
The Midnight Killer in another world

A young woman ends up fainting one day and ends up in a world were her family exist but the language is different and humans have superpowers. Why is she here? More importantly how do she get back home to her world, our world and time?

Coco_coco · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Not taking more than a couple of steps Abigail noted that her dress she was wearing was completely different then the one she had been wearing at the wedding. No longer was she in the nice baby blue dress that her mother had helped pick for her. No, what she found on herself was a very beautiful looking Victorian dress, dye in yellow. It was lovely but nothing she could have gotten for herself.

"What?" She whispered to herself. Wondering when they changed her and how she never noticed? She was a light sleeper. So how? And what human traffic dress people in modest outfits anyways?

Before she could dwell on the thought too much, Abigail heard footsteps and a conversation and knew the maid and guard were returning. Picking up the dress so as not to tip over it the seventeen year old quickly headed for the door.

Reaching the door, Abigail said a quick prayer to Jesus because she was a christian and turned the door knob. To her relief the door was actually open. She quickly pulled it open and stepped out.

The view that met her was one of surprise. For as far as the eyes could see she saw nothing but a forest. Confused but determined, Abegail stepped out of the room, closed the door behind her and frowned. She bit her lips as her large brown eyes took in the scene. A plan forming in her head.

If this was the backway then that meant there was a front. Maybe if she went around the building she could find the road leading into the town or city. It was not a great plan but it was a plan nonetheless. But first she had to hide. Since this was the only door out of the room the maid and guards were going to quickly figure out her location. She needed to find a place to hide until they disappeared so she could sneak back around to the front and maybe find the road and then hitchhike back home. It was not the most thought out plan but the best plan she could think of at the moment.

Looking around quickly at the area, Abigail made her choice of where to hide. Not far from the building were a bunch of flowers and bushes.The were a total of seven of these buses/ flowers areas. Choosing one bush area where a large quantity of yellow flowers were located she quickly hid behind it and lay down flat on the ground, her heart beating.

Not more than a few seconds later the door she had been standing in front of opened. Out stepped the maid and the guards yelling and screaming.

She kept quiet. The two strangers in an uproar began to move from one section of the area to another calling and calling. Abigail kept stay and waited, silently she prayed within her heart not to be found. Eventually the sounds of voices faded away yet she didn't leave her hiding place.

She was glad she had been smart enough to use the color of her dress to her advantage to hide away. Because not once did the two strangers who were calling after her noticed her in the brushes among the flowers. Why? Because she had tucked her head and arms into her dress then laid down behind the bushes. So now if anyone looked all they saw was yellow mixed with other yellows and green. No human arms and legs showing. Thus she was safe and sound. Or at least hoped so.

A couple of minutes later she heard the sound of the door she had come through closed. Waiting a couple of minutes more but not hearing any more sounds Abigail got up from her position and sat up. Tucking her head out of her dress along with her arms and legs, she frowned. Looking around to make sure she had not removed herself from her hiding place too quickly, Abigail began to plot her next course of action.

Seeing no one in sight and the door closed once more, Abigail began to take in the structure of the building and noted it was just a simple one story building that a family of five could have lived in our times. It looked a bit run down and was made of stones, something that was rare in America but not so much in other countries. Based on the fact the maid and guard were not speaking english and the building appearance and shape, Abigail took it she was more then likely somewhere in europe. Because they were the only ones who looked to build their houses western style and as bricks, spoke like the way the maid and guard did and had a human trafficking problem.

"Man, I can't believe my luck." Abigail whispered as she looked away from the building and began to sneak around to the front of the building like she planned. Only instead of being out in the open she decided to use the cover of the trees to hide her. "How did they even get me out of the country?"

"Did they drug me?" She whispered to herself. "Is that why i don't remember being moved?"

And if they did drug her. Did they do the same to the rest of the wedding party guess as well? Because the last thing she recalled was the wedding.

Pausing in her steps,Abigail shudders as the dark thoughts enter her mind. Were her parents and friends and relatives in the same situation as her? Was her baby sister just 12 in the same position as her? What kind of monster could do such a thing? But much more importantly why would anyone target her and the people she loved? They were just simple people, nobody important.

Resuming her steps, Abigail continued her plan of escape. No matter even if her family and friends were in trouble too she had to get help first then she would return back for them. As her little brother always liked to say put on your oxygen mask first like in the plane when it's crashing before helping another. I.e help yourself first.

Making it to the front of the building but staying hidden among the bushes and trees, the seventeen year old took in the surroundings. The building from what she could see looked like a nice family home, in front of it was what appeared to be those olden times carriage seen in those old movies and not far from it was a road leading towards what she could only guess was a town or a city. Smiling Abigail began to follow it , the road, while staying hidden away. Her hope was that at least someone who spoke english was around and thus could help her. Then she was going to return to see if her family and friends were stayed in that building like she feared.