
The Millionaire's Matchmaking

BILLIONAIRE'S GAME SERIES 1 Alexander Montgomery, a billionaire who is 28 years old, was single for two years after he separated from his ex-wife four years ago. He focused all his energy on his business during those two years and decided not to look for a new partner. But, everything changed when he met Isabella Heyes at an event for single people. Her green eyes reminded him of something, but he wasn't sure what. He used his wealth and contacts to learn more about her. What started as just an interest soon became a deep liking. However, his ex-wife came back into his life, trying to ruin his growing relationship with Isabella. He had to face a hard truth that could affect their feelings for each other. Will Alexander and Isabella win in this difficult game of love, or will they face a key point where they have to decide if they should stay strong or give up?

Ms_alexa · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

"Wait, why are you here?" So that's why the voice sounded familiar earlier. It was him? I facepalmed myself. Damn, I wanted to see him again, but the timing was just so off.

He offered me an ice cream cone with chocolate flavor, so I took it, thinking that maybe he had bought it for me. How embarrassing. He was the one trying to calm me down, and I was being picky.

And the ice cream he bought was from a vendor in front of the university, a few meters away from the parking area.

"T- thanks," I said, still feeling embarrassed. I didn't look at him, but I quickly licked the ice cream to prevent it from melting. It would be a shame to waste it.

I felt him sit down beside me, but because he had a broad and muscular build, there was only a few inches of space between us. One nudge and our skin would touch.

We sat in silence for a moment. I continued to enjoy the ice cream, the cool sweetness providing a much-needed distraction from my swirling thoughts.

"I hope everything's okay," Alex finally spoke, his voice gentle and concerned.

I sighed, my shoulders relaxing as I took a deep breath. "It's just... childhood friendships can be complicated, you know? We've known each other for so long, but sometimes things change."

I never expected us to turn out like this in the first place. We used to be so close, and sometimes it felt like we couldn't be apart even during break times. He would even visit my house just to bug me. It just hurts to think that all our bonding and memories together disappeared in an instant.

Even now, I still can't help but feel regret.

I saw Alex nodding in understanding.

"People change, circumstances change. It's part of life, but it doesn't make it any less painful."

I looked at him "You're right. It's just hard to accept sometimes "

He reached over and gently patted my hand. "Take your time. And remember, a little ice cream always helps."

I managed a chuckle, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "Thank you for being here, Alex. You have a way of making things feel a bit lighter."

He smiled warmly, his eyes holding a hint of sincerity. "I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face. We all need someone to lean on from time to time."

We exchanged glances and smiled at each other. I couldn't help but admire his entire outfit. He wore a tight gray T-shirt, jeans paired with white shoes. Even though he dressed simply, there was an air of confidence about him that hinted at his wealth. He was like an expensive watch, and I felt like a mere assistant whenever we were together.

My gaze shifted to his melting ice cream. "Your ice cream is melting, Alex."

"Oh," he immediately licked it, and I averted my eyes. Why was I thinking such things? I might need to drink some holy water. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and tried to engage him in conversation.

"By the way, Alex, why are you here? Do you have a sibling studying here?" I finished my ice cream completely and turned to look at him, waiting for his response.

"Well, no... I'm looking for someone." I lowered my head and watched the ants approaching the fallen ice cream.

"I'm looking for a woman who left me that night," he said quickly, and I looked at him, realizing what he meant.

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. "Why are you looking for her? Your girlfriend was there that night, right?"

It made sense to me, isn't it ironic when someone's boyfriend is looking for another woman? I didn't know who he was referring to because many people talked to him that night.

He smirked at my response. "She was my ex. She was just pestering me all the time."

I still had doubts as I stared at him because, from what I saw, he seemed to enjoy kissing that woman.

"Really? It didn't seem that way," I replied, he chuckled after I said. What was so funny about what I said?

" That's why I came here, I want to talk to you about something but first we have to go somewhere else, it's getting dark already. "

I couldn't help but wonder what we would be talking about. I couldn't recall doing anything wrong during the events we were discussing. Maybe what we were going to talk about was genuinely important since he went to the trouble of looking for me.

I hoped it wasn't about money, that he wasn't here to collect a debt. I didn't have much money right now because I had sent it to my mother. I nodded and stood up from the bench. He gestured for me to go ahead and opened the door of his car.

As we arrived outside his luxurious black car, my curiosity couldn't be erased. "Aren't you going to kidnap me?" I jokingly asked.

He grinned at my remark. "If you decided not to agree, I was about to do that." My eyes widened in shock, but he just laughed. He really enjoyed getting reactions out of me.

"Kidding, I won't do that. Please get in, my lady." I rolled my eyes and got into his car.


We were inside a restaurant near the University. Since many students from the University I attend frequent this place, I couldn't help but worry that someone might see me. It's not that I'm ashamed to be with Alex, but I don't want people talking.

He brought me here because he said he had something important to tell me, something I agreed to.

"I hope you won't be mad at this."

His hopeful voice made me furrow my brow. Why would I be mad?

"Spill it. My reaction depends on what you're about to say."

I put my cup back on the table and focused my attention on him. I couldn't help but think about something. What if I'm not really invited to that event, and it was just a mistake in the email? But that's impossible, right? Shena signed me up, even though I had no idea initially.

