
The Miserable Wedding

Anna has a crush to John all these years. knowing her feelings since her family and John has a friendship together they decided to arrange a marriage between each other. her sister idol Isabelle support her too since then after they grow up there marriage has already been set. but what if the wedding was ruined in the middle of their marriage what if John only see her as a sister and was inlove by her older sister. what would our Anna do?

Aleah_Calago_7581 · Sports, voyage et activités
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1 Chs

chapter 1

Since the day I meet John on my kindergarten he protected me from my bullies because I was fat I got often bullied by the other kids the same age as me.

While I am fat and ugly my sister was definitely opposite of me.

She was born to be a star,she was beautiful,talented,bright and shine like a moon.

She became a debut artist since ten while I was completely living in a different world.

Still I don't envy my sister from all her attention she got,do not have any hatred,anger,frustration in the world since I am content of my life.

Having born in a rich family I don't have to worry anything even though I am talentless and stupid not like my genius sister.

I've been like this since child I only have to worry to those bullies.

Since I was stupid my parents can only enroll me to a school where even a child like me can graduate.

But because of that my status lowered since all students on the school has a high background like me.

Cyber bullying cannot be avoided since I look like this.

I didn't dare to tell my parents fearing that they might offend those higher background than me.

I can only continue studying while enduring everyone stares and actions Infront of me.

I am happy at the same sorrowful but that's not until I meet John.

The prince charming who came to save a ugly duckling like me.

Since John was a gangster her parents decided him to enroll to the same school I was.

And that made me happy whenever those bullies are around he will protect me while everyone on his side because of his good looks.

As we grow older we became friends not much closer when I confess to my family about my feelings to him my parents talk it out Infront of John parents since they friends.

At the time John finally aware of may family relations and background.

I was embarrassed wanting a find a hidden corner to hide to.

While I was peeking I didn't see John anywhere I look everywhere only find out later him and my sister Isabelle sneaked out outside to the mansion and happened to meet each other out of their boredom.

I guess my older sister was pretty playful at sometimes that every guest our gathering in our mansion she always go out to escape from noble etiquette that's why I pretty guess what happen.

As for John character I discovered that he was rebellious too.

Not knowing what they talk about I can see that they are happy talking about something.

"Well sometimes she was little idiot too-"

"Who is the one you're talking about sister?"I asked.

Finally got their attention.


"Oh were talking about you" John

"May I join in?"I asked

John look at his watch and said

"Its pretty late I should probably go back see you next time little Anna and?"


"And Isabelle"John smiled

It's pretty rare he smiled it make me more look forward to see his smile again.

"His nice"Isabelle

"Yah that's why I like him"

"You like him?"my sister look at me with mysterious eyes.

It's a bit weird the atmosphere was weird.

I nodded "oh yah sister by the way I had a good news"

To change the topic I decided to tell her my good news.

"Tell me"

I whisper at her some words causing her to be shocked.

"What?! You're getting engaged with John?"

"Yes" I was happy that I embrace my sister but the respond I got is silence.

"Elder sister what happened why are you silent?is there something wrong?"

She shook her head and smiled

"How do I feel you're not happy"

"Ofcourse I'm happy"she smiled and embraced me.

That day was unforgettable memory for me.

Since then John keep visiting to my house as the months passed by and in turns into years.

I finally get closer to him but he treat me as his friend.

Until the day of engagement I was supposed to be happy today but I only felt sad because the day of our marriage has failed with no groom inside.

I keep searching for him and my sister only to found out that he proposed to my sister on the day of my marriage.

Due to my sister amount of popularity all over the news I see him.

My only one proposed to her because he got threatened to the guy who broke my sister heart that was coming back to the Korea to see her.

My tears fell as I can't control my sadness over those years that we spent each other.

Was for nothing trying had to fit on his family just to be accepted by him as a wife was for nothing.

I do all things just to be loved by the person I like.

But why?!why was the world was cruel as I was walking on the street I didn't realize a car coming straight at me causing me to have accidents.

After two years on coma I open my eyes only to see my surrounding was different.

"Where am I?"Anna

"You're finally awake,you're in the hospital you've been in coma for two years"the nurse called the doctor to see my conditions.

"Goodness you're alright"the doctor then walk out while nurse busy assisting me.

"Excuse me miss what exactly happened in those two years accident"

A friend nurse then explained to me"oh that you bumped into a car two years ago causing your head and body be crashed but thankfully it's not so serious since the spped of driving was slow"

"But because the current technology of Korea the owner of the car decided to transfer you in the hospital of America while you're two years in coma we didn't find your address since your face has already been disfigured and you only had wedding dress on you"

"Disfigured?"I hurriedly touch my face only to feel a roughness of the skin and a peel that has been dried out.

"Mirror"the nurse hurriedly hand me one when I see my face on the mirror.

I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I was already ugly to the core why add some of this disfigured face"I complain until my tears run out.

"Calm down miss when you wake up the owner said you got plastic surgery after you wake up"

When I heard that I calm down even though my family was rich not to the core who was able to afford plastic surgery but this time is different.

"Is that really real?"

The nurse nodded.

"Yes!!"I cheered up

"But can I request something?"

"What do you request?"suddenly a man entered the room and the pressure and atmosphere was cold.

I look at the man only to be stunned by his beautiful and handsome appearance.

Although I see many handsome guy like John it was different when it comes to that man.

His features and his figure was s perfect like it was carve out perfectly.

Suddenly I remember that when I was 16 she was my older sister ex boyfriend.

"You!you are"

"Roman Ode Sebastian"

"D-Do you know me?"I point to myself.

He nodded"Isabelle Rosan's little sister"

"Then about my parents"I said as I waited for the answers.

"Your parents decided to hide you away from public because of the scandal news two years ago so they can lessen the public opinion so that you and you're family can preserve you're reputation."

"So they abandon me huh"disappointed.

I can only sigh with nothing to do.

"If there's nothing else I will go"

"Wait"I tried to get up on the bed but only fell on floor.

"Arghh it's hurts"

He sigh he tried to help me getting up and said "you should becareful next time"

As I was sweating he lend me his handkerchief.


He sat down on the bed and said"tell me what do want?"

I look at him and said"you said you will give me free plastic surgery right?"

He nodded"En"

"I only request that my features doesn't change only my fat on my body and face to be change is that alright with you?"

"If that's what you want, is that all?"


"I will go the then"

"Hmmm bye Roman"I said as I watch him leave the room.

After that the nurse told the doctor to start the surgery six days later since I just woke up.

As the day of surgery began I was nervous they start operating while I was asleep.

When the surgery was done they were shocked to see her face.


They couldn't help but exclaim.

"What's the matter?"seeing everyone look at her in silence she couldn't help but nervous.

The friendly nurse hand me the mirror only to see a beautiful and stunning look Infront of the mirror.

"Is this me"everyone nodded

"What's the ruckus is about?"Roman suddenly enter the room only to see his secretary and staffs was crowding Anna.

"It's Beautiful Anna Sir"

"Look is she pretty?"the secretary next to him said.

As Roman look at Anna he was stunned.

Anna smiled brightly happily accepting praises to those surround her.

The way her eyes,nose,mouth look was stunning even the way she smile looks attractive.

But that matter of seconds Roman retain his calm.

"Do I look good?"I said

"En"he reply coldly

I pout knowing he was not impressed.

Still I was happy that I look like this who wouldn't be?