
The Mischievous of Time - Old Years, Old Centuries

This story was about Henry taking himself on the adventure through Earth as he leaves his own home planet "Segion" He's still recovering from depression due to his Brother Arthur's unknowing death... When he knew that there's a lot of living planet, he decides to leave his home planet and starts to search for another planet to live in and that's where brought himself on planet Earth to live in peace but after he lands on planet Earth. These things was got out of hand as he travels there...

Samuel303 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Birth of Chaos

[Caution] - this chapter has riddles included, this chapter may be read by a fan of Lord of the Rings or else middle earth readers...

Sincerely - Eddie - the consultant from the Omega Initiative...

---Entering Cultist's diary from Butler Levi Cult originally from Sergion---

Billion years ago, there's a lot of creature living in peace, chaos and harmony but on that time there's only two planets that is living in war of each other.

Those planets are the Light and the Dark, the Light defending themselves from the Dark.

The Light was the Sergion and the Dark was Levio, they're enemies on each other but has ended because of the King of Sergion's son and the King of Levio's Daughter.

They live in peace after that, few years later they adopt a child and they named him Arthur. 8 years later, Arthur has now a brother and he named him Henry.

They have being together and far from that Arthur witnessed something on Henry that he felt confused on his young brother, he felt an heavy aura on his young brother at his age of 4.

Arthur grows up as a knight and became the most recognizable swordsman he could ever be, his young brother was totally amazed of his big brother's skills through swordsmanship.

One day, Henry was curious about his big brother's capabilities of swordsmanship. He tries to hold Arthur's sword and he lift it without any struggles, when Arthur enters the room that he felt suspicious about it and he didn't expect that Henry could lift his sword without any reaction and he also swings it perfectly.

When Arthur realized that Henry can lift a sword, he decides to train him until Henry becomes 19.

He's now very capable of being a swordsman then he make a spar with Arthur and he didn't hesitate to agreed since Henry knows all about of swordsmanship.

The duel is going to start and Arthur was wondering if Henry could control that aura of him very lightly when he focus looking at him, he saw something different from Henry.

He saw something strange about his aura its uncontrollable and its larger than he expected, Arthur was thinking about his strength compared to his young brother when he noticed that compared to his young brother, his capabilities of using his power is controllable than Henry.

When the duel starts, he attacks first through Arthur and he avoids it so fast as they starting to warm up, Henry's attack are fast but Arthur can catch up with his movement until he vertically swing his sword through Henry and he react so fast as the ground are pulled like the asteroid hits the ground.

Henry felt the heavyweight of Arthur's sword but suddenly he disappeared infront of Arthur and he strike his sword through at him and he guards it but he was pushed back so far from him.

Arthur didn't realize how powerful his young brother Henry but he didn't worry about it at least he made his parents proud of him for teaching his young brother behind their backs. Arthur starts to charge at him to know if he can avoid every strike of his sword, while Henry began to form his sword while Arthur is going near at him to strike in but suddenly as he strike strike his sword at him very fast as the speed of sound.

He simply blocks it and left Arthur shocked, he began to unleashed his full potential of swordsmanship. Arthur was amazed at him and once that he starts to strike at him, Levi suddenly interrupt their spare.

"That's enough all of you" Levi says

Meanwhile at the center of Sergio, Levi warns Arthur about Henry's potential of swordsmanship.

"As the old enemy of your family, I must warn you that Levio clan's hatred was still on their sides" Levi says

"I know that you're the person that I can trust for the of our lives, thank you " Arthur's says

Soon as Arthur was leaving, a dagger strike's at Levi and Arthur sensed it instantly then grabs it.

"That's what I thought it was" Arthur says

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Sincerely Eddie...

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