He took a deep breath before speaking. "We were matched by the matchmaking service, Isabella, and well, honestly, I was the one who told them that."

"Don't worry, you have nothing to do. Just being an accompaniment is my need, that's all," he added.

Wait, my mind suddenly slowed down.

"Uhm, we were together for three months, and a contract is the proof," he added again, clearly intending to surprise me.

I took a moment to process what he had just said. Three months. I am not aware of this. I know the event was about interacting with wealthy people and others, but I didn't know it would be this serious.

"Alex," I finally managed, "I don't understand. I don't remember signing up for any contract related to the event. Is this a prank? I thought I was just invited." I answered with a puzzled expression.

I don't know how to feel anymore. I never thought my life would be manipulated by the rich.

"I get it, Isabella. I know you're not on board with this, and I respect your feelings. But the thing is, it's not about your approval. The rules kicked in when you showed up, and your name got automatically signed up. Your actions, though, don't really scream awareness of what this event is all about."

My eyebrows furrowed at what I heard. I didn't know because I thought I was just attending, but apparently, they had some schemes. So, it's my fault now?

I sighed in frustration.

"What are the rules?" I asked, still avoiding eye contact and struggling to take in everything he was saying. The weight of it all felt like it might make me sick.

Honestly, I just wanted a peaceful life, but now it seemed shattered. This was not a normal event; it was as if they were playing a game with people's lives. Rich people thought they could do anything with their money.

"If the woman chooses not to fulfill her responsibility, she's required to pay triple the amount that the man paid to match them," he explained, and I gasped, realizing the full extent of it all.

"So, what? You're telling me that I have to spend time with you just because you paid for it?" My frustration was evident in my expression.

Alex's eyes met mine "I don't want you to think of it that way, Isabella. I genuinely want to get to know you, and I'm not trying to force anything. But I also don't want you to have to bear the financial burden of the contract."

My shoulders slumped upon hearing all of this. A mix of anger and resignation settled within me. "This is so unfair."

"I know," Alex replied sympathetically. "I wish there was another way, but the rules are set."

I took a deep breath, locking eyes with him. In the first place, I didn't have a choice. If I refused, I would have to pay a hefty sum. Even though I didn't ask for the exact amount, I knew it would be substantial. I still couldn't fully grasp the nature of this game.

"Fine. I'll honor the contract, but don't expect me to pretend that everything's fine."

Looking back, I realized that this event was only possible because someone wealthy organized it. I just hadn't realized it earlier when I heard the host's announcement during the event. I had assumed that the women were the ones choosing, and there was no force involved.

Alex nodded. "Thank you, Isabella. I promise to respect your feelings throughout this."

A ringing phone interrupted our conversation. I reached into my bag and answered the call. It was Shena.

"Can I excuse myself for a moment?" Alex nodded, so I got up and walked out of the restaurant.

"Hey! Where are you?" Shena asked.

"I'm at a restaurant near the university. Why?" I replied.

"What? Why are you there so late in the evening ?"

I scratched my head. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later."

"Okay, just come to my condo. You can stay over."

I didn't make any excuses because I had plans to stay there anyway. There were no classes tomorrow because it was a Saturday, and my job at the bar started in the afternoon.

"Sure, I'll message you when I get there," I said before ending the call.

I looked back at Alex inside the restaurant. I needed to find out more about him before I agreed to anything. Shena was the only person I could talk to about this, as her family was just as wealthy and wouldn't judge me.

Alex looked up at me and smiled when I approached the table and took my seat. I didn't return the smile because I was still confused about our situation.

"When do we start playing this kind of thing?" I asked directly. His eyebrows raised in response.

"Play? So you think this is a game?" He asked, his tone changing, and I could sense disappointment in his words.

"Yes. Is there something wrong with what I said?" I replied, and he probably noticed my irritation. He smiled again, but it was clearly fake. He was not happy.

Perhaps he thought I would immediately comply and be kind because we were matched, and he was the only one who knew about it. I, however, didn't even understand the setup of their games.

He sighed and stood up from his chair. "Let's end this discussion for now. I'll take you home."

"It's okay. I have somewhere to go," I replied. He glanced at me.

"Then, I'll take you there. It's getting late, and I don't want you traveling alone. I'm the one who invited you here in the first place." I stood up and turned away immediately.

"Fine. I don't want to argue anymore." I walked towards the door. He insisted, so I gave in. It was probably better to have him accompany me than to be alone, especially since Shena's condo was far from the university. My apartment was closer, but the bar where I worked was nearer to Shena's condo, and I had spare clothes with me.

When we arrived at Shena's condo, Alex and I didn't exchange a word throughout the entire journey. I had nothing to say to him, so this silence was probably for the best.

I had already removed my seatbelt when I finally looked at Alex in the driver's seat.

"Thank you," I said, and he glanced at me but didn't smile, just nodding. He suddenly became cold, and I hadn't expected that. I didn't want to ask because I was supposed to be the one acting cold towards him now, but it seemed like the roles had reversed. Maybe he was still thinking about what I had said? It was the truth, after all.

As I got out of his car and walked into the building, I still couldn't believe what Alex had revealed earlier, and our conversation kept playing in my mind.