets, they remind me of something... something important.... what is it ?Oh! there's that dog tailing feeling again, as I turned my eyes before my head, with that split second, I could've sworn I saw a silhouette behind the decorative tree along the hallway. Why am I being followed?

What's happening ?